Double 99, also known as R.I.P. Productions and 10° Below, are a UK garage duo which consisted of members Tim Liken (Tim Deluxe) and Omar Adimora. They are best known for their sole UK chart hit single "RipGroove", which reached No. 14 in its second release on the UK Singles Chart in 1997. Mainstream radio stations refused to playlist the record on its first release due to it being “too different”, too urban and too underground, despite its unparalleled popularity throughout the summer. Thanks to A&R man Nick Raphael’s belief in the record, it was eventually playlisted on Radio 1 (the first ever UKG record to be added), with newly added vocals from Top Cat it went on to enter the charts at No. 14, opening the floodgates for a UKG
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Skint Records Ibiza 2013
Paolo Mojo, Hard Ton, Matthew Codek, Double 99, X-Press 2, Whitesquare, Piemont, Richard Dinsdale, Zenbi, Skye, Dave Davis, Murder He Wrote, Samuel Dan, Ramon Tapia, Dirty Secretz, Timo Garcia, Redondo, Fatboy Slim, Tommy Vee, Marco Lys, Tomas Andersson, Schuhmacher, Acid Kit, Mihalis Safras, Marshall Jefferson, House Of Virus, Roland Clark, Sonny Wharton, Skint Records Ibiza 2013