Xila, a World Music project created in 2012 by Alix Cvt. Passionate about production, Xila has been making music on FL Studio since she was 14 and works in a variety of styles with different projects, (Enak) Techno and (Galva) Dirty Electro, but loves mainly compose progressive and groovy oriented music. At the beginning he started to play in RaveParty around 2014 with sounds systems then joined the collective "La Buena Onda" for a few years in 2016 which allowed him to play on more important stages alongside a great artist. The collective now dissolved, Xila continues to Compose / Mixed alone but always in the greatest pleasures surrounded and accompanied by label and trusted friend!
Latest Releases
Sapere Aude
luçïd (Paris), Mujia & Tajo, Charlie M., Gili Eidelson, Shunus, Mika El, Eternal Moment, Nandao, M.ONDE, Samaha, Sangeet, Sergey Nomad, Shadow Wano, Seventh Soul, Kapoor, Daniel Hokum, Tadej Jaki, Juliano Gomez, SEVN (CA), Antonio Santana, Caspimo, Mayanáay, Überhaupt & Außerdem, Ouhana, Xila, Nada, Sydka
Kalypsoul, Malü, kośa records, Eternal Moment, Erhan Yilmaz, Lababoom, Matija, blue Dietrich, Serkan Eles, Donz, Sergey Nomad, Shadow Wano, Emrat, VadimoooV, NEO`OKAI, Bran (BG), Xila, The Cup Brothers, Adeil Airaki, Selva More, Claudio Arditti, Khazaar, Moth Warlock, Konrad Dycke, SavaBorsa, Markus Wesen, Jeronimo Karpouzakis, Huitzi, A X L, Mutul, KAZKO, Cuneyt Karayalcin, Artvone, Unja, Compas Polysorb, Oriom, Abulo, Seiun (FR), Wardita, Menori, zijn, Orchid (FR), Geometry, Ildar Bik, Pluzhnik, KIRILIN
Atman (US), kośa records, OneRec, Yusuf Lemone, Tadej Jaki, Aleceo, Saraabb, Assem, Yedikule, Kerem Genc, Dj Shaman, KURAI CLAN, Cristian Monak, Zaamen, Barbarella (DE), Nebu Mitte, Laion, Xila, Bran (BG), Lomandeep, Herzakkord, INACIO, Tierra Profunda, Stephane Salerno, Ephlum, Lesmus, Ali Termos, blue Dietrich, Claudio Arditti, Skarabi, Adeil Airaki, Ashtar, Inoie, ASMO, Gabi Raíz, Mr. Pablo, Artvone, Ozan Karataşlı, Zawar K, Rukhman, Nasca, Jeweled Lotus, TLITLILTZIN, Dallanoras, David Podhel
ATAVIST, kośa records, Majnoon, Max Seeger, Xila, Slowlane, KÖNI, Magupi, Eternal Moment, AmuAmu, YannaY, Mop, Desert Raven, Claudio Arditti, Jack Essek, Piccaya, VadimoooV, Vusall, Seebo, Sanved, Laaar, Räubermukke, Moth Warlock, Distoport, Artem Belida, Gabi Raíz, Dare, elzy padmé, Ozan Karataşlı, Soul Balm, Einida Eleven, Lomandeep, Serpoosh, Bran (BG), DJ Queto, Farloh, Ertunç Şenbay