A colorful mix of driving beats, oppressive basslines and catchy melodies, that's how you can describe the productions and mixtapes of Axle & De-Bora. For more Infos, new releases and upcoming shows check www.facebook.com/axledebora.
Latest Releases
BRB-Allstars (Volume 10)
Leigh Johnson, Pepe (Ohrfutter), Chris Hanke (Ohrfutter), The Earth, Benjamin Stahl, Eltron & Dubnoodles, Oscar, Aybee, Robin Masters Orchestra, Stefan Jurrack, L60, Perthil & Aerts, Musiclover, DJ Jordan, Josia Loos, A.Wolf, Knut S., Streiflicht, DExdA, Denny Hanson, Blind Passenger, Jack Hose, Zer & Compact Grey, GreyZer, Tino Boa, Bstee, Krenzlin, Rae Dawn, AXLe & De-Bora, Del Bricksten, Cosh, Sub Dealers, Der Wurfler, DJ Tune, Norris Terrify, Benjo, T.S.B.i.N., DJ Duncan, Rexus, Techno aus dem Erzgebirge, DJ Drops, Klangdrang, Ohrbote, Stephan Strube, XXomL & Bad Born