BCI’s ESG Governance Policy, approved by the BCI Board, sets out the governance framework for oversight and management of ESG activities at BCI. It outlines ESG-related roles and responsibilities at all levels of BCI, as well as the relationship between our ESG Strategy and risk management policies.
Under this policy, all BCI personnel are expected to contribute in varying ways to our responsible investing activities to protect and grow the long-term value of client funds.
We integrate ESG analysis and risk management into all investment processes, from supporting clients’ asset allocation decisions to individual investment decisions within our portfolios.
We actively seek opportunities to invest in ESG-themed investments that contribute to improved long-term outcomes for clients and reinforce our investment beliefs.
Through engagement and advocacy, we apply our influence on companies in which we invest, our partners, and other participants in capital markets.
We use our learnings across all ESG activities, as well as our understanding of emerging trends, to generate insights that help us continuously adapt and improve our strategies, processes, and approaches.
BCI publicly discloses ESG-related information and progress in many ways, including through our Corporate Annual Report, Annual Climate Disclosures, Stewardship Report, PRI Transparency and Assessment Reports, and proxy voting database.
In alignment with best practices defined by the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards, annual ESG and climate reporting is integrated alongside financial reporting in our corporate annual reports.