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History Of Mankind Quotes

Quotes tagged as "history-of-mankind" Showing 1-30 of 189
Chinua Achebe
“Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.”
Chinua Achebe (Author)

Melanie Joy
“Most of us believe that eating meat is natural because humans have hunted and consumed animals for millennia. And it is true that we have been eating meat as part of an omnivorous diet for at least two million years (though for the majority of this time our diet was still primarily vegetarian). But to be fair, we must acknowledge that infanticide, murder, rape, and cannibalism are at least as old as meat eating, and are therefore arguably as 'natural'--and yet we don't invoke the history of these acts as justification for them. As with other acts of violence, when it comes to eating meat, we must differentiate between natural and justifiable.
Melanie Joy, Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction to Carnism

Charles Mackay
“Let us not, in the pride of our superior knowledge, turn with contempt from the follies of our predecessors. The study of the errors into which great minds have fallen in the pursuit of truth can never be uninstructive. As the man looks back to the days of his childhood and his youth, and recalls to his mind the strange notions and false opinions that swayed his actions at the time, that he may wonder at them; so should society, for its edification, look back to the opinions which governed ages that fled.”
Charles MacKay, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds

Dava Sobel
“He wrested the world's whereabouts from the stars, and locked the secret in a pocket watch.”
Dava Sobel, Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time

Carl Sagan
“The secrets of evolution, are time and death.

There's an unbroken thread that stretches from those first cells to us.”
Carl Sagan, Cosmos

Jacques Ellul
“Our civilization is first and foremost a civilization of means; in the reality of modern life, the means, it would seem, are more important than the ends. Any other assessment of the situation is mere idealism.”
Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society

Eric Hansen
“Many collectors died in process of searching for new species, and despite persistent reports that the men died from drowning, gunshot and knife wounds, snakebite, trampling by cattle, or blows in the head with blunt instruments, it is generally accepted that in each case the primary cause of death was orchid fever.”
Eric Hansen, Orchid Fever: A Horticultural Tale of Love, Lust, and Lunacy

Isaac Asimov
“History was interesting to the extent that it was catastrophic and, while that might make absorbing viewing, it made horrible living.”
Isaac Asimov

Tamara Rendell
“We are all of life
who stepped from the sea
trading weightless journeys of the currents
We are all of life
who build and tear down and build again
to find gold and silver
to find scars that weep and bleed
to step from the sea
to stay with the sea”
Tamara Rendell, Mystical Tides

Khushwant Singh
“When a man's instincts are evil, repentance has a short lease and brief is his gratitude towards those who have done him good.”
Khuswant Singh

“Rewrites history, huh?” Mee-Hae gazes at him. The sparkles in her eyes are those of an archaeologist who is living in a forest near her latest discovered underwater civilization. “The last Ice Age was supposed to be twelve thousand years ago.”
Misba, The Oldest Dance

“Emerging from barbarism is a slow process and as man is , geologically speaking, still very young, he has his whole future before him.”
Theodore Monod, Terre et ciel - Entretiens avec Sylvain Estibal

James W. Loewen
“The worshipful biographical vignettes of Columbus provided by most of our textbooks serve to indoctrinate students into a mindless endorsement of colonialism that is strikingly inappropriate to today's postcolonial era.”
James Loewen

Julian Barnes
“Ах, век мифов и легенд. Шарлемань, рыцарство, горный Пиренейский
перешеек, будущее Европы, будущее всего Христианского мира на чаше весов, героический арьергард, рог зовущий на битву, человеческая жизнь, пусть сама по себе ничтожная, пусть всего лишь игрушка в руках случая, но тем не менее вброшена в столкновение более значительных сил. Быть пешкой действительно многое значило во времена, когда на шахматной доске стояли рыцари, епископы и короли, когда пешка могла мечтать о том, чтобы стать королевой, когда черные сражались против белых и над всеми был Бог.
Понимаете теперь, что мы потеряли? Теперь есть только пешки и обе стороны играют серыми.”
Julian Barnes, Love, etc.

محمد المخزنجي
“في الوقت الذي ابتزت فيه اسرائيل, ولا تزال, اوروبا والغرب عموما, وحصلت على كل شيء من الأباتشي الأمريكية حتى القنابل النووية الفرنسية, تعويضا على ما اقترفه النازي من جرائم مشكوك في صحتها ودقتها, تجاه اليهود, وتعويضا عن شتاتهم الذي صنعوه بأنفسهم, فان أكبر وأفظع شتات وعذاب في التاريخ الانساني هو الشتات الأسود الذي أخرج ما يقدره الباحثون بستين مليون إفريقي مات معظمهم في الطريق, هذا الجرم المشهود الذي صنعته تجارة العبيد بأياد اوروبية, عبر الأطلسي, ومن أجل ازدهار مزارع السكر والقطن في أمريكا, لا ينال أكثر من اعتذار خافت !!”
محمد المخزنجي, جنوبا وشرقا: رحلات ورؤى

Cyril Aydon
“Perhaps the story of the human race is best understood as a journey through particularly hazardous terrain, in the dark, in a not very well-serviced vehicle, with a succession of drivers of varying competence, in assorted states of inebreiation”
Cyril Aydon

“The Highlanders are Great Thieves”
Cassius Dio, Roman Historian, 3rd Century A.D.

Ray Bradbury
“Why doesn't someone want to talk about it! We've started and won two atomic wars since 2022! Is it because we're having so much fun at home we've forgotten the world? Is it because we're so rich and the rest of the world's so poor and we just don't care if they are? I've heard rumors; the world is starving, but we're well fed. Is it true, the world works hard and we play? Is that why we're hated so much? I've heard the rumors about hate, too, once in a long while, over the years. Do you know why? I don't, that's sure! Maybe the books can get us half out of the cave. They just might stop us from making the same damn insane mistakes! …An hour a day, two hours, with these books, and maybe…”
Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

Niccolò Machiavelli
“One ought never to permit a disorder to follow to avoid a war, for one does not avoid it and it is only deferred to their disadvantage.”
Niccolò Machiavelli

“The ancient bones of our ancestors are like the roots of a great tree, reminding us to stay firmly grounded in our history. Yet they also inspire us to reach for the heights and achieve our greatest aspirations, like the branches of a tree stretching toward the sky”
Raigon Stanley

“I write historical novels as a way to search for meaning in today's world.”
S. Larry Stewart, The Flames of Perdition

“Throughout our history, something greater than us, like fate or a higher power, has had a significant role. I feel like God has made us and put us in a position of power and strength for a special reason. We might not know exactly what that reason is, but one thing is clear: our country is meant to work with other nations to promote peace and protect it around the world. We have a responsibility to defend moral values and the code of what's right against the huge forces of evil that try to destroy them.”
Donald Pillai

“If you want to understand what happened today, ask your question to yesterday.”
Mathieu-Etienne Grégoire

“Technology of different revolutions hasn't changed much, but the tokens of the economy with whatever deal the influencers might offer finds their way to calls for an action.”
Mr. Alex Mel

Marion Bekoe
“No hater ever made history; they are only known in the comment and direct messaging sections.”
Marion Bekoe

“day and die
sound too similar to be an accident
our ancestors sent us this messy message
for we could die any day”
Riya Shah, The Earth Is Spinning

Zaineb Afzal
“They are choking on gratitude.
They will preach peace and forgiveness
while bathing their sorrows in vintage gold,
forged by History on twisted spines and bones,
shattered between love and shame
for the sake of patterns in sand.”
Zaineb Afzal, Spare Change

GennaRose Nethercott
“How do you ruin a people? Is it with fire? Is it with bullets? You can drag a man through the street tied to the back of a horse. You can incinerate a village. Can line families up in rows against a brick wall and fell them, one by one, like a forest. But all it takes is one survivor, and the story lives on. One survivor to carry the poems and the songs, the prayers, the sorrows. It isn’t just taking a life that destroys a people. It’s taking their history”
GennaRose Nethercott, Thistlefoot

Lee Berger
“Their synchrotron, a super-powerful x-ray machine, can harness the radiation of überfast subatomic particles in order to -- among many other things -- look inside solid objects. It's spectacular science, but sometimes I prefer not to think about all that energy and chaos around my precious findings.”
Lee Berger, Cave of Bones: A True Story of Discovery, Adventure, and Human Origins

Robert Garland
“Every human catastrophe, however, is archaeology's gain.”
Robert Garland , The Other Side of History : Daily Life in the Ancient World

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