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Fabulous Felt Collages Form Dense Jungles of Colorful Flora

Felt art by Naima Almeida

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Felt is an inter­est­ing mate­r­i­al to work with. It’s a fab­ric, but because of the way the fibers are mat­ted and com­pressed, essen­tial­ly, the mate­r­i­al is stiffer. It can be used in a way sim­i­lar to paper.

Illus­tra­tor Naíma Almei­da uses it to cre­ate col­lage art that high­lights bright col­ors and bold shapes, all inspired by nature. Her most ambi­tious pieces use felt to cre­ate dense, jun­gle-like scenes of trop­i­cal blooms. Pieces are lay­ered and are a daz­zling com­bi­na­tion of felt’s sig­na­ture vibrant col­ors and beau­ti­ful shape design. Togeth­er, all of it begs for a clos­er look.

Be sure to fol­low Naíma on Insta­gram to see what she’s up to next. You can also pur­chase a selec­tion of her work through Society6.

Illustrator Naíma Almeida uses felt to create collage art that highlights bright colors and bold shapes.

Felt art by Naima Almeida

Felt art by Naima Almeida

Her most ambitious pieces use felt to create dense, jungle-like scenes of tropical blooms.

Felt art by Naima Almeida

Felt art by Naima Almeida

Pieces are layered and are a dazzling combination of felt’s signature vibrant colors and beautiful shape design.

Felt art by Naima Almeida

Felt art by Naima Almeida

Take a look at all of these delicious details!

Felt art by Naima Almeida

Felt art by Naima Almeida

Felt art by Naima Almeida

Felt art by Naima Almeida