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Climate Quotes

Quotes tagged as "climate" Showing 1-30 of 267
“Caelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt.
(They change their sky, not their soul, who rush across the sea.)”
Horace, The Odes of Horace

Charles   Dowding
“Gardening is easier and quicker when spacings are correct for different plants.”
Charles Dowding, Charles Dowding's Skills for Growing

George Monbiot
“Progress is measured by the speed at which we destroy the conditions that sustain life.”
George Monbiot

Charles   Dowding
“Keep an open mind and try some new methods.”
Charles Dowding, Charles Dowding's Skills for Growing

Charles   Dowding
“Try things out, be happy to make mistakes, but above all have a go.”
Charles Dowding, Charles Dowding's Skills for Growing

Charles   Dowding
“Once your soil is fertile and weed-free, everything else becomes easier.”
Charles Dowding, Charles Dowding's Skills for Growing

Tony Blair
“If we take all this actions and if it turns out not be true, we have reduced pollution and have better ways to live, the downside is very small. The other way around, and we don’t act, and it turns out to be true, then we have betrayed future generations and we don’t have the right to do that.”
Tony Blair

Roger Spitz
“The cow is facing its own existential crisis, as industrial cattle farming is being disrupted by alt proteins and plant-based milks that offer alternatives.”
Roger Spitz, The Definitive Guide to Thriving on Disruption: Volume IV - Disruption as a Springboard to Value Creation

“At every step, we must demand not only more than they are willing to concede us, but more than they are capable of conceding us, such that the limitations of the present society are exposed and pushed towards their breaking point. After all, at the moment, it is the ruling class which demands of us more than we can give - what is "reasonable" to it is the sacrifice of thousands upon thousands to a global pandemic and impending climate catastrophe. In such a case, being unreasonably ambitious is the bare minimum. One may doubt whether a global revolutionary movement is still possible, but one cannot doubt that it is necessary.”
Jonas Čeika, How to Philosophize with a Hammer and Sickle: Nietzsche and Marx for the Twenty-First Century

“2. Thou shall not fear the cold.
So many coorie activities involve being outdoors: hiking demands a steely core and constitution, exploring the woods for crafty finds requires sturdy footwear - even skiing in the Cairngorms requires patience.
All these pursuits offer the chance to clear the mind and get to know the country from within.
Wild swimming in Scottish lochs is having a moment.
Its beauty, swimmers claim, lies in the restorative nature of an ice-cold dip set against a backdrop of Scotland's most idyllic scenery.
Nobody promised Barbadian temperatures, or clear blue seas, but for enthusiasts the appeal lies in testing yourself to your furthest limits.”
Gabriella Bennett, The Art of Coorie: How to Live Happy the Scottish Way

Steven Magee
“Pollution drives gender changing.”
Steven Magee

Leni Zumas
“Mínevudottír may have felt free; but she was a cog in a land-snatching, resource-sucking, climate-fucking imperialist machine.”
Leni Zumas, Red Clocks

“Коли майже кожен кліматолог у світі визнає, що клімат Землі швидко змінюється внаслідок діяльності людства і що ­потрібно негайно щось зробити, щоби запобігти катастрофічним наслідкам, медіа не повинні шукати заперечників змін кліма­ту для надання «аргументів іншої сторони». Бо в такому разі в публіки складається враження, наче обидва погляди однаково правильні. Крім вагомості наукових доказів на свою користь, відмінність між тим, хто стверджує, що антропогенна зміна клімату реальна, і тим, хто заперечує це, полягає в тому, що перший справді сподівається, що помиляється.”
Джим Аль-Халілі, Світ очима фізика

Quentin R. Bufogle
“We don't need to build a wall. We need to build a fucking drain! Climate Change is real!”
Quentin R. Bufogle

Vaclav Smil
“Найліпше нашу пасивність і надзвичайну складність проблеми глобального потепління можна проілюструвати таким фактом: тридцять років масштабних міжнародних кліматичних конференцій ніяк не вплинули на викиди CO2.”
Vaclav Smil, How the World Really Works: A Scientist's Guide to Our Past, Present and Future

“The fact is that the Earth is not man’s property and we are not its owners.”
Shivanshu K. Srivastava

Michael Parenti
“Ecology's implications for capitalism are too horrendous for the capitalist to contemplate.”
Michael Parenti, Blackshirts and Reds: Rational Fascism and the Overthrow of Communism

Roman Krznaric
“What might our descendants wish we had done better for them?”
Roman Krznaric, The Good Ancestor: A Radical Prescription for Long-Term Thinking

Roman Krznaric
“We know the Roman Empire fell into oblivion but can scarcely imagine let alone admit that we might face a similar fate.”
Roman Krznaric, The Good Ancestor: A Radical Prescription for Long-Term Thinking

“It occurred to me... I ought to treat Antarctica not as a desolate outpost at the end of the earth but as a place where life begins.”
Elizabeth Rush, The Quickening: Creation and Community at the Ends of the Earth

Scott  Irwin
“Everyone is in favor of environmental sustainability...until they have to pay for it.”
Scott Irwin, Back to the Futures: Crashing Dirt Bikes, Chasing Cows, and Unraveling the Mystery of Commodity Futures Markets

“It's winter
what winter is this?

What would we do
if there were no winter?”
Shellen Lubin

“What would we do
if there were no winter?
This tepid season
is making me wonder ...
Is there still enough winter left
to wonder?
Enough to recover?
Enough to prepare?
Enough to rekindle our faith
in the imperative and beauty
of the cycles of our years?”
Shellen Lubin

Kim Stanley Robinson
“He was definitely saying something. That we could become something magnificent, or at least interesting. That we began as we still are now, child geniuses. That there is no other home for us than here. That we will cope no matter how stupid things get. That all couples are odd couples. That the only catastrophe that can't be undone is extinction. That we can make a good place. That people can take their fate in their hands. That there is no such thing as fate.”
Kim Stanley Robinson, The Ministry for the Future

Jenny Joseph
“Sun will rise, or not,
And sleet will fall;
Grass sprout
Through the wall
Why should you think
One cog in the wheel can hold
The structures it helps turn,
In command?
Look at our climate now
Yes, we have made this weather
But grass does not pull the sun
Cog does not rule the wheel
Users and dog shit cannot make more land.

- Points Failure: A Conversation
Jenny Joseph, The Thinking Heart: Poems

“Cold goes towards heat and heat goes towards cold. Those who live in warmer regions seek regions with less hot climates. Those who live in colder regions seek less cold regions. In the end, everyone will find themselves in regions with a temperate climate, in search of balance.”
Geverson Ampolini

“Siberia is more of a state of mind than a place to live. Ever heard of Hysteria Siberiana? Farmers would plow the field all alone in the tundra. If they turn towards the east, it is a horizon; to the west, it is a horizon; in every direction, there are snow-cladded plains and exploding trees. A perfect cuff-off location near the pole. Days and nights are the same. Sometimes the farmers would walk towards the pole just to find the sun, day and night, like a possessed devil with no food, water, or shelter, only to collapse in the cold and die without pain. This is Hysteria Siberiana.”
- Oren Tamira aka Thanigaivelan, Whispers of a Amur Devil

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“It is pointless waiting for perfect weather. You’ll never get anywhere or do anything worthwhile if you do. Perfect weather never comes, and even if it comes, it doesn’t last long. Make a move. Make a move now.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

“The use of crude oil enabled humanity to reach a higher level of prosperity”
Gun Gun Febrianza

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