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Melodic House & Techno Trax, Vol. 8
Marc Reason, Christos Papadogias, Chriz Cramer, ChrNdra, Chicagoboy, Circuito Zeta, Clapland, Clarity Of Sound, Clubhero, CLYFFTONE, Del Piero, Coconoize, CodeTen, Collin Stone, Coolnick, Cor Sanders, Corusa, Miguel Lautaro, Cosmic Growl, Cosmoe, Costa Mp, Croell & Rubell, Crossie85, Cruise (IT), Cubba Jr., Cueless, CURUMatriX, Cusp, Cut N Glue, D Edge Knight
Melodic House & Techno Trax, Vol. 2
Alex Fredrik, Alex From Jack, Bulle, Sodara (CH), Alex Neuge, Alex Progress, Alex Sproud, Alex Tomb, Chicagoboy, Alex-Millan, Alexander Ben, Alexander Bollinger, AlexMusicBase, Alfonso Forte, Alfonso Rod, Ali Aksu, Alive, Allen Alexis, Allesman, Allex, AlphaEimer, Alphatronic, ALVA (IT), Amila J, Amila Jay, Amplified MD, Analogik Voice, Ancestralis, Andre Demir, Andre Jors
Melodic House & Techno Trax, Vol. 1
7even Icon, Cor Sanders, Sodara (CH), Ahrwald, André Thorwirth, Adrijana, AEM Ambient Electronic Music, PayD, Alex Curtis, Alex Neuge, Alessio Pennati, Alemao, A B, 6JAN9, 2 OU, Alfonso Rod, Alexander Bollinger, Alec Raw, Ali Aksu, Alex Fredrik, Alejio Hambach, Alex-Millan, Alexander Ben, Abusif Circle, Alfonso Forte, Alex Sproud, Alex Progress, Chicagoboy, Al Chord, Alessandro Basile, Alex Dan
Most Rated: Melodic House & Techno
Robin Hirte, Karim Le Mec, Goose Tann, IRA (GER), Alejio Hambach, DJ Sveta, Alex Progress, Sundrej Zohar, Jssst, Jake 303, V. Sauce, Jeff Alford, Carton, Humeur Killer, Cut N Glue, startech42, Atina, DaCrazyFish, James Le Freak, Anthony Kimbrew, Mondmann, Kraft Der Sonne, Hab's, Aram, Axel Black, Hektor Pascal, Monosynth, Behind The Fields, Earl & Majors, Marc Hirschvogel, Inspisica, J_ulio, Jakepool, Kilany M, Never Heard, Melosour, ShezZzo376, Ilhan Gumus, Hansgod, Ayem, Rml, Mariano Santos, Vito Raisi
Homecooking: A Journey Through the Genres of House
Cubezar Hamburger Jung, DJ Sveta, DJ Mixon, Thorsten Bongartz, Alu, Ivan Herb, Dj-chart, Gianlupo, Nesia, Dreams Machine, Stargaze, Vicky, JMA, Jonny Rose, Tonski, Monica, Lightwarrior, Chrizz Morisson, Projekt 101, Sydrops, Logan Mateusz, David Vendetta, Sen Etan, Serge Legran, DJ Prodigio, Raphael Prince of Soul, Groovy People, Clara La Roche, Kristof Tigran, Yan Garen, Lavida Losard, Alex Zind, Melting Plastic, S&S, Sgt.Elias, Steilhoch3, Miller, Qbon, Nafets, Mr. Thorn, Nick Solid, Lothar Porsche, H.N.P, Zad, Alm, Wonsville, Bogomil Damyan, Christos Papadogias, Chillelektro, MAESTRI, Arianny, Ghedzo, Earl & Majors, Phil Moorey, Krikor, Jakub Rene Kosik, Heads Up!, DJ Nenne, MaryRose, Ayem, Vincent Fierro, Olav Finn, Bahia de Roses, Oliver Hotto, Rml, Miguel Lando, MR78, Nigel Joe, Beta Function, Carles DJ, Jimmy de la Mar, Evan Hurkett, Stalot, Raimund Karl, Miguel Alcobia, Marc Need, Azotex, GA3TAN, Vit Adam, DJ Lex, Chita, Chris Cooper, Doncler, Latisha Van Simon, MI & DI, Adam Rise, Timofey Yashi, Medias Res, April Hepner, DJ Whitestar, Irmak Akan, VTL, TattOne, DJ Speedy 22, Danni Davis, 90 Miles, Julian Huisel, Kyte, Raw N Holgerson, Sentenela, Shebe, Hardrox