In feudal Japan, a young man sets out on a spiritual journey by the way of the sword, prepared to slay anyone who might get in his way. In this volume, in the aftermath of the chaos than Musashik caused at the Yoshioka School, Gion Toji vows to avenge the school's honor. Meanwhile, Mushashi reluctantly picks up a wild young disciple and together they set out for Nara where and martial art experts abound. Musashi is torn between his feelings for Otsu and his devotion to his spiritual path. Then an eccentric old man provides him with a glimpse into the nature of true strength.
In this volume, the world is starting to feel fleshed out. The protagonist, Miyamoto Musashi, is becoming a more human character than the force of nature that he was in the first three volumes, so his motivations are becoming clearer. Characters from the Yoshioka School that Miyamoto encountered in the last volume are being developed into possible future rivals for Miyamoto. Also, characters from earlier volumes appear again, so readers get a stronger sense of the cast of characters that will be helping Miyamoto on his quest to becoming the greatest sword fighter in Japan. The art, as usual, is amazing.
Some excellent character development right here. A bit of a much needed comic relief. Beautifully choreographed fight scenes. Emotional stuff.... Consider me hooked. I’m loving it.
Esse volume vai dos cap 32 ao 40 e vemos aqui uma reflexão do protagonista Musashi sobre ele mesmo com a ajuda do Monge Takuan cara esse volume foi incrível com o protagonista pensando na mulher que ele gosta e percebendo que isso não é ruim e também adorei a adição do novo personagem o menino Jotaro e vai se formando aí uma foundy family aí não vejo a hora de ver um grilinho se formando e tô louco pra ver as lutas que terá no próximo volume porque esse acabou com um gancho insano quero ver se o protagonista vai conseguir ganhar ou se vai perder e ver que tem que evoluir mais.
پیرمرده چقدر حرفای خوبی زد و چه خوب کمکش کرد. راه مقابله ای که با رنج بلند نیزه ها پیدا کرد هم خوب بود. موساشی یکی از کسایی بوده که تکنیک همزمان شمشیر بلند و کوتاه داشتن رو اورده، پس احتمالن از همین جاها شروع شده.🤔
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
3.25 stars. It took me a long time to finish this volume because it just didn't hold my attention. I'm glad, however, that it ended with hints of developments to come beyond Musashi merely going from place to place to beat everyone up and declare that he will become stronger. His opponents are not very interesting to me either, which kind of dampens my excitement for each new fight.
Despite having an appearance of an action manga at its surface, it is something much profound at its core, tackling some really deep philosophical concepts.
I still remember the stories of the last few months that eventually led me here to Takehiko Inoue's Vagabond. It all started with the graphic novel adaptation of Miyamoto Musashi's The Book of Five Rings which brought into my awareness, the sword saint. Then I read the first three volumes of Stan Sakai's Usagi Yojimbo, a long time favorite. Along the way, I had a late night viewing of Tom Cruise's The Last Samurai on HBO. Recently. I've embarked on a reread of the 31-volume Slam Dunk (another Inoue property) collected manga which was the final impetus for me to finally start on Vagabond.
This begins the Hozoin arc, as Miyamoto Musashi continues his pilgrimage to improve himself by facing the best warriors he can. The story-telling bogs down here; it won't be until the next volume where we'll have a major fight. That's main reason this only gets a four instead of the five stars I gave the first three volumes. Still, this is a strong volume.
Another strong volume. Nice to see Otsu and Takuan reappearing. It would be a shame if such great characters were set aside in the early volumes. Musashi continues to travel between dojo challenging people to fights (I think this will be the premise throughout the series), but it is good to see added layers of development in the challenges that shape him: his love for Otsu, the vendetta of the Yoshioka swordsmen, and his meeting with a philosopher monk. The philosophy in fact is one of the real strong points and I am sure it will become a focus of the series as Musashi's character gives it more thought. His current mentality seems to be - "Monk: Seek your inner strength, Musashi. Musashi: Interesting concept. *pause* Now can I hit stuff!?" Lots of room for character development in later volumes!
It plods on. It's enjoyable enough. Not sure it's going to break out into the level of storytelling that I want though. The main character's flip-flopping between arrogance and seeming humility is a little tiresome. 50% of the dialogue is him saying "I am/must be/will be strong".
Nakon prva tri tankobona sam konstatovala da je lik Musashia emotivno nezreo i da očekujem da će se razvijati na svim poljima. Pa i dalje je nezreo, ali raste i počeo je da misli malo glavom i prihvata svoja osećanja. Otsu počinje da ga proganja i u snovima i na javi (o, pa nama se to neko zaljubio!). To sve potpaljuje Takuan i tera ga da se malo preispita oko postupaka i izbora koje je napravio, ali i onih koje će napraviti. Time će očigledno doprineti emotivnom razvoju našeg glavnog lika. Takuan čak konstatuje da je Musashia Otsu toliko pomela da nema nikakve razlike da li je sa njima na putu ili ne, jer konstantno misli o njoj, pa dodaje na to sve jednu divnu mudrost - Preoccupied with a single leaf... you won't see the tree. Preoccupied with a single tree... you'll miss the entire forest. Don't be preoccupied with a single spot. See everything in its entirety... effortlessly. That's what it means to truly "see". Videćemo nadalje da za jednog sveštenika svašta ovaj Takuan ima da kaže po pitanju ljubavnih jada. ;)
A tu je i dečak Jotaro, koji želi da bude Musashiev učenik i u stopu ga prati. Znam, ovo malo podseća na Berserka. Pre svega na način kako se ljudi okupljaju oko glavnog lika, a onda i kako utiču na njega i njegove odluke, kao i da ne podivlja potpuno i bude sociopata. Kako je krenulo, možda i Musashi dobije svoju 'družinu Pere Kvržice'. :D
Pored ljubavnog savetnika Takuana, pojavljuje se još jedan savetnik (sveštenik?), s mudrostima nalik master Yodi - You must faced so many enemies throughout your life. But you must understand... Enemies they were not... until you forced them to become so. Your own bloodthirts turns everyone you encounter against you. How many more will you kill? That's not true strenght. You're just clumsy and graceless.
U ovom tankobonu mi je definitivno jasno zašto je Matahachi takakv kakav jeste, jer mu još bolje upoznajemo majku. I ne, njen sin nije ništa od onoga za šta ga okrivljuju. Uvek je krivac neko drugi. Odgovornosti i snošenja posledica za ponašanje zero, nula, nada...
E da, rekla bih da nam Gion Toji obećava neke opake i nemilosrdne scene borbi u narednim tankobonima. Naravno arogancija zagarantovana, udovi na sve strane i krvi do kolena.
Great volume; we met Takuan and Otsu again! just briefly before they were separated again. We continues our travel to the next Dojo. The old guy was great! and I think he is the head of the Dojo but he is working on the field now! that murderous intent was intense 3:) Very good volume and great ending!
Tras lo ocurrido en el tomo anterior, en este vemos la transición entre lo ocurrido en dojo Yoshioka, cuyas tramas llegan a su fin (tan sólo por el momento) con sus diferentes miembros principales tomando caminos diferentes, un Musashi al que aún le queda entrenamiento por delante para poder estar a la altura del reto al que aspiraba, y un Matahachi que tras años perdido en su miseria, parece haber espabilado... veremos si realmente será así.
Tras un nuevo encuentro con Taku y un "aprendiz" a su cargo que ahora le acompañará en su viaje, un niño llamado Jotaro, Musashi continúa camino, esta vez hacia el templo Hozoin, donde se encuentran los mejores lanceros de Japón con la esperanza de enfrentarse a otro de los grandes oponentes de la época, considerado un genio y una joven promesa por todos, el monje Inshun, maestro de la lanza.
Para ello, Musashi se encontrará con un curioso anciano, así como uno más poderoso del dojo, Agon, con el que tendrá que enfrentarse.
Otro tomo estupendo, con dibujo espectacular que solo va in crescendo, y con un final que hace que no puedas esperar al siguiente.
In this volume we see more of Matahachi, how he regrets his decision of not coming back home and leaving otsu. Which makes him way more human and relatable. He's not just as dedicated, responsible and brave as Musashi but he's fighting himself (however not very successful). There's a rivalry between the two friends but Matahachi isn't even close and he knows that. Musashi has also matured. We see him beginning to reflect on himself and acknowledge his feelings (particularly for Otsu). Takuan and the old man have helped him know himself better. He has a long way to go yer though. For now he's not much more than a beast with no roots and knowing no value for human life. We get to know more about his parents, and how his father's tough upbringing shaped Takezo like this. Can't wait to know more about them.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Siempre que aparece Takuan es un buen día en el universo de Vagabond, aunque eso no es todo, la historia de Musashi, lo que piensa sobre Otsu y la forma de expresarlo fueron muy divertidas.
Por otro lado, en el camino para ser el mejor, Musashi abandona el dojo de los Yoshioka (con Touji Gion siguiendolo de cerca buscando venganza) y se dirige a enfrentarse a las lanzas de Hozoin, en donde se encuentra a un viejo misterioso. El arte y las escenas de acción son excelentes, como siempre.
I'm getting a bit tired of the cliched "warrior/swordsman finds himself a pupil to follow him in his path towards true strength". It's surprisingly common in these types of stories, although it doesn't feel like a misstep in this manga. I wonder though if Vagabond can excuse itself more as it is based on the real life of Mushashi (although, also taking a lot of creative freedom in the telling). Whatever will come out of it, I don't know.
Ce tome la est beaucoup plus posé et on commence un peu plus ce travail d'introspection : qu'est ce que cela signifie que d'être fort ? C'est quoi la force ? Pour quoi pour qui nous battons nous ? L'ennemi que l'on voit c'est l'ennemi que l'on s'est créé bref loved it ! Qu'est ce que j'aime Takezo purée 💓💓💓
We get to meet more characters along with those in the earlier volumes. Moreover, we get to see Takezo's advance development on his personal side. Additionally, the build up to the fight is brilliant.