William Hazelgrove
Goodreads Author
Richmond, The United States
Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Russo, Ford, Kerouac, Twain,
Member Since
August 2008
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William Hazelgrove
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Popular Answered Questions
Madam President: The Secret Presidency of Edith Wilson
2 editions
The Pitcher
5 editions
Tobacco Sticks
7 editions
Al Capone and the 1933 World’s Fair: The End of the Gangster Era in Chicago
6 editions
One Hundred and Sixty Minutes: The Race to Save the RMS Titanic
Henry Knox's Noble Train: The Story of a Boston Bookseller's Heroic Expedition That Saved the American Revolution
6 editions
Real Santa
7 editions
Wright Brothers, Wrong Story: How Wilbur Wright Solved the Problem of Manned Flight
Rocket Man
7 editions
Forging a President: How the Wild West Created Teddy Roosevelt
4 editions
William’s Recent Updates
William Hazelgrove
wrote a new blog post
"My thanks to both NetGalley and Rowman & Littlefield Publishers for an advanced copy about a time in America when a man with dreams and the ability to match them, could scare a nation with a burgeoning new social media device, radio.
I have read a lot" Read more of this review » |
Dr. Alan Albarran's review
The Last Charge of the Rough Rider: Theodore Roosevelt's Final Days:
"I want to thank the publisher, Rowan & Littlefield, author William Hazelgrove and NetGalley for making an ARC of this book available to read and review. What follows is my own unbiased review of The Last Charge of the Rough Rider.
I'm a big fan of Pre" Read more of this review » |
2 other people
Nancy's review
The Last Charge of the Rough Rider: Theodore Roosevelt's Final Days:
"Theodore Roosevelt didn’t want to die a quiet death. He fervently sought a hero’s death on the battlefield. Disgusted by President Woodrow Wilson’s lack of martial enthusiasm for joining the war raging in Europe, TR not only criticized his political "
Read more of this review »
“She married a president who had been recently widowed. In four years, the president would have a severe stroke and leave her to run the United States government and negotiate the end of World War I. She was our first woman president.”
― Madam President: The Secret Presidency of Edith Wilson
― Madam President: The Secret Presidency of Edith Wilson
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My new sci-fi suspense, The Twist is a Bookstrand #1 Bestseller! A story of mind-bending control and unnerving metamorphosis, The Twist unravels the tale of a hotshot consultant as he struggles to foil a plot to steal $12 million and to rescue the feisty, female scientist who has stolen his heart.
Have a great day!
Lee Silver
"Romance With a Twist"
THE TWIST, BookStrand #1 Bestseller
It would be my honor to be as your friend.
Thanks for adding me.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
چه جوری میفهمی که الان در سال 2008 هستی؟؟
1) You find out that your family that is not more than 3 people have 4 or 5 mobile telephone numbers.
یهو نگاه میکنی میبینی خانواده ات که 3 نفر بیشتر نیستن ؛ 4 یا 5 خط موبایل دارن
2) You send an Email to a work colleague even though he/she is sitting at a desk right next to yours.
واسه همکارت ایمیل میفرستی در حالی که میز بغل دستی تو نشسته
3) Your relationship with family members and friends that have no Email gets worse and you hardly contact them.
رابطه ات با اقوام و دوستانی که آدرس ایمیل ندارن رو به وخامت میره و تو به سختی میتونی باهاشون ارتباط داشته باشی
4) You park your car outside your house then use your mobile to phone the house to ask for assistance with carrying the shopping in.
شما ماشینتون رو جلوی خونه تون پارک میکنین ..بعدش موبایلتون رو در میارین و به خونه زنگ میزنین که بیان کمک و چیزایی که خریدین رو از ماشین پیاده کنن .
5) Every TV advert has an internet address at the bottom of the screen..
هر آگهی تلویزیونی یه آدرس اینترنتی هم زیرش داره
6) Leaving the house without taking your mobile phone with you makes you really stress and rush back to pick it up even though you managed to live without one for 20 or 30 years of your life.
وقتی خونه رو بدون همراه داشتن موبایلتون ترک میکنین باعث میشه استرس تمام وجودتون رو بگیره و دوباره با عجله برگردین خونه تا ورش دارین در حالی که قبلا بدون موبایل 20-30 سال از عمرتون رو گذروندین و بدون هیچ مشکلی
8) As soon as you wake up in the morning you check the internet even before you have your coffee.
صبحها قبل از خوردن چایی و قهوه تون تا بلند میشین اولین کاری که میکنین سر زدن به اینترنت هست
9) You are now reading this, smiling and shaking your head.
شما الان در حالی که این ایمیل رو میخونین سرتون رو تکون میدین و لبخند میزنین ...
10) You are so busy reading this that you didn’t even notice that this list has no number 7.
و این قدر سرگرم خوندن این ایمیل بودین که حتی توجه نکردین که این لیست شماره 7 نداشت ..
11) You went back up to check that there is no number 7.
شما دوباره برگشتین تا چک کنین که شماره 7 رو داشته یا نه؟
12) I am sure if you scrolled up that you will find number 7, its just that you didn’t notice it.
و من مطمئنم که اگه شما دوباره به بالا برگردین حتما شماره 7 رو پیدا میکنین ...این مال اینه که شما بهش توجه نکردین
13) You scrolled up again but you did not find number 7. I am making fun of you of course, this goes to show that you have no trust in yourself and that you believe anything said to you.
شما دوباره بر میگردین بالا ولی باز هم شماره 7 رو پیدا نمیکنین .. البته که من با شما شوخی کردم و این نشون میده که شما به خودتون هم اعتماد نمیکنین و هرچی بقیه بگن باور میکنین
Look forward to talking books
How are you? Thank you for being my friend. Good fortune on your books.
Please visit these groups when you have a chance: “Happy & Brainy Group” and “To the Glory of Man”.
Have fun. Best regards.
Me too! But I won't be talking books today! I'm validating the course I teach tomorrow then teaching solid for two days, putting a film script into Screen West Midlands and concocting a business plan for the college film company for Thursday!