Milinka Radisic is known as the very first Indonesian femaleDJ to spin global. This unique blend of Indonesian andSerbian parents has forged herself to a reputation as one ofthe most distinguished icon of female DJ in Asia. For thepast 6 years she has collected numerous electronic musicawards in Indonesia and was chosen to be “the mostseventh of influenced women in Indonesia” in the country of240 million populations, according to one of the biggestmedia portal in Indonesia.She got many extensive media coverage from politicnewspapers, fashion magazines to entertainment T Vs andradio program such as “Fashion TV”, “Tonight Show”, “MiraAdanja Show” and etc. She has fast became a regionalsymbol and a perfect example of female DJ trend in Asia. Inaddition, since 2008 big brands such as DJ Gear ReloopAsia, Magma Bag, Adidas,