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Malcom X Quotes

Quotes tagged as "malcom-x" Showing 1-17 of 17
Malcolm X
“لقد غيرت القراءة مجرى حياتي تغييراً جذرياً ولم أكن أهدف من ورائها الى كسب أية شهادات لتحسين مركزي وانما كنت اريد ان احيا فكريا.”
Malcolm X

Malcolm X
“اذا كان الانسان مع الله كان الله معه وأرسل له عند الحاجة علامات تدل على ذلك.”
Malcolm X

Malcolm X
“لقد كنت في اسفل سافلين في قاع المجتمع الامريكي وعندما اهتديت الى الله والى الاسلام تغير مجرى حياتي.”
Malcolm X

Malcolm X
“لقد اوسع الحج نطاق تفكيري وفتح بصيرتي فرأيت في أسبوعين ما لم أره في تسع وثلاثين سنة.”
Malcolm X

Malcolm X
“انني احترم حق كل انسان في ان يؤمن بما يعتقد انه الصواب، وانتظر أن أعامل بالمثل.”
Malcolm X

Malcolm X
“إن عبادة الإله الواحد وحدها ستقرب الانسان من السلام الذي يتكلم عليه الجميع ولايفعل أحد شيئاً لتحقيقه.”
Malcolm X

Malcolm X
“لن يعرف احد ماهي هويتنا إذا لم نعرفها نحن، واذا لم نعرفها بقينا حيث نحن.”
Malcolm X

Malcolm X
“أؤمن أن على المرء أن يعيش حياته بالطول والعرض ، وليكن موته عنيفًا”
Malcolm X

Maya Angelou
“Every person under the sound of my voice is a soldier. You are either fighting for your freedom or betraying the fight for freedom or enlisted in the army to deny somebody else freedom.”
Maya Angelou, The Heart of a Woman

“Truth does not change, only our awareness of it. ”
Attallah Shabazz

James Baldwin
“Malcolm—the world’s much more like me than it is like
you. People recognize me. They see me in their mirror. But they don’t hardly ever
see you. You’re not in the mirror with them.”
James Baldwin, One Day When I Was Lost

“« Truth does not change, only our awareness of it. »”
Attallah Shabazz

Malcolm X
“The liberal element of Whites are those who have perfected the art of selling themselves to the Negro as a friend of the Negro, getting the sympathy of the Negro, getting the allegiance of the Negro, getting the mind of the Negro, and then the Negro sides with the White liberal and the White liberal uses the Negro against the White conservative so that anything that the Negro does is never for his own good, never for his own advancement, never for his own progress, he’s only a pawn in the hands of the White liberal. The worst enemy the Negro has is this White man who runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negroes and calling himself a liberal and it is following these White liberals that has perpetuated the problems that Negroes in America have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, trapped, tricked, deceived by the White liberal then Negroes would get together and solve our own problems. It was the White liberals that come up with the Civil War, supposedly they say, to solve the Negro, the slave question. Lincoln was supposedly a White liberal. When you read the true history of Lincoln, he wasn’t trying to free any slaves, he was trying to save the union. He was trying to save his own party. He was trying to conserve his own power and it was only after he found he couldn’t do it without freeing the slaves that he came up with the Emancipation Proclamation. So, right there you have deceit of White liberals making Negroes think that the Civil War was fought to free them, you have the deceit of White liberals making Negroes think that the Emancipation Proclamation actually freed the Negroes and then when the Negroes got the Civil War and found out they weren’t free, got the Emancipation Proclamation and they found out they still weren’t free, they begin to get dissatisfied and unrest, they come up with the...the same White liberal came up with the 14th Amendment supposedly to solve the problem. This came about, the problem still wasn’t solved, ‘cause to the White liberal it’s only a political trick. Civil War, political trick, Emancipation Proclamation, political trick, 14th Amendment to this raggedy Constitution, a political trick. Then when Negroes begin to develop intellectually again, and realize that their problem still wasn’t solved, and unrest began to increase, the Supreme Court...another so-called political trick...came up with what they call a Supreme Court Desegregation Decision, and they purposely put it in a you know, sir, that these men on the Supreme Court are masters of the King’s English, masters of legal phraseology, and if they wanted a decision that no one could get around, they would have given one but they gave their Supreme Court Desegregation Decision in 1954 purposely in a language, phraseology that enabled all of the crooks in this country to find loopholes in it that would keep them from having to enforce the Supreme Court Desegregation Decision. So that even after the decision was handed down, our problem has still not been solved. And I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the White liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negroes think that the White liberals was going to solve our problem and it is only now that the honorable Elijah Muhammad has come on the scene and is beginning to teach the Black man that our problem will never be solved by the White man that the only way our problem will be solved is when the Black man wakes up, cleans himself up, stands on his own feet, stops begging the White man and takes immediate steps to try and do for ourselves the things that we’ve been waiting for the White man to do for us. Once we do them for ourselves, once we think for ourselves, once we see for ourselves then we’ll be able to solve our own problems and we’ll be recognized as human beings all over this earth.”
Malcolm X

Malcolm X
“The white man has taught us to shout and sing and pray until we die, to wait until death, for some dreamy heaven-in-the-hereafter when we're dead, while this white man has his milk and honey in the streets paved with golden dollars right here on this Earth.”
Malcom X

Malcolm X
“For the white man to ask the black man if he hates him is just like the rapist asking the raped, or the wolf asking the sheep "do you hate me?" The white man is in no moral position to accuse anyone else of hate. Why when all of my ancestors are snake-bitten, and I'm snake bitten, and I warn my children to avoid snakes, what does that snake sound like accusing me of hate-teaching?”
Malcom X

Ijeoma Oluo
“There were two sides to the fight for racial justice: MLK was on one, Malcom was on the other. Malcom and Martin had always been presented in this dichotomy... Martin was on the side of love and equality; Malcom was on the side of anger and separation... This same Martin/Malcom dichotomy is applied to all people of color, and especially black people, who fight for racial justice. A few of us are good and worthy of support. Those who manage to say 'not all white people' enough, who manage to say please, who never talk of anger, who avoid words like 'justice', who keep our indictments abstract and never specific- we are the Martins. Those of us who shout, who inconvenience your day, who call out your specific behavior, who say 'black' loudly and proudly- we are the Malcoms.”
Ijeoma Oluo, So You Want to Talk About Race

“He said he would be willing to meet with any group, white or black, if they are willing and are honestly sincere in trying to find the problem and present a solution to the racial problem. He said the lack of education for the white as well as the black is one of the causes for the social problem in the United States. He said education will replace deficiency in the Negro and deficiency in the white person. Negro leaders have to accept the fact that there are problems between the white and black people and they must be sincere in trying to obtain a solution to their problems.”
Clayborne Carson, Malcolm X: The FBI File
