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Quotes tagged as "1" Showing 1-30 of 77
Jeaniene Frost
“Kitten, you need to make a decision. Either we stay here and behave or we leave now and I promise you”—his voice dipped lower and the words fell against my lips—“if we leave, I won’t behave.”
Jeaniene Frost , Halfway to the Grave
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Scott Lynch
“I only steal because my dear old family needs the money to live!"
Locke Lamora made this proclamation with his wine glass held high; he and the other Gentleman Bastards were seated at the old witchwood table. . . . The others began to jeer.
"Liar!" they chorused
"I only steal because this wicked world won't let me work an honest trade!" Calo cried, hoisting his own glass.
"I only steal," said Jean, "because I've temporarily fallen in with bad company."
At last the ritual came to Bug; the boy raised his glass a bit shakily and yelled, "I only steal because it's heaps of fucking fun!"
Scott Lynch, The Lies of Locke Lamora

Julie Kagawa
“It was fine and good to be defiant to the end, but it was better not to get caught in the first place.”
Julie Kagawa, The Immortal Rules

Shirley Hughes
“Waddya want me to do? through my sling shot at him?”

Stephen        King
“Do you believe in an afterlife?" the gunslinger asked him as Brown dropped three ears of hot corn onto his plate.

Brown nodded. "I think this is it.”
Stephen King

“We must change life,' the poet [Rimbaud] had written, and so the Situationists set out to transform everyday life in the modern world through a comprehensive program that included above all else the construction of 'situations' -- defined in 1958 as moments of life 'concretely and deliberately constructed by the collective organization of a unitary ambiance and a play of events' -- but that also necessary entailed the supersession of philosophy, the realization of art, the abolition of politics, and the fall of the 'spectacle-commodity economy.”
Tom McDonough, The Situationists and the City: A Reader

Ashfaq Ahmed
“shut the door behind u...........”
ishfaq ahmad
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Kahlil Gibran
“این داستان من است برای هر کسی که دوست دارد بداند چگونه دیوانه شدم :
در روزهای بسیار دور و پیش از آنکه بسیاری از خدایان متولد شوند، از خواب عمیقی بر خواستم
و در یافتم که همه نقابهایم دزدیده شده است
آن هفت نقابی که خود بافته بودم و در هفت دوره زندگانی بر روی زمین بر چهره زدم .
لذا بی هیچ نقابی در خیابان های شلوغ شروع به دویدن کردم و فریاد زدم:
دزدها ! دزدها! دزدهای لعنتی !
مردها و زنها به من خندیدند و برخی از آنان نیز به وحشت افتادند و به سوی خانه هایشان گریختند.
چون به میدان شهر رسیدم، ناگهان جوانی که بر بام یکی از خانه ها ایستاده بود فریاد بر آورد :
ای مردم ! این مرد دیوانه است !
سرم را بالا بردم تا او را ببینم اما خورشید برای نخستین بار بر چهره بی نقابم بوسه زد و این برای
نخستین بار بود که خورشید چهره بی نقاب مرا بوسید ، پس جانم در محبت خورشید ملتهب شد
و دریافتم که دیگر نیازی به نقابهایم ندارم و گویی در حالت بی هوشی فریاد بر آوردم و گفتم :
مبارک باد ! مبارک باد آن دزدانی که نقابهایم را دزدیدند!
این چنین بود که دیوانه شدم اما آزادی و نجات را در این دیوانگی با هم یافتم :
آزادی در تنهایی و نجات از اینکه مردم از ذات من آگاهی یابند زیرا آنان که از ذات و درون ما آگاه شوند،
می کوشند تا ما را به بندگی کشند امانباید برای نجاتم بسیار مفتخر شوم زیرا دزد اگر بخواهد از
دزدان دیگر امنیت یابد باید در زندان باشد !ا”
جبران خليل جبران
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Richie Norton
“Believing there is a bridge from where you are to where you want to go is 99% of the battle. The other 1% is to cross it.”
Richie Norton

“I live in a world in which 40 men control wealth equal to that of nearly 80 countries, where to maintain their hegemony, countless acts of mayhem and massacre must occur every day. This is the reality that forms and reforms my days as it does those of all people on this hapless planet. I do not think any more that writing - mine or another's - can change the world. Perhaps in their small way, writers can answer for those who are voiceless in their extreme deprivation and suffering, but at best, in the very smallest scheme, writing can provide a moment of grace, both for her who writes and him who reads, in a very dark world.”
Cecile Pineda, Frieze

Nicola Claire
“You may not be aware, ma douce, but not all vampyre have a kindred, some will live out their existence without such beauty in their lives. I have waited five hundred years for you.”
Nicola Claire

يوسف زيدان
“ولعل البدايات كما كان أستاذي القديم سوريانوس يقول: ما هي إلا محضُ أوهامٍ نعتقدها, فالبداية والنهاية, إنما تكونان فقط في الخط المستقيم,ولا خطوط مستقيمة إلا في أوهامنا, أو في الوريقات التي نسطر فيها ما نتوهمه. أما في الحياة وفي الكون كله, فكل شيء دائري يعود إلى ما منه بدأ, ويتداخل مع ما به اتصل. فليس ثمة بداية ولا نهاية على الحقيقة, وما ثم إلا التداخل الذي لا ينقطع, فل ينقطع في الكون الاتصال, ولا ينفصم التداخل, ولا يكف التفريع, ولا الملء ولا التفريغ.”
يوسف زيدان, عزازيل
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Ayu Utami
“Orang-orang berbicara tentang segala yang tumbuh, yang ditanam maupun liar, seolah mengenal mereka lebih daripada pokok-pokok itu sendiri mengenal dingin dan matahari, ataupun hangat bumi. Namun binatang tidak menghafal pohon-pohon karena namanya, seperti seekor induk atau sepasang tidak mengenal tetasannya atau susuannya dengan nama. Mereka mengenal tanpa batas.”
Ayu Utami, Saman

R.L. Stine
“Was it it possible that I thought a pile of clothes was a smiling girl?’ - Amanda Benson”
R.L. Stine, Welcome to Dead House

C.C. Wyatt
“Yearns creep upon the mandarin glow dipping into the horizon, bound to incarnate all the sleepy heads awakening around the globe.”
C.C. Wyatt

Deyth Banger
“1 day left, today 16 years old tomorrow 17 years old... Just one DAY!”
Deyth Banger
tags: 1, 16, birthday, day, left

Deyth Banger
“Tactics and Checkmate in 1 move, show me some interesting stuff about chess... so far I can say that I see the chessboard different.”
Deyth Banger

“99% of the people you will meet are nice reasonable people and unfortunately 1% are assholes . . . the trick is . . . is to not spend 99% of your time on the 1%”
Kevin Kolenda

“Biz Çanakkale'ye gittiğimiz zaman, henüz Anafartalar muharebeleri olmamıştı. Mustafa Kemal yarbaydı. Fakat, ilk kahramanlığını göstermiş, Seddülbahir'in şimalinde ve Anafartalar'ın cenubunda İngilizlere ilk zapartayı atmış ve onları Arıburnu'nda dar bir yere mıhlamıştı.
Arıburnu kumandanı Yanyalı Vehip Paşa'nın ağabeyi Esat Paşa idi. Arıburnu'na geldik. Orayı gezerken birdenbire İngilizlerin bir yaylım ateşi, yâni bombardımanı ve aynı zamanda kulağımıza bir de mızıka sesi geldi.
Esat Paşa'ya sordum:
-Paşam bu ne? Mızıka başladı, İngilizlerde de yaylım ateş?
Cevap verdi:
-Dikkat edin, bütün mermiler, şu üst tarafımızdaki Cesaret Tepesi'ne müteveccihtir. Her gün öğle zamanı oldu mu, oranın Fırka Kumandanı Mustafa Kemal, askerine bando ile yemek yedirir ve İngilizlerin, kıyıya dar bir yere mıhladığı için, mızıka sesini duyan gemileri, Mustafa Kemal'e ateşle cevap verirler. Yemek bitince bando kesilir, İngilizler de, sırf hiddetlerinden açtıkları ateşe nihayet verirler.”
Ali Canip Yöntem

Petra Hermans
“Misschien, had men, mij, de moeite als de tol van het hele "Oneindige Verhaal" willen doen ontnemen. Het is 1 verhaal.”
Petra Hermans
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River Jaymes
“Topping is like the Sky Rocket of roller-coasters, but bottoming is like a wild ride on the Screamin’ Demon Express. I promise, you’ll love it.”
River Jaymes
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“etst PC”
Кузнецов Володимир
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“Capitalism sells you “happiness”. It wants to convert you into “happiness machines”. It also sells you anxiety. If you don’t buy what they are selling, you will ipso facto be unhappy, they claim. Capitalism is all about the Engineering of Consent. You are seduced into submitting to capitalist hegemony, to accepting cultural capitalism. You have an entirely false consciousness manufactured for you by capitalism, to serve capitalist interests, which are always those of the elite 1% that run the capitalist world. Wake up!”
Joe Dixon, The Ownership Wars: Who Owns You?

Michael Faust
“Meritocracy is based on the absolute destruction of the rigged race of life, via the introduction of 100% inheritance tax, i.e. an overwhelming advantage can no longer be passed on by rich parents to their children. All children, no matter the wealth of their parents, must begin at the same starting line as everyone else. No parent can rig the race. The 1% can no longer dictate the outcome of the race”
Michael Faust, The Case for Meritocracy

“National capitalism is the ultimate expression of community capitalism. The whole nation is regarded as the community to be served by capitalism. Capitalism is for everyone, not for the 1%. Laissez-faire capitalism, i.e. predatory free-market capitalism, is external to democracy and the elected government. It is run by and for the private elite, the 1%. The 99% are left to rot. National capitalism reverses this. It’s all about serving the 99%. The 99% always come first. Under national capitalism, the interests of the 1% are no priority whatsoever. This is therefore the opposite of the situation that pertains today.”
Tom Strabo, National Capitalism: How to Save America

“It's true in America you have a capitalist right to accumulate wealth.
But that does not mean you have a right to be a cumulative corporate capitalist asshole who lives to down-trot the poor and middle-class in America.
The moral of this story #VoteProgressive”

John Arthur
“Be a friend on whose chest your friends could freely lay their heads, whose shoulders they could joyfully stand, and in whose presence they could happily run to.”
John Arthur

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“Everyone produces and owns garbage. Remember that you shall be judged according to the verdict you deliver, and you shall be measured according to the standard you employ.

Read Matthew 7:1-5”
Anita Battle

“Your character must evidently change from sinfulness to godliness if you repented. It is not turning from sin but to God.”
Ademola Adejumo, Weapon
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