Tehran based producer/DJ, Ali Mohtashami initiated his production career from 1999 currently collaborating with Emergent Music, State Control Records, M-Sol Records, Universal Flow Records, Interflow Records sub label, Aural Sonic; Harmony, Alveda Music, and so on. Moreover, he has collaborated with May-Britt Scheffer, Erwin Khakichian, PITTARIUS CODE, Azin Zahedi, Ren Faye, Nikos Geladis, etc supported by many producers around the world. Also, he was part of the Rock Band “Ignoredz” and co- produced the album Endless War in 2012 as well as collaborating with Erwin playing role in producing two hits on "Gozargah" album and three singles for him previously. Furthermore, he has produced electronic music hits for the games of 2014 World Cup broadcasted in Iran national TV.