Satanism Quotes
Quotes tagged as "satanism"
Showing 1-30 of 80
“Blessed are the destroyers of false hope, for they are the true Messiahs - Cursed are the god-adorers, for they shall be shorn sheep!”
― The Satanic Bible
― The Satanic Bible
“There were people who called themselves Satanists who made Crowley squirm. It wasn't just the things they did, it was the way they blamed it all on Hell. They'd come up with some stomach-churning idea that no demon could have thought of in a thousand years, some dark and mindless unpleasantness that only a fully-functioning human brain could conceive, then shout "The Devil Made Me Do It" and get the sympathy of the court when the whole point was that the Devil hardly ever made anyone do anything. He didn't have to. That was what some humans found hard to understand. Hell wasn't a major reservoir of evil, any more than Heaven, in Crowley's opinion, was a fountain of goodness; they were just sides in the great cosmic chess game. Where you found the real McCoy, the real grace and the real heart-stopping evil, was right inside the human mind.”
― Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch
― Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch
“Some religions actually go so far as to label anyone who belongs to a religious sect other than their own a heretic, even though the overall doctrines and impressions of godliness are nearly the same. For example: The Catholics believe the Protestants are doomed to Hell simply because they do not belong to the Catholic Church. In the same way, many splinter groups of the Christian faith, such as the evangelical or revivalist churches, believe the Catholics worship graven images. (Christ is depicted in the image that is most physiologically akin to the individual worshipping him, and yet the Christians criticize "heathens" for the worship of graven images.) And the Jews have always been given the Devil's name.”
― The Satanic Bible
― The Satanic Bible
“Christianity may be good and Satanism evil. Under the Constitution, however, both are neutral. This is an important, but difficult, concept for many law enforcement officers to accept. They are paid to uphold the penal code, not the Ten Commandments … The fact is that far more crime and child abuse has been committed by zealots in the name of God, Jesus and Mohammed than has ever been committed in the name of Satan. Many people don’t like that statement, but few can argue with it.”
― The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
― The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
“Worshiping the Devil is no more insane than worshiping God...It is precisely at the moment when positivism is at its high-water mark that mysticism stirs into life and the follies of occultism begin.”
“Electricity for example was considered a very Satanic thing when it was first discovered and utilized.”
“...These inbred pinheads are the only people you could find in the world to agree with your philosophies. (In reference to Wally George's largely redneck audience.)”
“In addition, TST's
religion carried with it a mandate for action ─ as one TST leader put
it, "Activism is our form of worship." By fighting for equal rights and
standing against theocracy, Satanists can follow the example of our
beloved literary symbol Satan, who stood up against an unjust tyrant.”
― Compassionate Satanism: An Introduction to Modern Satanic Practice
religion carried with it a mandate for action ─ as one TST leader put
it, "Activism is our form of worship." By fighting for equal rights and
standing against theocracy, Satanists can follow the example of our
beloved literary symbol Satan, who stood up against an unjust tyrant.”
― Compassionate Satanism: An Introduction to Modern Satanic Practice
“Satanism, in principle, is a perverse projection of the Law into matter. Therefore, even this path has its aesthetic elements. For there are also artists of evil, artists who can give flowing blood the magic of a crimson evening afterglow—adepts of delusion, who with a mere sight, evoke the seductive song of Death and loathsome orgies turn into a wild cascade of ardent memories.”
― Sexual Mysteries: Oriental Love & Sexual Magic
― Sexual Mysteries: Oriental Love & Sexual Magic
“I think ritual is most effective as a means of helping you work on and with yourself. I don't believe in "casting spells" or "cursing" other people. If you have that desire, I'd suggest you do a cleansing/banishing/liberation ritual to free yourself of the need to control another person rather than wasting any more energy on the subject in question. Master yourself and you'll no longer feel the need to master others.”
― The Devil's Tome: A Book of Modern Satanic Ritual
― The Devil's Tome: A Book of Modern Satanic Ritual
“...sacrilege carries one out of oneself in furious transports, in voluptuous delirium, which nothing can equal. Since the Middle Ages it has been the coward's crime, for human justice does not prosecute it, and one can commit it with impunity, but it is the most extreme of excesses for a believer, and Docre believes in Christ, or he wouldn't hate Him so.”
“Stupendous carnage was painted on the canvas, A depiction of repulsion was executed around the structure. It revealed its dark emblem by painting its sinister Red. Three intertwined bloated eyes are encrusted together, awfully deformed - the horrendous stench of decay can be smelt from it, for it exudes a sulfurous aroma of rotting animals. A torn torso of a butchered rabbit laid on the eye sockets, with all its arms, legs, and head severed off. A sludge-like, bubbling, dripping fluid oozed from the abnormally large eyes, leaving the ground deserted to rust and becoming the midst of a terrible famine. Blood Gushes from the slashes of each hideous eye, gouging out gore from the torn skin, spluttering and erupting gasping cries as it struggles in its own twisted misery of giving birth, as it was preparing to give shape-shifting life to a black-glass body, horn-like entity, unlike any childbirth you have ever witnessed. Satanic was this creature, whose muscle mass was disintegrated. All of his blood was squeezed out, forlorn and cold to the touch. The thorns on his head were intertwined into horns. A serpent's nose and wolf-like fangs were all this child had, as he had no gift of sight or hearing, he had only the smell of terror as his power.”
“Now is the time to discard malevolent stereotypes about Satanists, and take a truthful look at the history and ideas of the movement through the ages. In the spirit of Lucifer the adversary, I hope you’ll be inspired by Satanism’s affirmative values that courageously oppose injustice and speak up for nonconformity, free inquiry, and personal liberty.”
― The Little Book of Satanism: A Guide to Satanic History, Culture, and Wisdom
― The Little Book of Satanism: A Guide to Satanic History, Culture, and Wisdom
“I am he, Hell within mercy, as Almighty spawned in vain. Anguish on the bastard throne, I crucify the last martyr. Born with a heinous offering, I decay the lies of Holy. Whoring the seed through the cunt of a serpent, I sought the plagues as her juices spew on me. Anointed by the prongs of sin,
blasphemy reaches its darkest manifestation. Conjure of unlight swells within thy legions of thy great accuser, as thy wrenched is for thy Satan comes forth at the dawn of reckoning.”
blasphemy reaches its darkest manifestation. Conjure of unlight swells within thy legions of thy great accuser, as thy wrenched is for thy Satan comes forth at the dawn of reckoning.”
“Specter of all evils, his terrible hand extends a vengeance. A great beast, the Devil's apprentice - ruler of evil and good. Enemy of God, an outcast of Heaven - emperor of all torments. A ritual figure, a pagan idol - occult leader for all Witches & Satanists. Philosophy of Good, an exile in Holy Pages - his blackness is his reign. Preist dreads him, pagans worship him - for he is God in the universe of unclean. A victor king in the kingdom of sinners, known as the all-powerful Baphomet.”
“Solemnly, faith becomes the deaf eye of a fucked God. Below, innocence becomes the reward of unrepentant sin. Slanderous, every tongue of the holy becomes prey unto the beast. In Sanity, a martyr is conceived with the wounds of a dead lamb. Hymns, the melody of the demonic sings with the flute of deceit. Eternal, for you are drawn to the impure, as you crave the scars of a wretched cross.”
“The right to offend is a right, not a duty.”
― Compassionate Satanism: An Introduction to Modern Satanic Practice
― Compassionate Satanism: An Introduction to Modern Satanic Practice
“It's up to you to build a life of personal meaning. God or external forces won't step in and guide you in the right direction. Satanism teaches us that this life is all we have, so let's learn how to make it count. What brings you most joy? Where is your passion? How can
you personally make a difference in creating a more just, compassionate world? Let your own heart lead you.”
― Compassionate Satanism: An Introduction to Modern Satanic Practice
you personally make a difference in creating a more just, compassionate world? Let your own heart lead you.”
― Compassionate Satanism: An Introduction to Modern Satanic Practice
“The devil has the widest perspectives for God, and that it why he keeps so far away from him - the devil being the oldest friend of knowledge.”
― Beyond Good and Evil
― Beyond Good and Evil
“ചെകുത്താൻ അവന്റെ മനോസാദൃശ്യത്തിൽ മനുഷ്യനെ സൃഷ്ടിച്ചു; മനുഷ്യൻ അവന്റെ രൂപസാദൃശ്യത്തിൽ ദൈവത്തെയും.”
“Have you ever been pinned down, where you're unable to move and talk or can't even open your eyes? Have you ever experienced a troubling presence?”
― How To Overcome Satan
― How To Overcome Satan
“There are people who have a well-developed mind, but they negated the God. And where there is no the God, demons appear. A man can move away from the monkey, but it doesn’t mean that he will come to the God. He can come to Ahriman.”
― The Outside Intervention
― The Outside Intervention
“После праздничной обедни прихожане расходились по домам. Иные останавливались в ограде, за белыми каменными стенами, под старыми липами и кленами, и разговаривали. Все принаряди-лись по-праздничному, смотрели друг на друга приветливо, и казалось, что в этом городе живут мирно и дружно. И даже весело. Но все это только казалось.”
― The Petty Demon
― The Petty Demon
“After Mass the members of the congregation scattered to their homes. A few stopped to talk under the old maples and lindens near the white stone walls, within the enclosure. All were in holiday dress and looked at one another cheerily. It appeared as if the inhabitants of this town lived peacefully and amicably—even happily. But it was only in appearance.”
― The Petty Demon
― The Petty Demon
“После праздничной обедни прихожане расходились по домам. Иные останавливались в ограде, за белыми каменными стенами, под старыми липами и кленами, и разговаривали. Все принарядились по-праздничному, смотрели друг на друга приветливо, и казалось, что в этом городе живут мирно и дружно. И даже весело. Но все это только казалось.”
― The Petty Demon
― The Petty Demon
“After Mass the members of the congregation scattered to their homes. A few stopped to talk under the old maples and lindens near the white stone walls, within the enclosure. All were in holiday dress and looked at one another cheerily. It appeared as if the inhabitants of this town lived peacefully and amicably—even happily. But it was only in appearance.”
― The Petty Demon
― The Petty Demon
“Starbucks coffee, first thing in the morning. Without which she pictured herself a zombie.”
― Her Sheytan Is Not Real
― Her Sheytan Is Not Real
“There is no god but Satan, whose image arises and visualises itself in my own mind, every day more and more, who is the symbol of the eternal, unchanging and indifferent laws of fallen nature, who symbolises mortal life in flesh and blood and eternal death that gives eternal peace. There are no messiahs and prophets above myself, whose intelligence leads me to recognise the true nature of things. There are no gods. There is nothing there! LCFNS”
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