Why can’t a business receive a text message?

52% of internet traffic is mobile

Texting is one of the most common uses of a cell phone

But nearly 100% of businesses can’t receive a text message

Biz Text lets your business receive texts

Receive and reply to texts from customers on your cell phone or a PC

Just $20/month

Get less phone calls, give better Customer Service and change your business forever

Animation of a hand holding a mobile phone sending and receiving text messages for customer service

How It Works
  • You are given a dedicated Biz Text Number to receive texts
  • Paste our code on your website and your Biz Text Number is displayed
  • Texts from your customers are forwarded to your phone
  • Reply from your phone or online
  • Your customers will never see your personal cell number
  • Set the business hours you want to receive texts, you won’t receive texts when your business is closed
Why Let Your Customers Text Your Business for Customer Serivce

Receiving Text Messages is better, faster, and easy to deliver

  • Texts are better than phone calls for many customer needs: appointment availability and setting, service inquiries, questions about cost, billing, address, location and hours
  • Texting makes communication with your customers more efficient which means you will keep more customers, they will be happier, and it will be easier to run your business
  • Phone calls need to be answered when they come in, but a text waits for you until you are ready
  • A text message gives you time to formulate a response, for example, to look something up
  • Texting is fast – a text message takes 5 seconds to read, 90% of text messages are read in 3 minutes
  • Texting allows you to give customers quick attention without having to immediately drop what you’re doing
  • Only one phone call can be handled at a time but several text conversations can be handled at the same time
  • People don’t like leaving voicemail and voicemails are slow and inefficient to listen to and respond
  • Texts help you and your customers be concise and get to the point
  • When you do respond to voicemails, people often don’t pick up their phone – texting helps you avoid playing phone tag with your customers
  • Texting gives your customers a new channel to communicate with you
  • Many people don’t want to talk on the phone any more
Text Message Forwarding to a Mobile Phone

Your customers will never see your personal cell number

Your business is sent a Text

Illustration of a hand holding a mobile phone with the question, can I book an appointment today?

Reply on your Texting Dashboard…

Illustration of a Texting Dashboard replying to a Text Message

…or on a Mobile Phone(s)

Illustration of a hand holding a mobile phone with a Text Message forwarded
Text Marketing Made Easy

Let your customers know about upcoming events, promotions, and announcements

  • Appointment reminders and confirmations will help you reduce no shows and lost business
  • Let customers know you are closed or send out cancellations to a group
  • Announce a promotion
  • Announce new products or service
  • Let existing customers know you now receive texts at this number
  • Ask for likes of your Facebook page or other social media
  • Ask for reviews
  • Notify customers of staff changes
  • Unlike other text marketing software, Biz Text allows your customers to reply by text, and those texts appear in your Texting Dashboard.
Animation of a hand holding a mobile phone with Text Us accepting Text Messages for Customer Service
Try it! Text Us to See How it Works

Have a question about how Biz Texting will make your business more efficient and easier to run?

Are you curious if you are texting with a real human?

Receiving Text Messages Improves Customer Service

Your Business will Change With Biz Text

Picture of Len Kiroplis, Physical Therapist Queen West Physiotherapy who is using Text Messages for Customer Serivce

— Len Kiroplis, Physical Therapist
Queen West Physiotherapy

Biz Text has improved the way we communicate with our customers. We receive a mix of short questions where only one reply is required and also have full conversations using Biz Text. We have booked many new appointments and can also just answer questions from customers more easily. Being able to answer from a cell phone when our receptionist can’t get to it is a great feature. This service is inexpensive, extremely user-friendly and rewarding as we see prospects converted consistently. Both our second location and our education company are now also using Biz Text.

Biz Text Plugins and API

Integrate Biz Text With Websites, Social Media and Other Applications

Start Receiving Text Messages for Customer Service

We make it easy to let your customers Text your Business

Choose a Plan

Biz Text is an inexpensive solution to receiving texts, sign up with one of our plans to fit your businesses needs

Get the Answers

We have an extensive FAQ page on using Biz Text, step by step guide for features, and more

Contact Us

Not entirely sure and want to learn more, we are happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have

Biz TextJS Plugin