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Pshycology Quotes

Quotes tagged as "pshycology" Showing 1-17 of 17
Idries Shah
“A man is deficient in understanding until he perceives that there is a whole cycle of evolution possible within himself: repeating endlessly, offering opportunities for personal development.”
Idries Shah, Reflections

Ivo Andrić
“„Тако обично бива. Оне које желимо да видимо не долазе у часовима кад на њих мислимо и кад их највише очекујемо, а појављују се у неком тренутку кад смо мислима најдаље од њих. И нашој радости због поновног виђења треба тада времена да се дигне са дна, где је потиснута, и појави на површини...”
Ivo Andrić, Prokleta avlija

“Most people are just filler- like extras in the background of movies exist to make the scene appear fuller- they exist only to make earth appear fuller. But, really they are vapid, substanceless, in fact I avoid most people like the plague”
Mohadesa Najumi

“Imagination is our hidden power to see the planes of existence that our eyes can't see. Use your imagination to disintegrate things into abstract forms and colours... and then watch them reintegrate. Sadly, people have stopped using their imagination and started using substances to have such heavenly experiences.”

“Dancing on the topmost edge of desire, I envisioned the blurriness from the height I achieved. Even the echoes of woes coming deep down couldn’t satisfy my sense of achievement. I was all soaked in that horrid moment of projecting myself to this zenith, just to prove worthy enough to attain what I never cared for.”
Annie Ali

Brandon Villasenor
“Take things into your own hands,
first off your hypnotic mind gazing back at all that's happened. Unlearn, speak up and
your will is on the line every lifetime.
Don't intrust authority, even your own.”
Brandon Villasenor, Prima Materia

“The road to spiritual growth remains long and ever-changing, especially when it comes to the subtle ways we tend to learn, forgive, or select in the ebb and flow of life. But the experiences already lived and those years that seem to accumulate give us wisdom. I wish you a wonderful life ahead and remember that one more year of life is just additional empowerment that embraces us with the power and determination that will inspire us to do better while becoming it.”
Efrat Cybulkiewicz

Maliheh Sadat Razavi
“The only person who has the responsibility of leading your thoughts is you, be kind to yourself!”
Maliheh Sadat Razavi

Gustave Le Bon
“A panic that has seized on a few sheep will soon extend to the whole flock.”
Gustave Le Bon, The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind

“You only live once.”
People all around the world

“Stop comparing yourself to others. Compare yourself to your perfect self version and start develop and progress step by step to get closer to your perfect version.”
Mahmoud Own

“There is, however, a strong empirical reason
why we should cultivate thoughts that can
never be proved. It is that they are known to
be useful. Man positively needs general ideas
and convictions that will give a meaning to
his life an d enable him to find a place for
himself in the universe. He can stand the most
incredible hardships when he is convinced that
they make sense; he is crushed when, on top
of all his misfortunes, he has to admit that he
is taking part in a "tale told by an idiot.”

Korel Eraybar
“Kaç sene oldu altın başakların arasında koşup, yemyeşil çimenlerde yuvarlanmayalı? Kaç sene oldu pamuk bulutlara basıp, masmavi gökyüzü ile yıkanmayalı? Büyüdün diye mi uzaktan bakıp iç geçirmekle yetiniyorsun sadece? Yoksa ayıp olur mu diye çekiniyorsun bu yaştan sonra çayıra, çimene? Buna büyümek değil, yaşlanmak deniyor dostum. Koş, yat, yuvarlan... Üstün başın kirlensin, çimen kok, toprak dolsun ayakkabılarına... Hatta bir iki tane de diken batsın koluna, bacağına. Canın acısın. Bir canın olduğunu anla... Toprağın altına girmeden önce, üstüyle hesabın kalmasın...”
Korel Eraybar, Gezilerim Düşüncelerim Hayatım

“Often the issue is not that you don't have what the capacity to change the situation you are in. The real issue is your lack of awareness that you already have what it takes”
Edgar Mangwende, The Cage Mentality: From the Mind to the Mountaintop

Giovanni E. Morassutti
“I would rather remember even if sometimes it can be very painful.”
Giovanni Morassutti

Lou Andreas-Salomé
“Bilinçle kavradığımız ve yaptığımız şeylerin, bireysel gelişimimizle hiçbir ilgisi olmayan gizli kalmış duyusal izlenimlere kıyasla hayatımız üzerindekş etkisi ne kadar az.”
Lou Andreas-Salomé, Arayışlar

“One report that particularly impressed me appeared in the prestigious journal Science in April 1982 by authors Visintainer, Volpicelli, and Seligman. They described a group of rats, all suffering from the same cancer, that were exposed to annoying electric shock under two different experimental conditions; one group could escape from it, and the other had to take it until it stopped. Both groups got exactly the same dose of shock; the ability to escape from it was the only difference between the two groups. According to the authors, "Rats receiving inescapable shock were only half as likely to reject the tumor and twice as likely to die as rats receiving escapable shock or no shock. Only 27 percent of the rats given inescapable shock rejected the tumor, compared to 63 percent of the rats given escapable shock and 54 percent of the rats given no shock."

The clear implication of the study was that the immune systems of the rats that were more emotionally stressed were less efficient, since it is the effectiveness of the immune system that determines whether a cancer will be thrown off or not. If this is the case with rats, imagine how much more important the emotions must be in humans. (page 185)”
John E Sarno, M.D, Healing Back Pain
