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Imme van Gorp's Reviews > A ​Court of Silver Flames

A ​Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas
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|| 3.5 stars ||

Does this book have an actual plot? No. No, it does not. This was pure character-building and nothing else. The full 750 pages are filled with training, training and more training.
You’d think that would be incredibly dull, wouldn’t you? Well, somehow it wasn’t. Somehow I started to care deeply about Nesta and I was invested in seeing every single little step of her becoming stronger and happier. I liked watching her journey into becoming a warrior, but most of all, her healing journey into starting to love and accept herself for who she is.

“Forgiveness is not that easy.”
“Forgiveness is something we also grant ourselves. And I can talk to you until these mountains crumble around us, but if you don’t wish to be forgiven, if you don’t want to stop feeling this way … it won’t happen.” He cupped her cheek, calluses scraping across her overheated skin. “You don’t need to become some impossible ideal. You don’t need to become sweet and simpering. You can give everyone that I Will Slay My Enemies look — which is my favorite look, by the way. You can keep that sharpness I like so much, that boldness and fearlessness. I don’t want you to ever lose those things, to cage yourself.”
“But I still don’t know how to fix myself.”
“There’s nothing broken to be fixed,” he said fiercely. “You are helping yourself. Healing the parts of you that hurt too much — and perhaps hurt others, too.”

When it came to the romance between Cassian and Nesta I’m having mixed feelings. It’s weird because I truly loved both of them individually, but I didn’t really love them that much together. I mean, I did love how patient and forgiving Cassian could be with her, especially when he kept reaching out, time and time again, and never stopped caring for her so deeply.
However, I would have definitely preferred more emotional affection from them throughout the book instead of having all their interactions result in sex. There was simply way too much smut. The extreme amount of smut was the biggest difference from any other SJM books I have read, and it was not a good change for me.

I also know there are people who have complained about all the other side characters in this book and blame them for how they have supposedly treated Nesta badly, but I found almost all of them to be incredibly understandable in their actions. Furthermore, I actually think the development and forgiveness she found with some of them to be a really beautiful part of her journey.

Anyway, first of all, whoever is complaining about Feyre is actually insane, because she never did anything bad to Nesta, even though she would have been justified to do so after all Nesta said and did to her over the years. But no, Feyre always remained supportive and kind to her, despite Nesta pushing her away in a harsh and cold manner. I genuinely thought it was so nice to see Feyre never give up on her, which, in turn, made Nesta realise how grateful she is to have her as a sister and also how much she truly loves her. Seeing their sister bond heal after all that time was really lovely.

Stroking Feyre’s cold hand, Nesta spoke into the timeless, frozen room, “You loved me when no one else would. You never stopped. Even when I didn’t deserve it, you loved me, and fought for me, and …” Nesta looked at Feyre’s face, Death a breath away from claiming it. She didn’t stop the tears that ran down her cheeks as she squeezed Feyre’s slender hand tighter. “I love you, Feyre.”
She had never said the words aloud. To anyone.
“I love you,” Nesta whispered again. “I love you.”

There’s also not a single bad thing that could be said about Azriel. He never judged Nesta or tried to punish her in any way. Instead, he continually offered his silent support and allegiance while being surprisingly sweet and gentle to her.
Mor, as well, never actually did anything bad to Nesta. She wasn't particularly warm or loving, but I don't think she needed to be.
Now, Rhys was harsh, I agree, but he also never actually did anything bad to Nesta. He judged her, yes, but why shouldn’t he, based on her actions and attitude? Besides, his protectiveness and love for Feyre made any dislike he had towards Nesta completely valid for me; I would lash out as well towards those who hurt the ones I love, and he actually did that surprisingly little.

The only characters I genuinely had an issue with, though, were Amren and Elain.
Amren was cruel and mean for no reason, and it actually pissed me off so much. Amren’s immense ego and narcissism were definitely bugging me here and for her to drop Nesta so quickly because of one little thing she said was just awful. With that, she showed that she is not someone who truly has your back or who you can count in.
Meanwhile, Elain was even worse. She was ungrateful and truly had no justification for her disdain towards her sister. Elain is actually the only person in the world who has no right to blame Nesta for anything, yet she treated Nesta the worst. She had no right to be so mean and dismissive to her when Nesta had always done anything for her, always stood by her side and defended her, willing to give up everything for her. Thus, for Elain to now be so cold and unloving towards Nesta when Nesta finally needed her most is unforgivable. Elain should have been there for her; should have shown more patience and understanding towards someone who was always her number one supporter. It made Elain appear very unsympathetic, disloyal and compassionless. And it was actually kind of satisfying to see Nesta realise how flawed her sister was.

Nesta glanced up the stairs past Feyre. Elain had again opted to remain in her room when Nesta was present, which was just fine. Absolutely, utterly fine. Elain could make her own choices. And had chosen to thoroughly shut the door on Nesta. Even as she fully embraced Feyre and her world. Nesta’s chest tightened, but she refused to think of it, acknowledge it. Elain was like a dog, loyal to whatever master kept her fed and in comfort.

Also, I’m not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not but I personally like the Valkyries more than the Inner Circle. Their friendship seemed a lot more genuine and less toxic to me. The Inner Circle always appeared to be bound through obligation and guilt more often than not, while the Valkyries truly bonded through common interests, shared experiences, love and genuine care. Gwyn and Emerie were the exact friends that Nesta deserved and needed, and Nesta was the best friend to them out of anyone in this whole series was to anyone.

Her friends regarded her curiously, and Nesta swallowed. “Let me make a wish for all of us,” she explained, gathering the three charms. A small gift — for the friends who had become like sisters.
A chosen family. Like the one Feyre had found for herself.
Nesta squeezed the charms in her palm, closing her eyes, and said: “I wish for us to have the courage to go out into the world when we are ready, but to always be able to find our way back to each other. No matter what.”

Also, it might sound insane but my favourite “character” in this whole book was the House of Wind! I swear, they were so supportive, precious and sweet! They were seriously the best kind of friend a girl can have <3
The only one who rivals the House’s spot for being my favourite would be Azriel. There’s something so insanely endearing and precious about him. He’s so broody and aloof, but also so sweet and gentle at the same time. His shy and thoughtful nature really made me love him so much.
Oddly enough, I also really like Eris. There’s something so mysterious and interesting about him.

All in all, I think this was an engaging book despite the lack of plot and I think that’s solely due to Nesta being a complex and intriguing character all on her own.

'A Court of Thorns and Roses' series:
1. A Court of Thorns and Roses - 3.5 stars
2. A Court of Mist and Fury - 3.0 stars
3. A Court of Wings and Ruin - 4.0 stars
4. A Court of Silver Flames - 3.5 stars

3.5. A Court of Frost and Starlight - 3.5 stars
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°❀⋆.lisa °❀⋆. (hiatus) stunning review ml 💗 love the descriptions and hearing your thoughts! I hope you next read is much better 💌

Imme van Gorp @lisa — thanks, babe!🤍 I liked this book well enough though, so I definitely wasn’t unsatisfied🙂

°❀⋆.lisa °❀⋆. (hiatus) imme definitely angel! I meant in retrospection to plot development I hoped your next read in the series is better than this one💗

Imme van Gorp @lisa — yea, I’m actually curious to see how the series will continue because I kind of feel like the plot from the original trilogy was over, and we didn’t really start a new plot here. Perhaps all the rest of the books will be more character-focused🤔

Arina Rosental You know, I absolutely agree on everything you said right there! I read Silver Flames before I started using Goodreads actively so I never wrote a review on it, but if I would have, it would have been all the points you made, basically!
I never got the hate Feyre got because come on… miss girl literally saved them all for years and years and Nesta was nothing but harsh to her all of the time..
Elaine… god, she’s so passive and just unnecessary… like come on, get a grip, stop being the way you are…
Az was really amazing in this one, you’re so right!
Also Cassian and Nesta together are not absolutely my favorite… I too think that they kind of lack a more emotional connection… maybe we will see more of them in the books to come 🤞🏻

Glad you had a good time with the book overall! Beautiful review!!💗

Imme van Gorp @Arina — ohh, I’m so happy to see someone who felt the same way I did!! I feel like there’s so many different opinions about all the characters and relationships in these books, so I’s pretty rare to find someone who thinks the exact same ahhaha🤣🩷 I’m definitely curious to see what the next book(s) will be like; I do hope we will see more of an emotional connection between Nesta and Cassian, since their relationship was way too sex-focused now, but I also hope that their story is done now. I think it’d be a little boring to have a whole other book about them, because I feel like Nesta has healed and forgiven herself, which was kinda the most important part of her story, and I’m not sure there’s much else to tell between them. I hope the next book will feature Azriel tbh💘

message 7: by Mel (new)

Mel I’m really hesitant to read this 😂
I’m kind of satisfied with the first 3 books and don’t care to continue but the hype makes me reconsider

aleksandra glad it was still a 3.5 stars read to you Imme!! I remember rating it higher but I would definitely rate it lower now if I read it again because I have the same thoughts as you and my taste has changed a lot in the last year. and I think the same as you about Azriel, he is just soooo 😩

Imme van Gorp @Mel — Honestly, the plot of the series is definitely just kind of done, I agree. The third book really felt like an ending for that. I guess that’s why this book really didn’t have much of a story, and it really only serves to develop Nesta’s character arc. So unless you’re actually intrigued by her character and want to follow her journey of overcoming trauma and self-loathing, I’d see why you wouldn’t be that interested in reading this

message 10: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @aleksandra — I’m happy to see we’re on the same page about this one😉 And yess, Azriel really is my number 1🫶🏻🫶🏻

Snjez Glad you ended up enjoying it, Imme! 💗 I've tried reading it, but with no luck. I love Cassian, but Nesta is insufferable. 😅 However, I'm rereading book 2 at the moment and I'm mostly listening to graphic audio - I've discovered it with book 1, and it's so good that I'm thinking I might give this book another try. If graphic audio can't save it for me, I'm giving up for good. 😂 I skimmed through your review, but I'm glad to see that you started to care for her in this one. Gives me hope. 😉 And I've always thought that Feyre was too good to her.

Kati *☆・゚ [a bit distracted atm] the plot really is going rather slow in this one but hell if I didn't enjoy the hell out of Nesta & Cass. 🥰

message 13: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @Snjez — Yea, I definitely learned to understand Nesta and I also saw how fiercely loyal and caring and loving she could be, which really made me appreciate her🫶🏻 She’s a complex character with plenty of flaws, but that kind of made her good parts more intense for me too! That said, I definitely agree with you that Feyre has always been too good to her! I never could have done the same if Nesta had treated me the way she had Feyre; but well, I guess that’s the difference between me and an insanely good, forgiving, pure and selfless creature like Feyre🤣🤣

message 14: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @Kati — Yea, for some reason I just didn’t mind that much that the plot was non-existent and the pacing as slow as possible LOL

message 15: by L Ann (new)

L Ann Since I haven't read any of these stories I can't really comment on much of what you've written, but I'm glad that, for the most part you've enjoyed the series. 700+ is a lot of pages for there to not be any substantial plot, so it really speaks to the quality of the overall story and how well these characters are written that you enjoyed it liked it so much.

Drache.... (Angelika) Awesome review, Imme. An "engaging book despite the lack of plot" and it has 750 pages.. wow. Never read anything by this author and 750 pages are definitely too long for me at the moment, but I'm really happy you enjoyed it!

message 17: by Krysta ꕤ (last edited Jul 10, 2024 08:09AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Krysta ꕤ i love Azriel so much!! 💙 that sucks you didn’t love Nesta & Cass together, i personally think they compliment eachother well. i also can’t stand Elain, so i agree with everything you said about her lol. the friendships between the women in here were one of my favorite parts too.. great review babe ✨

message 18: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @L Ann — Yea, although I do gotta admit that I think the book should have been shorter, I still didn’t feel bored at any time cus I was invested enough in the characters☺️

message 19: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @Angelika — I used to steer clear of longer books too, but now I just see it in my head as “two books in the same series turned into one book” and it suddenly doesn’t sound so daunting anymore LOL

message 20: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @Krysta — No, I do think Cassian and Nesta were good for each other, but I didn’t love seeing their relationship that much because so many of their scenes turned into sex, and I usually prefer more depth and emotional value in my romances😉 But yea, Azriel is the bestt and Elain sucked here :( I hope the latter will redeem herself for me in the next book🤞🏻💕

message 21: by lila ⋆ (new)

lila ⋆ the reason i've been putting off reading this book is partly what i've heard of the sex scenes because they do seem to be far too many, and i doubt i'll be invested in nessian as a couple if the main selling point is the smut lol. plus i've always disliked nesta from before so i wonder how i'll like her now 😂 i'm glad you enjoyed this despite everything though! the valkyries sound genuinely awesome and i get your point about how the inner circle are bonded more by debts than actual interests, the way it should be with friendship. amazing review imme! 🩵

message 22: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @lila — thanks, love💗 i totally get why you’re wary; i am extremely uninterested in smut (so i just skipped all those scenes lol), but i still found myself recognizing nessian to be a good fit. i really did want to see a more emotional connection on page, but i knew they were always there for each other and had a fierce loyalty. so i dunno, im not a big fan of their romance, but i do like them together, despite not all of their scenes being that great (especially when there was smut involved lol). for me, i think the main selling point of this book was Nesta’s character arc and her journey of finding self-love, so that should be something that interests you for you to find this an enjoyable book haha😉🥰

message 23: by Jayden (new)

Jayden H I decided to stop reading this series after ACOWAR because I saw people say that Rhys becomes evil and starts abusing nesta so I am so fucking glad that is not the case.

message 24: by liv ❁ (last edited Jul 10, 2024 04:09PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

liv ❁ We definitely have some differing opinions (very loud Rhys hater since book 2 and I know I'm in the minority there), but I completely agree with a few points, especially about Feyre. Funnily enough I actually didn't like Feyre until this book. And, for me, a lot of her strongest moments are specifically when she is interacting with Nesta. I also agree about Elain, but I can't tell if it's just because sjm has done a kind of bad job at developing her because her character is all over the place and also literally does nothing and somehow everyone in the inner circle forgot that she was just as bad as Nesta in book 1? They act like she's a baby and has no agency

message 25: by Mai (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mai Idc I love Nesta lol

message 26: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @Jayden — hahah oh god no, that’s definitely not the case at all. don’t worry😅❤️

message 27: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @liv — honestly, I don’t really care about Rhys one way or another. I know most people have very strong opinions about him where they either love him or hate him, but I just find him a little boring🫡 He’s a good guy and a good partner to Feyre, but his personality is a bit bland to me. Anyway, yea, I totally agree with you that Elain just seems to be a little badly written. I hated her just as much as Nesta in book 1 (totally don’t understand either why everyone in the Inner Circle just ignores her complicity in everything that happened before Feyre crossed the wall), but really started to like her a lot in the Winter Solstice novella, and now she was just awful again?? It’s like SJM can’t make up her mind about what to do with her character and therefore kinda has her do nothing while also having her switch personalities quite frequently💀🫣

message 28: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @mai — as you should😌💕

liv ❁ Imme wrote: "@liv — honestly, I don’t really care about Rhys one way or another. I know most people have very strong opinions about him where they either love him or hate him, but I just find him a little borin..."

SERIOUSLY! i think that's part of why i had such a problem with how nesta was treated by the inner circle because elain just didn't get the same treatment because everyone just acted like it wasn't elain's decision to be crappy to feyre for years? even though she was literally an adult. i almost hate the complicity more than nesta's outright aggression because at least nesta wasn't hiding? but yeah i think both nesta & elain suffered from sjm not really knowing where they were going/potentially a last minute decision to turn them into fae? but elain suffers the worst by far, i'm soooo glad az has a different love interest in the mix because i don't think i could read about them falling in love. i feel like sjm has just been using as a plot convenience and kind of makes her shitty or good depending on how it helps the plot? i agree that she was really good in the novella too, then all that seemingly went away. i get it's because of different povs, but the fact that elain wasn't able to realize (or didn't care) that nesta was the only one being thrown under the bus and had severe ptsd/was completely alone felt almost unforgiveable as her closest sister. i do agree that no one else really had any responsibility to be kind to/try to help nesta (except maybe amren because they were besties or something, but you covered amren perfectly so i'll not get into that) and the fact that feyre was the sister that stepped up and reached out after all nesta (and elain!) did to her made elain look so much worse

message 30: by Rain (new)

Rain I love this review! Who need plot when you have such wonderful character development 😊

message 31: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @liv — you’ve said it absolutely perfectly! I think my sole annoyance with the Inner Circle in this book was indeed the hypocrisy in blaming Nesta for something they excused Elain from! I understand they were wary of forgiving Nesta for all she put Feyre through, but theh should have been the same to Elain! Now, it was just inconsistent and therefore a bit mean!🙁 I do like that Azriel never ever judged Nesta, though, so at least his “crush” on Elain wasn’t hypocritical! I’m not sure who I want him to end up with if I’m being honest. I feel like the other books have definitely been working up towards him and Elain, but I personally like Gwyn more so I wouldn’t mind them being endgame either. I dunno, I haven’t really decided about that🤔

message 32: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @Rain — hahahha true I guess😂🩶

message 33: by SK (new) - rated it 5 stars

SK I love Nesta's growth so much 🥹🥹 Cas being so supportive was everything to see. You're so right about the House tho 😂 Also, not to be that girl but Az is my mate 👀🤭😂

message 34: by Madigan Likes to Read (last edited Jul 13, 2024 12:18PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Madigan Likes to Read Also, it might sound insane but my favourite “character” in this whole book was the House of Wind! I swear, they were so supportive, precious and sweet! They were seriously the best kind of friend a girl can have.

Dude, same! One thing I loved in particular was how Nesta unapologetically read romance books, and how the house fully supported her in that. I've got so many books on my TBR, I would love for a friend like the house to push me toward the book that would be exactly right for my mood.

message 35: by allison ☆ (new)

allison ☆ I am happy you liked the characters. It does suck that their relationship was mostly smut though. I only read the first two books and I don't think I liked Nesta that much so it’s good that she was able to have growth.

message 36: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @SK — Nesta’s growth was so beautifully done; I really loved to see that!!🥰 Cas was definitely the support she needed, but I feel like the House gave her the full love she deserved😉 Az will always be favvv <33

message 37: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @Madigan — The House was an ICON and I stan it sooo much😂🩷

message 38: by Imme (new) - rated it 4 stars

Imme van Gorp @allison — Yea I didn’t like her in those books either. Flat-out despised her, actually. She grew on me in book 3, but then hated her again in the novella. With this book she made a full recovery once more, though🩵

message 39: by A (new)

A Mac I'm so glad to see that you actually enjoyed this one, but I can definitely say that 750 pages of training is not something that sounds exciting at all! Wonderful review, Imme!

message 40: by Nazanin (new)

Nazanin Awesome review! 💜

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