Jape is a musical act based in Malmo, Sweden.Jape is my main musical project, along with Glenn Keating. I also play with The Redneck Manifesto, Visionair, Black Abbott and Dimman, as well as making music under my own name, Richard Egan.
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A-Z: Bestival 2007 - Exclusive Digital Edition
Artist Unknown, Bonde Do Role, The Cuban Brothers, Dan Le Sac, Scroobius Pip, Dub Pistols, Thee Earls, Fujiya & Miyagi, The Go Team, The Hat, It Hugs Back, Jape, Lewis, Kitty Daisy, Levellers, Alice Mclaughlin, Nic Dawson Kelly, Primal Scream, Max Sedgley, Robyn, Seasick Steve, Night of 100 Ukes, Sportsday Megaphone, Johnny Flynn, The Sussex Wit, Grand National, Zion Train
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