Intense And "Angsty" Romance
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message 1:
[deleted user]
Aug 09, 2012 12:15PM
This is a great list!
Found some great reads from this list and I'm ridiculously thrilled that a lot of my faves are here!
I don't really see how these books are catergorized "angsty" I was honestly expecting books like The Bell Jar or some Charles Bukowski journals.
Wow, I came to this list to find new a good romance book and realized I have already the top 12, mmm maybe I should try read something other than romance haha!
Christina wrote: "Katrina wrote: "Wow, I came to this list to find new a good romance book and realized I have already the top 12, mmm maybe I should try read something other than romance haha!"
Haha, same here. An..."
Yes exactly :-) bring on the cheese!!
Haha, same here. An..."
Yes exactly :-) bring on the cheese!!
Oh my god, seriosly why these Fifty shades of gray kinda books are now the top choices for every damn list, specially involving words like 'best' and 'romance'. Seriously, this just make me hate them even more....
Tamara wrote: "Oh my god, seriosly why these Fifty shades of gray kinda books are now the top choices for every damn list, specially involving words like 'best' and 'romance'. Seriously, this just make me hate th..."
Yeh kinda agree, I wouldn't really call Fifty Shades of Grey an angsty romance novel, more erotica than anything and Christian to me is borderline abusive. I tell you 'The Bronze Horseman' is the most angsty book I have ever read, so frustrating I almost gave up on it.
Yeh kinda agree, I wouldn't really call Fifty Shades of Grey an angsty romance novel, more erotica than anything and Christian to me is borderline abusive. I tell you 'The Bronze Horseman' is the most angsty book I have ever read, so frustrating I almost gave up on it.
things i learned from this list:
1- there is an entire subgenre i have not read, though do not know if 'angsty' is a lit term...
2- so this is where all the women authors are...
3- looking at these titles... does not encourage me to read them, though obviously they are widely, am i on the right planet?
1- there is an entire subgenre i have not read, though do not know if 'angsty' is a lit term...
2- so this is where all the women authors are...
3- looking at these titles... does not encourage me to read them, though obviously they are widely, am i on the right planet?
Why did someone make a list about 'intense' and 'angst' filled romance? And why are there so many votes? These romances are the worst. Maybe without the 'angst' it would be ok, but seriously. These books are about people suffering in the name of 'love'. If you want to read about people with miserable relationships, go ahead.
I love this list! And I've read 63 outta the top 100! Haha do love a good angsty romance where my hearts pounds!! I'm always looking for a new romance to read! But only like reading series or trilogies! Don't like stand alone books and this list has plenty! Hmmm maybe I'll make a list for just trilogies and series romance books!
Yannycats wrote: "any books where the guy breaks up with the girl in order to protect her?"
If I break...... And it's my favourite romance series of all time!! The storyline is amazing!!!
If I break...... And it's my favourite romance series of all time!! The storyline is amazing!!!
Tamara wrote: "Oh my god, seriosly why these Fifty shades of gray kinda books are now the top choices for every damn list, specially involving words like 'best' and 'romance'. Seriously, this just make me hate th..."
So glad I'm not the only one. I hate every time I see them on any book list for "good" books. I wish there was a way to vote them down.
They're not angsty romance but poorly written abuse novels disguised as romance.
So glad I'm not the only one. I hate every time I see them on any book list for "good" books. I wish there was a way to vote them down.
They're not angsty romance but poorly written abuse novels disguised as romance.
Where's the romance in The Diary of a Young Girl (#567)?! And to think four people voted for this title...
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