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Sister Love Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sister-love" Showing 1-30 of 36
Jessica  Taylor
“Nobody could hold the same place in your heart as your sister. Love or hate her, she was the only person who grew up exactly like you, who knew the secrets of your household—the laughter that only the walls of your house contained or the screaming at a level low enough the neighbors couldn’t hear, the passive aggressive compliments or the little put-downs. Only your sister could know how it felt to grow up in the house that made you you.”
Jessica Taylor, A Map for Wrecked Girls

“You are blood. You are sisters. No man can break that bond.”
Kim Boykin, A Peach of a Pair

Lisa Wingate
“But the love of sisters needs no words. It does not depend on memories, or mementos, or proof. It runs as deep as a heartbeat. It is as ever present a s a pulse.”
Lisa Wingate, Before We Were Yours

“He sneered at his father. “He’ll live. I’m going after her.”
“What?” His sister stood up in front of her brother. “Fearghus, don’t. She’s angry. Very angry. She impaled your father . . . twice. Give her some time to calm down.”
G.A. Aiken, Dragon Actually

Nithin Purple
“The day arrived,when myriad teary rivers flow and the muted wind faintly died in his tears—an altar for the beloved one's departure,for sister-hood is no more,for her to adore!while pangs the beating world in a lamenting voice;their remembering loss of the 'one' they embrace most and when the crepuscule came like a phantom,the mournful,gathered birds swiftly flew in gloom.”
Nithin Purple, Venus and Crepuscule

Jennifer Saint
“I only hope that wherever we might go, as far away from here as it can be, that we go there together.”
Jennifer Saint, Ariadne

Jessica  Taylor
“I’d never told anyone the future I imagined for my sister and me, dreams that had been part of me as far back as I could remember, so long they’d grown roots and wings.”
Jessica Taylor

Jessica  Taylor
“Henri said our names were fitting because we were destined to be together in our old age, like our great-great-aunts. Two gray old ladies in the bodies of teenage girls. Someday we’d live in a big house with faded curtains, a dozen or so cats, and a handful of our marbles long ago lost. On all accounts—our destiny, her clairvoyance, and our soon-to-be missing marbles—I believed her.”
Jessica Taylor, A Map for Wrecked Girls

Erin  Forbes
“There is no place for secrets in sisterhood.”
Erin Forbes, Fire & Ice: The Kindred Woods

Theodora Goss
“Irene took a sip of coffee. “Ahhh!” she said, almost involuntarily. “I really, really needed that.” She turned back to Lucinda. “All right, tell me about your father. Your earthly father.”

“I have no father anymore,” said Lucinda. “He has sinned, grievously he has sinned. He has consorted with demons, and surely the Lord will send him down to perdition.”
“What the hell does that mean?” asked Diana.

“Hush,” said Mary. “You haven’t even finished what’s on your plate. Are you Diana, or some sort of doppelgänger? Because the Diana I know doesn’t leave food uneaten.”

“Go to hell,” said Diana, but she said it under her breath and stuffed her mouth with a poppy-seed roll.”
Theodora Goss, European Travel for the Monstrous Gentlewoman

Theodora Goss
DIANA: You never appreciate me, even when I’m being nice!

MARY: It was nice of you to defend me like that, Diana. I did appreciate it, you know. I do appreciate it, even now.

DIANA: Well, you’re my sister. I mean, you’re annoying, and you have a stick up your—Catherine doesn’t want me to say that word anymore—but you’re still my sister.

MRS. POOLE: That may be the most affectionate thing I’ve heard you say, Miss Scamp.

DIANA: Go back to your kitchen, you old (unprintable).”
Theodora Goss, European Travel for the Monstrous Gentlewoman

Susie Newman
“I miss our bedroom talks. I miss the nights when we'd stay awake for hours being silly. I miss Sunday mornings when I crawled into her bed, the two of us side by side, whispering dreams and secrets, our bare mosquito-bitten legs tangled in bedsheets, knobby knees pressed together as we curled around each other in laughter.”
Susie Newman, Eating Yellow Paint

“I inhale with the waves flooding the shore. They are easy. They are mine. I can feel my heartbeat slowing. Bea may be in Queens underground, but for now, she is here. We are little girls again, on this shore together. Just for a moment.”
E.L. Shen, The Queens of New York

Anie Michaels
“Oh really?”  Megan said while waggling her eyebrows.  “What skills are we talking about and which room are they useful in?”    Ella rolled her eyes at her little sister.  “Megan, you just single handedly set the women’s movement back twenty years.”    “Oh, Ella, on the contrary.  The women’s movement involves many theories of women taking back their sexual prowess in the bedroom as a way to challenge the dominant alpha male in the relationship.  Seeing women as sexual equals is a very relevant and useful tool for the advancement of the equality for women in all realms of society.”
Anie Michaels, Never Far Away

Anie Michaels
“Oh really?”  Megan said while waggling her eyebrows.  “What skills are we talking about and which room are they useful in?”   

Ella rolled her eyes at her little sister.  “Megan, you just single handedly set the women’s movement back twenty years.”   

“Oh, Ella, on the contrary.  The women’s movement involves many theories of women taking back their sexual prowess in the bedroom as a way to challenge the dominant alpha male in the relationship.  Seeing women as sexual equals is a very relevant and useful tool for the advancement of the equality for women in all realms of society.”
Anie Michaels, Never Far Away

Lilly Lindner
“Weißt du eigentlich, dass die besten zwei Sekunden in meinem Leben die sind, die du brauchst um in mein Zimmer gestürmt zu kommen und mir fünf Fragen hintereinander zu stellen, nur um anschließend gleich wieder zu verschwinden, weil dir plötzlich eingefallen ist, dass du vergessen hast, Fork seinen Hundeknochen zu geben?”
Lilly Lindner, Was fehlt, wenn ich verschwunden bin

Pranay Patil
“Some see her as peculiar because she is into girls, but I say screw that! Love is devotion. Yes, my sister is a lesbian, and I admire her to death.”
Pranay Patil, Burgundy Winters: in Europe

Sam   Hall
“OK, you need to work out who the hell made this and order one in every colour, because damn, sis. This Maddox fella's gonna have an embarrassing accident in his pants when he sees you," my sister enthused.”
Sam Hall, Fighting Monsters: Part One

Sam   Hall
“For the love of god, will you shut up?" I said, but without any real heat. For Australians, verbal abuse is our love language.”
Sam Hall, Fighting Monsters: Part One

Marie Lu
“You are not alone.” She tightens her embrace. “All my life, I 283 have tried to protect you.” And then I realize that all I ever wanted, kindness with no strings attached, had only ever come from Violetta. I do not know why I never saw it. In all this world, only she has done things for me, bad or good, with no thought of her own gain. We are sisters. Despite all we’ve been through, all that we have held against each other, we are sisters until death comes for us.”
Marie Lu, The Young Elites

Marie Lu
“You are not alone.” She tightens her embrace. “All my life, I have tried to protect you.” And then I realize that all I ever wanted, kindness with no strings attached, had only ever come from Violetta. I do not know why I never saw it. In all this world, only she has done things for me, bad or good, with no thought of her own gain. We are sisters. Despite all we’ve been through, all that we have held against each other, we are sisters until death comes for us.”
marie lu, The Young Elites

Fenna Edgewood
“When a man prepared to duel, he would bring a second. When Claire met with the Mortons, she would bring a sister.
Heaven help Charles Morton if he tried to cross them both.”
Fenna Edgewood, Mistakes Not to Make When Avoiding a Rake

Chandra Blumberg
“But now that you’ve let a man into your life, you might be regretting it. You probably think it makes you weak, which it doesn’t, and vulnerable, which it most certainly does.”
Well, that was the opposite of comforting.
“But being vulnerable is important, because only when we’re vulnerable can we see there are people worthy of our hearts, people who crave the chance to love us and be loved in return.”
But she still had so much to prove. So far to go before she’d reach a point where she felt like a success. How could Finn love a work in progress? How could anyone?
Then again, she loved Honey and Hickory, even though the decor was a hodgepodge of decades and the coleslaw was subpar. Imperfect. Great in some areas, lacking in others. Yet she loved the restaurant just the same.
Finn wasn’t perfect either. He’d misjudged her and stormed off and cost her a chance at working with two of her favorite entrepreneurs.
But she loved him. Completely.”
Chandra Blumberg, Stirring Up Love

Mary H.K. Choi
“It's easier
to watch
myself be sad
than actually
Mary H.K. Choi, Yolk

Soroosh Shahrivar
“Hungry for love, the only way she knew how to get it was give it back in abundance to her little sister.”
Soroosh Shahrivar, Tajrish

Leila Mottley
“Even after everything he's put me through, if he's ready to ask for it instead of just taking it then I will walk to the ends of the earth for him.”
Leila Mottley, Nightcrawling

“Да, наранявахме се и то много, но в края на деня, когато паднеше нощта и останалият свят потънеше в мрак, ние ставахме по-силни и си прощавахме.

Нямаше сила, нямаше човек, нямаше същество, което да ме раздели от него. Бих дала живота си за този глупак и само от мисълта на лицето ми се разтегли усмивка.

„Една кръв - или пък не” – Ana Sokovsky”
Ana Sokovsky

“Tell me, Pierce, why do you think she left?"
"Why do---" He turned on her, his face a strange battle of anger and grief. "I don't know."
"I think you do." She stood, her height no match for his, but she pretended that she did. "You hit her, Pierce."
He was shamed into silence.
"And more than that. My sister is intelligent, and compassionate, and talented. And you--- you squandered those things about her. You told her, in action if not words, that she was less than the Perrysburg Graftons until she learned to be like them. You fool--- she was more. She is the best person I have ever known, and I hope she stays far away from you."
Alaine caught her breath, her heart racing. Pierce only stared at her, anger boiling behind his eyes. "I only ever wanted to help her."
"Help her!" Alaine bit back laughter that was too close to hysterical. "Help her do what, Pierce? The only thing you wanted was for her to help you. To be a perfect Perrysburg Grafton, arranging your parties and making you look good. Well, she's worth more than that.”
Rowenna Miller, The Fairy Bargains of Prospect Hill

“My sister taught me everything I knew back then. She taught me how to tie my shoes and she made sure I finished my homework. When she shook me awake in the middle of the night and said, “It’s time to get out of here,” I got up and went because it was how she helped me get ready for the world.”
Amy Smith Linton

Michelle Stimpson
“There, front and center, popped up a name that made both of them gasp with pleasure. They faced each other and simultaneously exclaimed, "Vine and Rose!" They slammed into each other with a tight cling that sealed their deal, screaming like they had been called to contestants' row on The Price Is Right.
Their cries brought Kerresha running from her bedroom. "What's going on?"
Marvina sang, "We got it!"
"What is it?"
Rose gave the countdown from three, and they declared, "Vine and Rose."
Kerresha beamed. "I love it! Vine says fresh ingredients; Rose says fragrant. And taste is all about the combination of smells. Plus it's a kind of a combination of your names."
"Yes, all we needed was to add love, and it generated the perfect solution!" Rose explained.
Kerresha smiled. "Sounds about right for you two.”
Michelle Stimpson, Sisters with a Side of Greens

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