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Discomfort Quotes

Quotes tagged as "discomfort" Showing 1-30 of 120
Thomas Hardy
“People go on marrying because they can't resist natural forces, although many of them may know perfectly well that they are possibly buying a month's pleasure with a life's discomfort.”
Thomas Hardy, Jude the Obscure

Erik Pevernagie
“When attention turns into indifference or love fades away into a grey zone of discomfort, only imagination can bring us back to the limelight of life. ("Is that all there is?")”
Erik Pevernagie

Anne Lamott
“The opposite of faith is not doubt, but certainty. Certainty is missing the point entirely. Faith includes noticing the mess, the emptiness and discomfort, and letting it be there until some light returns. Faith also means reaching deeply within, for the sense one was born with, the sense, for example, to go for a walk.”
Anne Lamott, Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith

Erik Pevernagie
“Because of its dual quality, silence can be both a source of comfort and discomfort. Either way, it lets us recognize the subtle layers and textures within and cleverly navigate its impacts on our lives. ("A gap of silence")”
Erik Pevernagie

Margaret Peterson Haddix
“A thousand times today I've started to open my mouth, started to squeak out, "Can you tell me...? But then I'd look into the front seat, at my mother's silent shaking, my father's grim profile, the mournful bags under his eyes, and all the questions I might ask seemed abusive. Assault and battery, a question mark used like a club. My parents are old and fragile. I'd have to heartless to want to hurt them.”
Margaret Peterson Haddix, Double Identity

Israelmore Ayivor
“No matter how sweet is smells, if you know it will give you a discomfort later, don't even attempt to taste it. Discipline yourself to stay out of sin!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Margaret Peterson Haddix
“The sudden silence is horrifying, and it seems to catch my mother off guard. A tiny whimper escapes her, the sound amplified in the stillness. Surely, my father hears her now; surely he and I can't go on pretending she isn't crying.”
Margaret Peterson Haddix, Double Identity

Lionel Shriver
“Discomfort begets discomfort in others.”
Lionel Shriver, We Need to Talk About Kevin

Kate Morton
“She'd slept terribly the night before. The room, the bed, were both comfortable enough, but she'd been plagued with strange dreams, the sort that lingered upon waking but slithered away from memory as she tried to grasp them. Only the tendrils of discomfort remained.”
Kate Morton, The Forgotten Garden

Caitriona Lally
“I'm uncomfortable with verbs; they expect too much.”
Caitriona Lally, Eggshells

Rudy Francisco

because your
voice is currency,

and their comfort isn't worth
your silence.”
Rudy Francisco, I'll Fly Away

“Discomfort it temporary. A photo is forever.”
Kipling Swehla

Criss Jami
“There's sometimes a tugging feeling you get to push further when you aren't being challenged enough or when things get too comfortable.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Seth Godin
“If you’re not uncomfortable in your work as a leader, it’s almost certain you’re not reaching your potential as a leader.”
Seth Godin, Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us

“Don’t be too comfortable with employment; discover yourself and see what you can achieve for yourself”
Sunday Adelaja

“When you suffer,” Rostam went on, “you can choose to endure, or you can choose to overcome.” He gestured around them, to the vast expanse of the meadow. “Here, even in the midst of your discomfort, there existed elements of relief, if only you had bothered to search.”
Tahereh Mafi, All This Twisted Glory

Adam Levin
“He described the experience as being 'a little bit less fun, perhaps, than chain-smoking for ninety minutes while handcuffed to a dowager with asthma who used to teach Health and smells incontinent.”
Adam Levin, The Instructions

“Temporary discomfort is a part of growth”
Etheria Divine

“Katsa kicked off her shoes, hitched up her skirt, and climbed into the fountain, sighing as the cold water ran between her toes and lapped at her ankles. it was a great improvement over her shoes. She would not put them on again tonight.”
Kristin Cashore, Graceling

Laurie E.    Smith
“Sometimes, discomfort means we are on the verge of a major turning point or revelation.”
Laurie E. Smith, Soul Wisdom: A Guide To Miraculous Living, Book 1

Anne Applebaum
“We have long known that in closed societies, the the arrival of democracy, with its clashing voices and differing opinions, can be "complex and frightening," as [Karen] Stenner puts it, for people unaccustomed to public dissent. The noise of argument, the constant hum of disagreement--these can irritate people who prefer to live in a society tied together by a single narrative. The strong preference for unity, at least among a portion of the population, helps explain why numerous liberal or democratic revolutions, from 1789 onward, ended in dictatorships that enjoyed wide support. Isaiah Berlin once wrote of the human need to believe that "somewhere, in the past or in the future, in divine revelation or in the mind of an individual thinker, in the pronouncements of history or science... there is a final solution." Berlin observed that not all of the things that human beings think are good or desirable are compatible. Efficiency, liberty, justice, equality, the demands of the individual, and the demands of the group--all these things push us in different directions. And this, Berlin wrote, is unacceptable to many people: "to admit that the fulfilment of some of our ideals may in principle make the fulfilment of others impossible is to say that the notion of total human fulfilment is a formal contradiction, a metaphysical chimera." Nevertheless, unity is a chimera that some will always pursue.”
Anne Applebaum, Twilight of Democracy: The Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism

“We always tend to take comforts for salvation
If everything easy is supposed to be the solution
One would never reach enlightenment; in isolation.”
Ricardo Derose

Gretel Ehrlich
“It had occurred to me that comfort was only a disguise for discomfort; reference points, a disguise for what will always change.”
Gretel Ehrlich, The Solace of Open Spaces

Kristen Butler
“Chasing discomfort chains you to discomfort. The truth is: You cannot create a fulfilling life when you are uncomfortable.”
Kristen Butler, The Comfort Zone: Create a Life You Really Love with Less Stress and More Flow

“A healthy dose of pain and discomfort is required to balance out all the highs of life! Embrace the challenge!”
Mohamadi Tapsoba

“What if I tell you rejection is just some few seconds of discomfort?”
Emmanuel Apetsi

Cristina Imre
“Fear mediocrity more than the discomfort of change.”
Cristina Imre

“The value of free speech lies not just in the protection of popular opinions but in the shelter it provides for dissenting voices. It is the force that guards against the tyranny of majority thought, ensuring that minority perspectives are not silenced but are given a fair hearing. The true strength of a society is measured by its willingness to embrace discomfort, confront challenging ideas, and forge consensus through open dialogue rather than stifling dissent.”
James William Steven Parker

Duncan Ralston
“Mr. McAllister knew what it was like to sit for half an hour or more in someone else's stench, and so he made sure his breath was minty and his farts smelled like roses.”
Duncan Ralston, Bus Driver Man

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