Latest Releases
Crossfit Collection 021
Mattey Webber, Javi Reina, Sansixto, James Prana, Xayne, Saimöö, Cavbely, DIFRI, Okirly, DJ Snuper, Simon Lee & Alvin, Deuce Manila, Allen Wish, Vincent Barco, Denny Lights, DJ Slash, Max Landry, DJ Toro, Slapdash Guzzler, Code Chord, Potrykus, Ubayd, Nice & Wise, Tony Grand, YURI PIKE, Exel Sack, Dissident, Loud Junkies, Hall, Bonix, Karisma
Record Time Compilation Best Of 2018
Double Energy, Baintermix, Maxwell Di, Andrew MacTire, Dj Alex D Project, Serg 24, Arli, Max Blaike, Roman Depthsound, Okirly, Vlad-Reh, E-Axe, Max Shandula, Vasilkov Aleksey, Other Side, Shandula, Aleksandr L&N, Relais, Mr. Boom, Dj NikolaevV, Evgeny Remixov, Roman Naboka, Roxy, Betelgeuze, Undoxone, Arli Silver, Schneider Electric, Fileo Drug, Alex de Vega, Max Mineyev, GremWiser, Ivan Sadkovsky, Eddy Kudo, Mr. BoomJaXoN, XTime, Korenevskiy, Vlad Brost, Dreaman
Top 30 Deep House Tracks
Alex D Project, Alexander Gorya, Aviaviavi, Betelgeuze, Breex, CJ Kovalev, DJ 5L45H, DJ Corleone, Dj Jean AleksandrOFF, Dj Ilyz, DJ Wadnes Band, Dj-Joker, Dreaman, Eddy Kudo, Fantoman, Gasimsya, Max Blaike, Max Ganus, Maxx Mulder, Other Side, Okirly, Pavel Prokudin, Roman Depthsound, Schneider Electric, Serg 24, Seryi, The Meals, V.K., Vlad Brost, Vlad-Reh
Top 50 Dubstep Tracks
5VN5VD, 3D, Abstruse, Aiotto, AlexDeVega, Alexander Gorya, Alex Leader, Alex de Vega, Alex Paranoid, Axizavt, Betelgeuze, Bexteber, Breex, CJ Alexis, Chris Pryde, Daedra, David Lisovsky, David Weymar, Devil Dragon Tatoo, DJ Goman, DJ Kuznetsov, DJ Umka, Dj Shot, Eddy Kudo, Enzau, E-Axe, Hole In Rift, I Am Phobos, Ii ProJect, Mad Killer, Max Shandula, Maxwell Di, Mr. Boom, Nick Gope, NeuroNoiz, O.S.M.O., OBSIDIAN Project, Okirly, Qizzle, Rautu, Roman Naboka, Serg24, Skystep, Sobrio, Spirrin, Spyke, ST Lirik, SW, VD, Undoxone