Latest Releases
Thunderdome 2024
The Darkraver, Marshall Masters, The Viper, Mad-E-Fact, The Prophet, Omar Santana, DJ Waxweazle, Neophyte, Promo, DJ Yves, DJ Pila, DJ Chosen Few, Jeremy, Dr. Phil Omanski, Predator, Lunalotic, Panic, DJ Sim, Paralizer, Bodylotion, Bionic Commanders, Mike Ink, The Chain of Brotherhood, E-WAX, Gabberhead, Corrat, DJ Buzz Fuzz, Lenny Dee, Ech Heftag!, Manuel Es, Delta 9, Lockjaw, DJ Ruffneck, DJ Isaac, Painbringer, KnightVision, Slugnoid, The Twins Artcore, DJ Arjuna, Dr Zombie, Dj Obsession, Rotterdam Terror Corps, Peckerhead, Unexist, Moshpitch, Aftermath, Karun, Furyan, Dark Collective, Restrained, Myst, Evil Activities, Angerfist, Nosferatu, INVADE, Hellsystem, Unfused, Voidrunner, GridKiller, Tim Beumers, Bulletproof, Indika, Felicia, Deformer, Dr. Peacock, Square Dimensione, Triax, Partyraiser, Tieum, Noize Suppressor, Lunatic, Miss Hysteria, Hardbouncer, Mc Adk, F. Noize, Glenx, Skits Vicious, Scarphase, Destructive Tendencies, Barber, Creeds, Dither, Spitnoise, Rosbeek, S-KILL, TukkerTempo, Principle, Rob The Rocket, Marc Acardipane, Fast H
Hardcore Never Dies
Rotterdam Terror Corps, Body Lotion, The Prophet, Neophyte, The Nightraver, Bass D, King Matthew, Mc Raw, DJ Distortion, DJ Isaac, Bodylotion, Bass-D, DJ Rob, MC Joe, Diss Reaction, Ruffneck, DJ Ruffneck, Swift, Mike Redman, Dart, Bignam Scep, Dione, Moshpitch, Ruffneck as Knightvision, SRB, Hardcore Factory, Dr Z-Vago, Hardhead