We got a widespread illness, quarantine zones, snow storms and zombie like creatures. It's a winning combination. This has been my favorite CJ Tudor bWe got a widespread illness, quarantine zones, snow storms and zombie like creatures. It's a winning combination. This has been my favorite CJ Tudor book so far, she writes settings very well and I enjoyed the snowy woods and blizzards she had going here. [image] The Drift has 3 separate storylines that we know will converge at some point, the characters are interesting and the mysterious plot keeps you very invested. Admittedly the twist was a shrug, it was cool it wasn't a bombshell, it also does not take away from the conclusion. Excellent thriller!...more
This was a different twist on zombies, but I liked the originality. There were some horndog moments, but also lots of zombie chases and tense situatioThis was a different twist on zombies, but I liked the originality. There were some horndog moments, but also lots of zombie chases and tense situations. Warning a fair amount of gore and unsettling scenes, which if we have established zombies and gore and I am using the word "unsettling" you can bet your butt it's pretty bad scenes. ...more
This is a beautifully written book, with pretty words and elegant structure, but y'all this is a zombie book. New York is a over run by the undead, thThis is a beautifully written book, with pretty words and elegant structure, but y'all this is a zombie book. New York is a over run by the undead, there are solders that are clearing the areas, but there are still zombies running a muck, you never never know what is around the corner. This was BORING. How does that happen?? [image] For me I did not think a zombie book could be this boring but here we are. Again this is beautifully written, but it was more about vocabulary then the escape from the undead. No passion, no fire. I wished I DNF'd, I also wish I had not bought it...more
Dear Paul Tremblay, [image] This was beyond excellent and terrifying, I definitely think it was scarier due to the current climate of Covid 19, but evenDear Paul Tremblay, [image] This was beyond excellent and terrifying, I definitely think it was scarier due to the current climate of Covid 19, but even without the full force of a pandemic surrounding me this was a tense emotional read. In a matter of weeks, Massachusetts has been overrun by an insidious rabies-like virus that is spread by saliva. But unlike rabies, the disease has a terrifyingly short incubation period of an hour or less. Those infected quickly lose their minds and are driven to bite and infect as many others as they can before they inevitably succumb. Hospitals are inundated with the sick and dying, and hysteria has taken hold. It starts with one of our mains, Natalie, worrying about her husband at the grocery store because the lines have been crazy long due to this "weird virus", sound familiar???? Now this morphs away from our current situation pretty quickly when an infected person attacks and kills someone, but the similarities are always looming as the story goes on, government conspiracies and reddit boards, quarantine procedures, people completely disregarding those procedures and lack of preparedness. Survivor song is emotional I wept several times but I would never call it a sad book, but sad things happen, heartbreaking things. I could not put this book down, we had a severe wind storm here on Sunday and I hunkered down with my dogs and read while my family played video games and we had the fireplace pumping, legit perfect day....more
3.5 Stars. [image] This is my third Jennifer McMahon, I have read The Invited and the Night Sister as well, I liked this one best. But they are all the3.5 Stars. [image] This is my third Jennifer McMahon, I have read The Invited and the Night Sister as well, I liked this one best. But they are all the same formulas woman in the past and 2 woman in the present POV. This was interesting and a few tense moments, Ruthie and Fawn were likable characters from the start and I enjoyed her relationship with Buzz, Katherine was a snooze fest but you can't win them all....more
This was my absolute Favourite book of 2019, I loved everything about it! Red is smart, funny and a bit prickly so we adore her. She is a bi-racial amThis was my absolute Favourite book of 2019, I loved everything about it! Red is smart, funny and a bit prickly so we adore her. She is a bi-racial amputee who seems to always be one of the smartest people in the room and even when she is not she assumes she is right and will fight to get do things her way. Her name is Cordelia but goes by Red due to the red hoody she wears every day. Our Red is a fighter emotionally and physically. There is a disease, that is killing everyone and she just wants her family to make the sound and smart decision to travel to her grandmothers house in the woods where they will be safe and it is a hard sell and nothing goes to plan. Her frustration with her family is so much more then her actual frustration with the state of the world. Which I think we can all identify with a bit. I could not imagine trying to get my lot to agree what is safe, I also HATE to be told I told you so I have a lot less conviction then Red. The idea of being wrong to me is abhorrent. [image] I will not put myself out there. But our Red does and she never waivers from what knows to be right. Also that cover is FIRE! Gorgeous non?...more
This was really good, there have been so many positive reviews that there is no way I could do it more justice then other people on Goodreads already This was really good, there have been so many positive reviews that there is no way I could do it more justice then other people on Goodreads already have. Now I may been the only one who thought the movie Constantine was BADASS
But I was expecting somthing more like that with all the scripture business and all the badassery that Tilda Swinton (who knew?) and Keanu could bring, but maybe in the next installment we will deal with more of that, that would be awesome. What was surprising was the last quarter of this book creeped the ever loving shit out of me and still bothers me days later. Like I double checked the locks and shutters to protect us if the angels do decide to start stealing children.
People said Anna Dressed in Blood was scary? Umm what went down in the incubator/aquarium room was really just
Maybe not that much, but there was a bit where I needed to take a few breaths. Good lord it was like everything that could go wrong went wrong there in that wing, getting goosebumps just thinking about it...
This is my first audio book experience, and it was awesome. So many actors voice the numerous characters being interviewed by Max. John Turtorro, AlanThis is my first audio book experience, and it was awesome. So many actors voice the numerous characters being interviewed by Max. John Turtorro, Alan Alda, Henry Rollins, Carl and Rob Reiner and many more. It never drags, I will tell you that much, when you get a new actor you also get a new view of the zombie war and usually a new setting, Mark Hamill and Henry Rollins are badasses in this and I found John Turtorro adorable with his character's Cuban pride that was a little contagious.I was like "thats right Cuba own that shit". I enjoyed how legitimate it sounded, how much information was being given without it feeling like an info dump. Would totally recommend to any zombie/survival enthusiast. I think the movie will be exciting and less scary for me then normal zombie films(Dawn of the dead,28 days later, terrifying!)due to the fact that these people have survived. SIDENOTE: Brad Pitt is in the film version,just sayin. ...more
This is cute and sort of funny but my 5 year old was like no way. I think that if it wasn't about Mummy and about the fact that you can't stay with MuThis is cute and sort of funny but my 5 year old was like no way. I think that if it wasn't about Mummy and about the fact that you can't stay with Mummy he would have enjoyed it more. But I am not the asshole (my brother) who got it for him nor am I the one who read (half of it) to him. Here is where Ronan (my 5 year old) eyes got wide
"When her voice sounds just like Daddy's snore, that's not your Mommy anymore"
I pulled a Liz Lemon and was all "Shut it down!"
The reason my brother got this was that zombies and Ronan are sort of joke to him. Queue Jessi story: You might this shocking but I am not religious....I'll let you collect yourself from that bombshell.
Anyway this past Easter when Ronan was at daycare he asked about the Easter story. Now his daycare provider is religious, this is not a bombshell as the amount of crucifixes hanging on the walls of just the entryway number at least 4(in just the entryway!) so she tells him the story about Jesus' resurrection and of course Ronan says"Whoa was Jesus a zombie? cause my Mum says you want no part of zombies" Blasphemous? Not really, but she was a little rattled by it. In the end when the story was relayed to me Ronan piped up to say that he was still unclear about the rabbit and the eggs, which I am unclear as well, clearly a case for google. Anyway my brother felt this was the funniest thing Ronan had said in some time. When I was upset about him and the book he said he was teaching him the valuable lesson that you have to be bit by another Zombie to become a zombie and as far as he knows that did not occur in the bible. Unhelpful.
I think 7 year olds and up may find this more fun and get that its a joke, but judge yourself. ...more
WOWZERS!! This was really amazing, I don't know, apparently I do not give Zombie books enough credit because this was not what I was expecting. The laWOWZERS!! This was really amazing, I don't know, apparently I do not give Zombie books enough credit because this was not what I was expecting. The language was fantastic, Temple as the flawed hero who would never in a million years ever get how brave she is,just a stunning character and I could not put this down because I needed to know what happened to her next, read it in one day, quick read so so so good. Perfect for Halloween or anytime ever. ...more
So here was an awesome premise, a great idea that could have been a great story,but the way it was exectuted ...nope. I just did not connect with any So here was an awesome premise, a great idea that could have been a great story,but the way it was exectuted ...nope. I just did not connect with any of the characters at all I think this autor just needs a "do-over" and rework this baby.
The POV may be the first problem, Mary is telling the story,she lives n a village that is surrounded by a fence,that is surronded by a forest,the Forest of Hands and Teeth.The forest is full of zombies and the town trys to not think about them, and go on with life. Mary's thoughts are confusing and fast pased.Its like machine gun bursts of emotion and feelings. I found it hard to follow, and frustrating. I really never got to know any of the characters, even Marys voice telling the story I did not get this chick..at all. I assume there is a sequel, if it gets rav reviews I might read it, but this just fell flat for me....more
For reals no one said this would be sad, well ok Jo did in her review but I did not read that until after finishing this so I WAS UNPREPARED and thus…For reals no one said this would be sad, well ok Jo did in her review but I did not read that until after finishing this so I WAS UNPREPARED and thus…
That’s right blubbering llama.
I liked Feed, but not the way I thought I would. It was not a “can’t put it down situation”. I think the second half or at least the last quarter was significantly superior then the beginning. First half 2.5 stars, last half 4 stars so we will make it an even 3 Stars.
But the atmosphere in this is intense. Basically everyone has a virus and if you die even of natural causes you turn into a zombie. Oh and Daryl from Walking Dead is not there to save them with badassery.
Could this get any worse? Oh yes, yes it can. Animals over 40 lbs can turn into zombies too! What the what? Do we not have enough trouble we have to worry about the Golden Dooodles too?
You see? Stressful. ...more
So The First Days is a fast paced zombie thriller where the two lead characters are women,running for their lives from very fast and unexplained zombiSo The First Days is a fast paced zombie thriller where the two lead characters are women,running for their lives from very fast and unexplained zombies. The unexplained Zombie is nothing new, a lot of Zombie films are the same,one morning you wake up and an undead person is in your house and if you get bit you will be a zombie,so I will not bitch about how did this happen? and no background and such as this was the girls story and they are cut off from any real news,so we should not know or have any idea whats coming next which kind of works for the suspense of it all.
The writing is a little clumsey and at some points my eyes may have been a rolling. Katie and Jenni(Jenni with an "i") are the main characters, and well....Jenni is um...stupid really freaking stupid and immature. She is a wife and mother of 2 and a step mother of a teen son. 3 days after her children are brutally turned into zombies she gets all gushy over a guy and jealous that he is not paying enough attention to her, gets all flirty while the zombies are moaning and screaming in the background. What? If this was handled in a different way, a new relationship for the girls or a way to deal with whats going on but no, it was so heavy handed and as a woman I was a little insulted. Half of what Jenni did and said was insulting to myself and woman everywhere,alright maybe 40%, but still not good.
Another quick gripe: The lines "Jenni giggled" are in here like 40 times,all the women in this book giggle, only giggle there is no other way it is described the author could use other words eg.laughed,chuckled and snickered, but nope only giggle...gross.
If you want to read somthing about Zombies chasing and eating people with no care to story development ,then this is the book for you as much as things bugged me about it I enjoyed it and finished it pretty quick.Its just like a horror movie there are glaring issues but you chose it not an oscar winning film for a reason. ...more
I have never done steampunk before and I don’t know if I will ever go back there again, it seemed a bit grimey.
No not that “Grimey” More I have never done steampunk before and I don’t know if I will ever go back there again, it seemed a bit grimey.
No not that “Grimey” More like this
With all the pollution, dirt and I did not quite get the rules of fashion either. Do the ladies wear pants or gowns? Is Mina a rule breaker for wearing pants ??? Did everything have ruffles? Anyways there were zombies, airships/balloons and Krakens why the Hell am I asking about ruffles?? These components make for a very interesting and exciting romance novel. I liked Mina at the start of this by the end I was a bit conflicted, her sex issues seemed a bit contrived. Like “we want her to be damaged …but not too damaged” kind of thing. It also seemed to not be clear on what set Mina apart from everyone else, what was different about her appearance? Now I am still new to the KOBO situation and sometimes miss pages but I did not get it (jade?) and went back searching a few times to no avail.
Other then these small issues it was a very exciting adventure and super fun!
This image is the exact opposite of everything that occurs in The Iron Duke. ...more