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Raising Matters of Concern

If you are someone involved in or working for Breakeven, or a user of the services provided by Breakeven you can make a complaint.

You can complain about any part of the organisation or about any of the services provided by Breakeven including;

  • A poor quality of service
  • The attitude or behaviour of any staff member or voluntary member
  • Any of the procedures
  • A lack of equal opportunities
  • Any of the services provided, including assessment processes, contracts offered to clients and the referral process
  • The way the organisation is managed

Breakeven is committed to fair, open and accountable practice and would expect anyone connected with the organisation or any client with a serious complaint to come forward.

Any serious matter of concern that was raised would be treated with seriousness and any action would proceed on a confidential basis.

Some of the serious concerns that may be raised are:

  • Unprofessional behaviour
  • Discrimination
  • Unfair treatment
  • Unethical conduct or practice
  • Conduct which is a breach of the law
  • Sexual, physical or verbal abuse
  • Exploitation of any sort
  • Bullying or harassment

The British Association for Counsellors and Psychotherapist (BACP) have set out specific standards for therapeutic practice;

  • Fidelity - Being trustworthy
  • Autonomy-Respect for the client’s right to be self governing
  • Beneficence - Acting in the best interest of the client
  • Non-maleficence - Not exploiting or abusing the client in any way
  • Justice- Being just and fair to all clients
  • Self-respect, fostering the practitioners self-knowledge, integrity and care for self

The breach of any of these standards would be treated with seriousness and any action would proceed on a confidential basis.

Complaint Procedures

Minor Complaints

Breakeven aims to provide the best possible service for staff and clients and if it seems that the organisation is getting it wrong in any way it would be useful to know to help improve the services.

A good start for a minor complaint would be to contact the person or persons involved to see if they can sort it out quickly.

Any minor complaint would be acknowledged and addressed and action would be taken to resolve the problem as soon as possible.

In the event of a minor complaint it may be best to contact the person or persons in the organisation you are making a complaint about to see if the complaint can be sorted out right away. Your complaint will be addressed and dealt with and it may be possible to resolve any issues without having to be involved in any specific complaint procedures.

You may not want to speak directly to the person or persons you are complaining about and your complaint would need to be directed to the C.E.O of Breakeven, or to the Head of Clinical Services or C.O.O in the absence of C.E.O, who will acknowledge your complaint and seek to sort out the problem as quickly as possible without having to take it further.

Serious Complaints

For more serious complaints, the process may not be as quick as for a minor complaint as certain procedures would have to be followed. In the case of any serious concern or any breach of professional and ethical standards the C.E.O of Breakeven would be consulted and specific measures would be taken;

  • A confidential investigation about the complaint would be led by the Breakeven C.E.O. This investigation may involve other members of the management or administration team to assist the C.E.O in any investigation
  • In the case that a complaint was made against the C.E.O the Head of Clinical Services would lead any investigation
  • The person or persons any complaint was made against would be fully informed of the complaint and given the opportunity to be supported in any investigation by colleagues or outside advisors.
  • The person or person any complaint was made against would be informed of any decision made and action it was intended to take
  • There would be the right to appeal about the results of any complaints investigation.
  • Advise may be sought from The British Association for Counsellors and Psychotherapists or other professionals if the matter was a professional or ethical one
  • If the matter was a professional or ethical issue, involving a counsellor in training in a placement at Breakeven the course placement coordinator and course leader would be involved in any action taken
  • In the event that a complaint was such that it was a matter that was more than could be dealt with Breakeven complaint procedures advise may be taken from outside agencies about how to proceed. This may involve seeking legal advice or any other advice that may be pertinent to the complaint made
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