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Fitness Beats
Calabria, Stereoliner, Tildbros, Tilda Gold, Ralf Velasquez, Sven Laakenstyk, Native U, Nockturn, Xav A., Atrophyse, Dayans, DJ Coslow, Visioneight, We Funk, DJ Sarmek, Luke Hopscotch, Alberto Martinez, Tyler Phoenix, KLNGA, Andrew Hoek, Stephanie Kay, Dj Ferre, Randy Norton, Elan Noelle, Sergio Bellotti, Lightwarrior, Mr. Smiths, Albert Gonzalez, Peter Noise, Admiral Bob, Babe Ruth, Preston Morrill, Rainbox, Canesk, Steven Pierce, Showroom Mushroom, T & G Factory, Angelique
Best Time for Best Deephouse
Giale, Christopher, JC Dakota, Real & Cay, Toni, Djane Monique, Angelo Palo, Hints Of Soul, Over Range, Sexgadget, Future Plan, Dominik Bornhäußer, Andybwez, Rizzo DJ, Chiffre 100, Spinny Ed, Toitoi, Sync Diversity, Sigother, Matthieu B, Lightwarrior, Mr. Smiths, Rey Salinero, Benny Knox, DJ Jace, Miz Dana, Joseph Christopher, House da Buun, Greg Welsh, L.o.l.a.l.e.e. Project, Christian Belt, KLNGA, EC, Ossios, Parallel Sides, Badetasche, Parstronic, Asli Jackson, Leotone
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Serdar Ors, Over Range, Christopher, JC Dakota, Toni, Djane Monique, Retrosynco, Wonderlights, Angelo Palo, Najwars, Simplex Sensus, Real & Cay, Future Plan, Sexgadget, Badetasche, Evoking Silence, Andybwez, Chiffre 100, Sigother, Mighty Real, Stefan Lindenthal, Taste Of Honey, Elisabeth, Lightwarrior, Mr. Smiths, Self Explanatory, Rey Salinero, Zad, Cesar Martinez Ensemble, Ron Ractive, Double Deep, Joseph Christopher, L.o.l.a.l.e.e. Project, Matthieu B, Paul Van Hyden, Francesco Ballato, Christian Belt, KLNGA, EC, Ossios, Parallel Sides, Ben Jet, CHFDj, Rizzo DJ, Leotone, Ibiza Club Toys, Pustion, DJ Coslow, Rafa Kao, G.U.R.I, Kreativgang, Alexandr Mar, Tosch, Little-H, Elaine Winter, Sugarfunk, Nudisco, DJ Jay-T, Kazim
Fun Friends Love House & Deephouse
EC, Parallel Sides & Ossios, Over Range, Clemens Rumpf, David A. Tobin, Najwars, Andybwez, Sigother, Nooby, Self Explanatory, Toni, Djane Monique, Rey Salinero, Sexgadget, Markus Mai, Naughty Turk, Serdar Ors, Chiffre 100, Simon Wolter, Real & Cay, Future Plan, Minco, Retrosynco, Dee Costa, Mighty Real, Trastler, Angelo Palo, Dan Rubell, Mascha Waffelform, House da Buun, Matto, Badetasche, Phonista, Lee & Sun, Stefan Lindenthal, Rigo, Taste Of Honey, Elisabeth, Simplex Sensus, Decent Act, Zikos B., Nelson, Sync Diversity, Lightwarrior, Mr. Smiths, Dj Under, Zweig, Joseph Christopher, Paul Van Hyden, Ensis Loy, BinkyMan 2020, Marc Van Slow, Christian Belt, KLNGA