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Aria Quotes

Quotes tagged as "aria" Showing 1-30 of 52
Sara Shepard
“Aria: I went to Hollis. Because I was looking know. Her. She was teaching an art class, so I ran inside, grabbed a paintbrush, and painted a scarlet A across her chest. You know, like that woman in The Scarlet Letter? It was awesome. She didn't know what hit her. And then I said, 'Now everyone will know what you've done'.

Ella: Do you realize that Hester Prynne is supposed to be a sympathetic character?”
Sara Shepard, Perfect

Veronica Rossi
“What I was trying to say,” he whispered, “is that I see you in everything. There isn’t a word for you that means enough, because you’re everything to me.”
Veronica Rossi, Into the Still Blue

Veronica Rossi
“He kissed her slowly. Everything went slowly so he could follow her temper, and search into her eyes. When they joined, her scent was brave and strong and certain. Perry took it into himself, breathing her breath, feeling what she felt. He'd never known anything as right.”
Veronica Rossi, Under the Never Sky

Veronica Rossi
“Come thaw my frozen heart, my little arctic kitten.”
Unable to resist, Aria jumped in and picked up the next line. “No chance, my yeti man, I’d rather be frostbitten.”
“Let me be your snowman. Come live in my igloo.”
“I’d rather freeze to death than hibernate with you.”
Veronica Rossi, Through the Ever Night

Veronica Rossi
“Can you believe I have a favorite cave?”
Veronica Rossi, Under the Never Sky

Veronica Rossi
“That was my first kiss," she said. "My first real one."
He brought his head close, resting his forehead on hers. Blond waves fell around her face, soft against her cheeks. His chest rose and fell as he drew in a breath. "Felt like the first real one for me, too.”
Veronica Rossi, Under the Never Sky

Veronica Rossi
“Fine. Then I love you, my little Night Crawler.”
veronica rossi, Into the Still Blue

Veronica Rossi
“Will you stay? I think I'd sleep better if you stayed here tonight. Then we could miss them together.”
Veronica Rossi, Under the Never Sky
tags: aria

Veronica Rossi
“Her hand holding his for a dozen paces. His, resting on the small of her back for a moment. Touches that had no real purpose but to say I’m here and We are together still.”
Veronica Rossi, Under the Never Sky

Sara Shepard
“But then Klaudia's lips curled ino a conniving smile."Actually, Aria, I'm going to fuck your boyfriend. Tonight."
Aria started at her. It felt like Klaudia had just punched her in the throat. "Excuse me?"
Klaudia scooted closer to Aria. "I'm going to fuck your boyfried," she said again -in textbook-perfect English. "Tonight. And there's nothing you can do about it.”
Sara Shepard, Twisted

Veronica Rossi
“She looked at the knife, her throat tight with emotion. No roses or rings with him, but a knife with feathers carved into the handle. A knife that was part of him. She couldn't accept it.”
Veronica Rossi, Under the Never Sky

Roshani Chokshi
“His smile banished my loneliness and limbed the hollows of my anema with starlight, pure and bright...his touch hummed in my bones like an aria -- a song to my dance, a beginning of a promise.”
Roshani Chokshi, The Star-Touched Queen

“I am a runaway, lost at sea.
I am a broken bird, yearning to fly free.
I am a sinner, unworthy and unholy.
I am a rose, wilting slowly.
I am a raindrop, touching your cheek.
I am a child who plays hide and seek.
I am nothing, and yet I am everything.
I am contradictions and complexities.
I am a face with a hundred entities.
I am love and I am hate.
I am the voice that cannot communicate.
I am a melody, haunting and sad.
I am a soul that has slowly gone mad.
I am death in a living body.
I am a dangerous opium poppy.
I am rage, running through my veins.
I am pain, bound in chains.
I am isolation, imprisoned in my mind.
I am abandoned and left behind.
I am tenderness, soft and kind.
I am trust, naïve and blind.
I am remorse, shattered and frozen.
I am the path I have not chosen.
I am sadness, drowning in an ocean.
I am faith, yearning for devotion.
I am madness, rebellious and wild.
I am sanity, safely filed.
I am wisdom, cursed and blessed.
I am a name that will burn in your chest. I am a journey, destination unknown.
I am a heart turned to stone.
I am forever alone.”
Mina Alexia

Maayan Nahmani
“When I looked a little closer, I noticed a guy sitting in the dark, tapping his leg in slow, deliberate movements. His head was cast down, but his eyes...his eyes looked directly at me. My breath caught. I tried to focus on what was being said, but the penetrating gaze from the guy in shadows made my heart pound wildly. When my eyes found their way back to him, I noticed the scowl on his face and immediately looked away. My goodness, this was going to be a long meeting.”
Maayan Nahmani, Underwater

Dennis Lehane
“Lui avrebbe voluto chiederle che rumore fa un cuore quando si rompe per la gioia, quando è sufficiente la vista di qualcuno per riempirti come né il cibo, né il sangue, né l'aria potranno mai fare; quando ti senti come se fossi nato per vivere un momento preciso e quel momento, per qualche ragione particolare, era proprio quello.”
Dennis Lehane, Shutter Island

Emilia Pardo Bazán
“La dictadura es como una aria y nunca llega a ser ópera.”
Emilia Pardo Bazán

Veronica Rossi
“I hope you’re still angry with me,” he said. “I deserve it.”

She smiled. “Sorry to disappoint you.”

“Damn,” he said.”
Veronica Rossi, Into the Still Blue

Veronica Rossi
“When we get out of this, let’s go somewhere again. Me and you.”

The tension in her chest loosened, relief washing over her. He’d said when. Even in his beaten condition, he believed in whens and not ifs. She never should have doubted his strength.

“Where do you want to go?” she asked.

His smile was faint and lopsided. “Doesn’t matter . . . I just want to spend time alone with you.”

Aria wanted exactly the same thing. And she ached to see him smile—really smile—so she said, “And this isn’t good enough for you?”
Veronica Rossi, Into the Still Blue

Veronica Rossi
“I’m going to kill him for this,” she said.

“No. Stay away from him, Aria. Find a way to get us out of here. Use Hess. If he likes to run from problems, let’s give him somewhere to go. Another option. But promise me you’ll stay away from Sable.”

“Perry, no.”

“Aria, yes.” Didn’t she understand? He could endure anything—except losing her.”
Veronica Rossi, Into the Still Blue

Veronica Rossi
“Do you need me?” she said. She could scout as well as Roar and Brooke, who had already disappeared into the darkness.

Perry looked up. His hair was tied back with a leather strip, but a piece fell forward, a blond wave coming to rest at his eyebrow. “You want the truth?”

Aria braced herself for a comment about her arm. “Always.”

“That’s my answer.”
Veronica Rossi, Into the Still Blue

Elizabeth Lim
“The Nightingale Aria is about more than a bird who is lost in the forest. The nightingale is angry, she is miserable, she is in pain. It is a song of transformation, of transcendence. You see, when her melody returns, it transcends into something new. She finds love amid despair and wretched loneliness; it is this new transformation, this change in her song, that allows her to finally find her way home. It is meant to make the listener weep and feel joy at the same time.”
Elizabeth Lim, When You Wish Upon a Star

“Seperti cermin yang merefleksikan sosok kita, orang juga merefleksikan perasaannya”
Kozue Amano, アリア 7

Veronica Rossi
“I can’t because I don’t want you to hide from me.”
Veronica Rossi, Into the Still Blue

Chandra Livia Candiani
“Cosí pronta alla scomparsa
cosí peso piuma
e scusarsi a fior di pelle
con ogni pulviscolo d’aria
per occupazione indebita,
cosí impressa dalla trasparenza
da far vetro
a mattini smaglianti
e odore di onda
tra corpi puntellati.”
Chandra Livia Candiani, La bambina pugile ovvero la precisione dell'amore

Giulia Caminito
“Faccio una piroetta e torno dentro, non mi farò rovinare la serata, ho preso i voti che meritavo, ho un ragazzo ricco, ho un’estate
davanti, e per chi ha la mia età, l’estate è come la messa, la chiesa, la riva del fiume a fine nuotata, la boccata d’aria dopo un viaggio a finestrini chiusi, è il paese che si veste a festa.”
Giulia Caminito, L'acqua del lago non è mai dolce

Steven Raaymakers
“The sword pierced the general’s neck before he registered the movement.

“Just a child!” His mind screamed as the blade bit deeper.

“Just a child!” The blade chinked against his spine, a sound he refused to accept, a sound he had heard too often not to recognise.

“Just a child!” His sight faltered, disappeared, all life vanishing in one sharp spurt of pain.

“Just a child!” as Raziel damned his soul to hell.”
Steven Raaymakers, A Canticle of Two Souls

Veronica Rossi
“Give it to me, she wanted to scream. Give me the pain. Let me take it from you.”
Veronica Rossi, Through the Ever Night

Steven Raaymakers
“Alicia watched in horror as the blood flew through the air, Raziel whipping like an eel around the soldiers. She could sense his emotions even without seeing his eyes. His hatred and anger were strong. She could feel it like a wind, buffeting at her mind. At the same time, it was like a wild tune, fast-paced, loud, drowning out all else. It was more powerful than the fear of all the soldiers combined, and she sank to the ground as her own emotions woke and intensified into a drunken clamour.”
Steven Raaymakers, A Canticle of Two Souls

Steven Raaymakers
“All Renar flags, which had once been allowed under the war’s treaty, were now gathered and burnt in piles in Archehan’s squares. Elderly citizens wept as the red-and-gold embroidered cloth flapped in the heat of the flames, a sick parody of the wind that had made the flags flutter in the years before. The red turned to black, and in the younger men’s hearts, a similar change began, but one of grim anger.”
Steven Raaymakers, A Canticle of Two Souls

Elizabeth Lim
The nightingale waits for a song to go along,Ily sang.
It was a bittersweet aria, whose story Ilaria had mastered sharing with not only her voice, but also with the expressions on her face, the movements of her arms, and the carefully choreographed blocking she performed as she crossed one side of the room to the other. Yet tonight, something was off. Her tone carried more melancholy than usual, and the tempo she led was a beat slower than when they'd practiced. Chia doubted anyone would notice. Ily's pride was in her coloratura, and every moment was still magnificent---each note in the impressive cascades attacked with vim and beauty---as if she were truly a bird chirping. But behind the technical difficulties of the piece, Ily managed to slow her musicality and bring emotion to her voice; that was what cast a spell over everyone who listened.”
Elizabeth Lim, When You Wish Upon a Star

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