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Tumor Quotes

Quotes tagged as "tumor" Showing 1-27 of 27
Christopher Moore
“Love needs room to grow. Like a rose. Or a tumor.”
Christopher Moore, Fool

Randy Pausch
“Please don't die.”
Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture

John Green
“This is your war now.' I despised myself for the cheesy sentiment, but what else did I have?
'Some war,' he said dismissively. 'What am I at war with? My cancer. And what is my cancer? My cancer is me. The tumors are made of me. They're made of me as surely as my brain and my heart are made of me. It is a civil war, Hazel Graze, with a predetermined winner.”
John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

Siddhartha Mukherjee
“It is hard to look at the tumor and not come away with the feeling that one has encountered a powerful monster in its infancy”
Siddhartha Mukherjee

“The late Alan Gregg pointed out that human population growth within the ecosystem was closely analogous to the growth of malignant tumor cells within an organism: that man was acting like a cancer on the biosphere. The multiplication of human numbers certainly seems wild and uncontrolled… Four million a month—the equivalent of the population of Chicago… We seem to be doing all right at the moment; but if you could ask cancer cells, I suspect they would think they were doing fine. But when the organism dies, so do they; and for our own, selfish, practical... reasons, I think we should be careful about how we influence the rest of the ecosystem.”
Marston Bates

Max Barry
“Over time, there would be less and less of him and more of the tumor. His brain was being eaten by God.

He left the clinic in fine spirits. He had no intention of removing the tumor. It was the perfect solution to his dilemma: how to feed his body's desire for intimacy. He was delusional, of course. There was no higher presence filling him with love, connecting him to all things. It only felt that way. But that was fine. That was ideal. He would not have trusted a God outside his head.”
Max Barry, Lexicon

Aleksandar Hemon
“we wept within the moment that was dividing our life into before and after, whereby the before was forever foreclosed, while the after was spreading out, like an exploding twinkle-star, into a dark universe of pain.”
Aleksandar Hemon, The Book of My Lives

Danielle Esplin
“It’s as if everyone got cancer the day I was diagnosed, except I’m their tumor.”
Danielle Esplin, Give It Back

Steven Magee
“Dying from an aggressive fatal brain tumor is like dying from Alzheimer's disease accelerated one hundred times.”
Steven Magee

Do temor ao tumor tudo treme; e estremece.
“Do temor ao tumor tudo treme; e estremece.”
Filipe Russo, Asfixia

Kim van Alkemade
“Built on the insubstantial foundation of our feelings, the life we had created together seemed a figment of our imaginations that dissolved into fairy dust in the face of something real, and deadly, like cancer.”
Kim van Alkemade, Orphan Number Eight

Thomm Quackenbush
“He had carte blanche to eat whatever he wanted. No amount of broccoli and vitamin D kills ten lung tumors and I know not how many brain tumors. Have the tiramisu.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Find What You Love and Let It Kill You

Cuspi um caroço seboso, mais um tumor venenoso que aquele ar gestara nas minhas entranhas.
“Cuspi um caroço seboso, mais um tumor venenoso que aquele ar gestara nas minhas entranhas.”
Filipe Russo, Asfixia

Tumores tumultuavam o teto.
“Tumores tumultuavam o teto.”
Filipe Russo, Asfixia

“Wenn der Krebs erst einmal voll ausgeprägt ist und schnell wächst, kann er, wie oben erwähnt, in Laboren weiterleben, selbst wenn er den Menschen, in dem er entstanden ist, schon längst getötet hat. Auf dem Weg dorthin setzt der wachsende Tumor immer wieder auf ganz geschickte Art und Weise die Technik der beschleunigten Alterung und der Unsterblichkeit ein, auch um es so dem Körper schwerzumachen, ihn zu besiegen.”
Karl Lauterbach, Die Krebs-Industrie

“Ein Tumor legt sich sein eigenes Blutversorgungssystem an, da er sonst ab einer gewissen Größe – schon ab zwei Millimetern – nicht genug Nährstoffe und Sauerstoff bekäme, um weiterwachsen zu können.”
Karl Lauterbach, Die Krebs-Industrie

“Die Metastasierung ist die gefährlichste Eigenschaft von Krebs, da neunzig Prozent der Krebstoten an den Folgen der Metastasen und nicht am primären Krebstumor gestorben sind.”
Karl Lauterbach, Die Krebs-Industrie

“Noch lange nach der letzten Zigarette können Lungentumore entstehen – erst nach zehn Jahren sinkt das Risiko deutlich.”
Karl Lauterbach, Die Krebs-Industrie

Ehsan Sehgal
“The collapse of the senses causes a tumor of jealousy.”
Ehsan Sehgal
tags: tumor

Steven Magee
“I found it strange that I had a large benign tumor on the tendon sheaths of the knee joint. As the tumor grows in the joint, it damages the surrounding bone and tissues if not removed promptly. I later researched the toxicity of very high altitude facilities and realized that I was working in a very abnormal biological environment that was clearly doing strange things to workers health.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The Internet was a great idea until it went wireless.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I associate night shift work with circadian rhythm disorders, extreme working hours and tumors.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Due to the progressing sickness that the doctors appeared not to understand, I could only hold a job for months before I would be laid off. My manager would slowly become aware that I had health issues. Chronic fatigue and mental confusion are hard to hide on a daily basis! I was working for older electrical engineering managers and they also appeared to have health issues. One was constantly taking vitamin energy drinks, another had a brain tumor removed in the past, another would open his desk drawer and there would be several bottles of prescription medications in there, and another had been wondering the streets in confused state a year earlier! Engineering staff I was supervising had unusual personalities and issues with progressing their work. Some appeared to have health issues comparable to my own. This was the reality of my “American Dream”.”
Steven Magee, Magee’s Disease

Steven Magee
“I have had a crazy life! It is amazing I am still alive!!!”
Steven Magee

Criss Jami
“Grief is a form of growth that in gradual excess becomes graphic and grotesque.”
Criss Jami

“A need to develop innovative strategies for prevention, and early detection of cancer & to develop resources that support cancer care to prevent, treat and control cancer”
Dr. Dinesh Kacha - Researcher

“Most cancers are named for where they start in the body. Many cancers form solid tumors, which are growths of tissue. But there are warning signs Fever, chills
Persistent fatigue, weakness
Bone/joint pain
Unexplained weight loss
Swollen lymph nodes, liver and spleen
Dr Dinesh Kacha
