Mari Silva
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“Bad temper and anger management can be significant problems for Aquarians, especially the individuals who have to face a lot of pressure and stress. These individuals hate being emotionally vulnerable, so if something really grinds their nuts, they can lash out severely. This outburst may compensate for and include a lot of pent-up emotions.”
― Aquarius: The Ultimate Guide to an Amazing Zodiac Sign in Astrology
― Aquarius: The Ultimate Guide to an Amazing Zodiac Sign in Astrology
“You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body." −C. S. Lewis”
― Mediumship: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Spiritual Medium and Developing Psychic Abilities Such as Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, and Clairaudience
― Mediumship: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Spiritual Medium and Developing Psychic Abilities Such as Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, and Clairaudience
“They fear being misunderstood or not being understood at all. If they see this fear becoming a reality, they tend to enter a world of their own fantasy and diminish the reality. This is why they may often wander off into their inner world, which may make them seem harsh, cold, aloof, and secretive.”
― Aquarius: The Ultimate Guide to an Amazing Zodiac Sign in Astrology
― Aquarius: The Ultimate Guide to an Amazing Zodiac Sign in Astrology
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