i don't have the energy to think of something funny to say about this book but to the reviewer who compared as instagram captions? sure. as poems? um.
i don't have the energy to think of something funny to say about this book but to the reviewer who compared this to hoobastank, hats off to you.
i am not the target audience for this book, i read it for a video. but i think of all the IG style poetry i've read this might be the worst. no real attempts at metaphor or imagery. just random observations or vaguely misogynistic ponderings. not for me....more
i'm never sure how to rate poetry/graphic novels/things that aren't books. for some reason they seem so much more intimathis was really nice, i think?
i'm never sure how to rate poetry/graphic novels/things that aren't books. for some reason they seem so much more intimate to the author that wrote them and it seems almost wrong to put a numeric rating to them.
anyway, i started this and was kind of rolling my eyes because as a few reviewers have said it seemed like someone just getting really keyboard happy with the 'enter' key. but about half way through it, I think more of the poems started to resonate with me. i definitely have jotted down a few quotes that i thought were brilliant. that being said, the overall self loathing/dramatic experiences that seemed to really characterize the book were something i couldn't quite relate to (thankfully) so in that way i'm not like "emotionally deceased" after reading this?
anyway, i think a lot of the poems could help a lot of people and will probably resonate deeply with some. it's worth a shot, only took me 20 minutes to read....more
this was pretty nice... but definitely not as life changing as it was made out to be.
i guess for me, i'm never really sure how these are supposed tothis was pretty nice... but definitely not as life changing as it was made out to be.
i guess for me, i'm never really sure how these are supposed to be read. it look me less than an hour to read all of this but i think this is supposed to be savored slowly? i can't be sure. lemme know how you read poetry.
what'd i like? i could relate to a fair amount of this content (unlike The Princess Saves Herself in This One) and I even copied down some of this for my favorite quotes list.
but there were some things i didn't like. it may just be this style of poetry/poetry in general but it was pretty damn dramatic and self indulgent in parts. and what really killed me was that there was so much about feminism but there were also poems that basically said "no girl will ever compare to me. you'll always think of me when you're with her," which felt very ironic given the content in the last section of this anthology. i'm not sure that i was IN LOVE with the tone of this. like i said, very quotable but as a whole seemed a tad MUCH.
that being said, i understand how intimate and personal poetry can be to the creator so i'm not trying to invalidate her experience. just wasn't all i had hoped it would be....more