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Wedlock Quotes

Quotes tagged as "wedlock" Showing 1-9 of 9
Héloïse d'Argenteuil
“[I]t is not by being richer or more powerful that a man becomes better; one is a matter of fortune, the other of virtue. Nor should she deem herself other than venal who weds a rich man rather than a poor, and desires more things in her husband than himself. Assuredly, whomsoever this concupiscence leads into marriage deserves payment rather than affection.”
Héloïse, The Letters of Abélard and Héloïse

Christine de Pizan
“How many women are there ... who because of their husbands' harshness spend their weary lives in the bond of marriage in greater suffering than if they were slaves among the Saracens?”
Christine de Pizan, The Book of the City of Ladies

Antonia Fraser
“[In 16th century European society] Marriage was the triumphal arch through which women, almost without exception, had to pass in order to reach the public eye. And after marriage followed, in theory, the total self-abnegation of the woman.”
Antonia Fraser, The Wives of Henry VIII

Héloïse d'Argenteuil
“[I]f the name of wife appears more sacred and more valid, sweeter to me is ever the word friend, or, if thou be not ashamed, concubine ... And thou thyself wert not wholly unmindful of that ... [as in the narrative of thy misfortunes] thou hast not disdained to set forth sundry reasons by which I tried to dissuade thee from our marriage, from an ill-starred bed; but wert silent as to many, in which I preferred love to wedlock, freedom to a bond. I call God to witness, if Augustus, ruling over the whole world, were to deem me worthy of the honour of marriage, and to confirm the whole world to me, to be ruled by me forever, dearer to me and of greater dignity would it seem to be called thy concubine than his empress.”
Héloïse, The Letters of Abélard and Héloïse

Antonia Fraser
“It was a fact generally acknowledged by all but the most contumacious spirits at the beginning of the seventeenth century that woman was the weaker vessel; weaker than man, that is. ... That was the way God had arranged Creation, sanctified in the words of the Apostle. ... Under the common law of England at the accession of King James I, no female had any rights at all (if some were allowed by custom). As an unmarried woman her rights were swallowed up in her father's, and she was his to dispose of in marriage at will. Once she was married her property became absolutely that of her husband. What of those who did not marry? Common law met that problem blandly by not recognizing it. In the words of The Lawes Resolutions [the leading 17th century compendium on women's legal status]: 'All of them are understood either married or to be married.' In 1603 England, in short, still lived in a world governed by feudal law, where a wife passed from the guardianship of her father to her husband; her husband also stood in relation to her as a feudal lord.”
Antonia Fraser, The Weaker Vessel

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“You cannot really get married by mistake. You can only marry the wrong person.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Raheel Farooq
“Men marry. Women wed.”
Raheel Farooq

Holly Black
“Better to take consorts,' Locke says. 'Lots and lots of consorts.'

'Spoken like a man about to enter wedlock,' Cardan reminds him.”
Holly Black, The Wicked King

Vincent Okay Nwachukwu
“Incompatibility is a misnomer in divorce. No human replicates another. How come they were compatible from dating to wedding only to become incompatibility in wedlock? Weird! Two adult bodies clinging to the emotions and reasonings of babes; ironically, that's what they call each other.”
Vincent Okay Nwachukwu
