I was born in Desio in 1987. I bought my first cdj 100 and record player in 2003. Once I went home I couldn’t wait to play with them. I fell in love with the music scene from the moment I started to play music. Thanks to my determination, within 6 months I started to work as a lighting technician in various nightclubs of Monza and Brianza. Here is when I took my early steps towards my career as a dj. My passion and interest continued to develop into every aspect of music, which motivated me to build this career from nothing. In 2004 I started to work as a Dj in one of the most popular clubs of Monza and Brianza where I experimented with different sounds and learnt new skills. I
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From Baja To The World, Compiled By CosmicFellas Various Artists
Murguía, Du Blond, Saldrum, TIAES, Will On Cloud Nine, Tony Metric, Marco Effe, The Official Bug, Mati Rivaday, Rage, Cosmicfellas, Jeff Sorkowitz, 2up, Julian Luken, Sergio Maldonado, Ricky-O, Antonio Felice, Mario Israel, Hugo Handal, Revler, Imazue, Davalo, Luc Fontaine, BORO (Rus), Seba Machado, Vorslov, Rizounds, Load Bug, Ech, RENTE, Mati Gioscio, Maty Badini, LeoK
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