Born in 1994 (Italy), Fabiano Carlino is a DJ since 2008.As a child he was fascinated by the electronic sounds of the90s, who discovered thanks to MTV, thanks to radio andespecially thanks to his father.In 2008 he began to grapple with the first mixes at home,starting with a Progressive music, until you get to 2011 toHouse music, a genre that he will love especially.Fabiano starts his artistic career in 2011 as a resident dj (inthe Smoking Room) in the disco Fitzroy New Era.In the same year participated in a "dj contest" held in Fitzroynightclub, where it ranks 1st.Many are the names of international DJs with whom hecollaborated Fabiano: Danilo Vigorito, Mass Prod, GianlucaDe Tiberis, Pirupa, Joy Kitconti, Mazu, Fabrizio Maurizi, LenFaki, Rebekah and more ..