Our Data
BeenVerified aggregates countless sources of public records and puts them in one report. Our mission is to do so in an affordable, accurate and easy-to-use manner.
What data can BeenVerified provide?
We have billions of data points and can help you look up a person, phone number, email address, vehicle, physical address, social media account and even find unclaimed money you're owed.
What is public record data?
Remember when you signed up for that free credit card? Or those cell phone rebates and magazine subscriptions? Or even speeding tickets, mortgage deeds, social network profile and blog postings? They all reveal information about you, which is known as a public record.
Was this data always available?
Traditionally, these records have been maintained by governments and large corporations. It has been profitable for those in possession of the public records to maintain tight control over it. Thus, while it is publically available, the data is often hard to find (requiring trips to courthouses for example) and expensive to access (requiring fees for individual records).
Is there an easier way to get access?
Yes - BeenVerified merges public records into easy to understand reports. No need to pay hundreds of dollars, visit thousands of county clerks, and search millions of websites to find the public records you need. Our mission is to make public records easy, affordable, and accurate for everyone.
Is your data accurate?
We curate data from dozens of providers, which gives us access to billions of data points. We offer access to criminal record data, property record data, contact information, publicly available personal information, vehicle record data and much more. Our data updates frequently, so be sure to set up Monitoring if you want to be notified when the information changes.
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