Torchlight how di BBC dey work to strengthen trust and transparency for online news

Pipo know BBC for di UK and around di world as di provider of news wey you fit trust. Our website, like our TV and radio services, dey push journalism wey dey accurate, impartial, independent and fair.

Our editorial values say: "Di trust wey our audience get for our content dey for everything we dey do. We dey independent, impartial and honest. We wan bring di highest standards of accuracy and impartiality and we go try to avoid to mislead our audiences whether we know or we no know.

"We dey serious about impartiality and e dey di heart of di relationship of trust. For wetin wey dey put out, we dey treat every subject without partial wey show all di views. We go consider all di facts with open mind."

We say e dey hard to find correct ogbonge journalism for di internet. We know say our pipo wan know how wey dey do journalism for di BBC.

Na because of dis, BBC News dey make efforts to explain di type of informate you dey read or watch for our website, who and where di informate dey come from, and how di tori take form di way e do. As we do am, we fit help you judge for yourself why you fit trust BBC News.

We also wan make our ogbonge journalism "machine-readable", wey mean say search engines and social media platforms fit carry dem, wey go help dem identify correct source of information.


Di BBC don get dia own Editorial Guidelines for long wey apply to all of our content and e be di standards wey we expect of our journalists. To make am easy to see how BBC guidelines wey we dey use for our newsroom, we don list di relevant sections for dis page.

Mission Statement: Di mission of di BBC na to act for public interest, give all our pipo impartial, high-quality and correct output and services wey go inform, educate and entertain. Full details dey for di BBC Charter.

Ownership Structure, Funding and Grants: We dey independent of outside interests and any arrangee wey fit affect our editorial integrity. Our pipo dey confident say our decisions no dey influenced by outside interests, political or commercial pressures, or any personal interests. Learn about how BBC News dey funded, for di UK and internationally, for di BBC Charter on di independence of di BBC.

Founding Date: Dem create di BBC for 18 October 1922. If you fit read about di history of di BBC.

Ethics Policy: Di BBC's Editorial Guidelines show di editorial values and practices wey everything we put out supposed follow.

Other links:

Diversity Policy: See how BBC dey commited to diversity for hia BBC Charter.

Diversity Staffing Report: See how BBC News dey work to increase diversity for di BBC's Equality Information Report.

Corrections: Di BBC dey committed to make sure our tori dey correct. Policies wey relate to corrections dey for di following sections of our Editorial Guidelines.

Our output supposed dey well sourced, based on sound evidence, well tested and for clear language wey dey on point. We gats dey honest and open about wetin we no know and avoid wetin pipo dey tok wey we no fit confam. Claims, allegations, material facts and other content wey we fit no confam we no go quote.

We dey open to tok our mistakes when we make am and encourage a culture wia we dey open to learn.

If we don edit article since we publish am to correct something wey no correct, we go add note for di end of di text to tell di reader say we don make correction and we go add di date of di change. If na small error dey di story wey no go change di original meaning of di story (eg name misspelling), we go make di correction without additional note.

Unless wetin we right na only for a short time, material wey we publish go dey online permanently and we no go remove am. exception dey wey include may include legal reasons, personal safety risks, or a serious breach of editorial standards that cannot be rectified except by removal of the material.

Other links:

Verification/Fact-checking Standards: Di wey di BBC dey make sure our tori dey correct and true dey for our Editorial Guidelines on Accuracy.

Unnamed Sources: Di BBC policy dey show how we dey report tins from pipo wey no wan dey named for di Editorial Guidelines.

Other links:

Actionable Feedback: How you fit complain to di BBC dey for here BBC Complaints Framework.

Leadership: Meet di ogas wey dey run di BBC for here: BBC News Board.


BBC News articles dey based on original reporting and e dey show di name of di journalist and for di ones wey dey specialise for particular area.

General news tori, wey dey carry informate from different places, like tori pipo, BBC Newsgathering and BBC broadcast output, or di ones wey plenty pipo wey dey work for hai don produced through di day, no dey carry bylines.


BBC News dey differentiate between correct reporting and wetin pipo feel. We dey use labels for six categories:

  • News - Journalism wey dey based on facts, whether di reporter dey dere or im confam am, or im report am from correct pipo.
  • Analysis - Dis wan dey based on di special knowledge wey di pesin, whether na BBC journalist or sabi pesin, fit help you understand wetin dey happun well well.
  • Ask di Audience - Content wey we create to make pipo wey dey follow us tok dia own.
  • Explainer - Dis wan dey give correct breakdown of wetin happun for di news.
  • Opinion - BBC News no dey partial and we no dey say wetin we feel but sometimes we dey publish wetin some sabi pipo feel, and dem dey say dia ideas or wetin dem feel based on how di pesin see di facts and di informate wey dem get.
  • Review - Dis one na content wey dey base on how di pesin see event or art work and na first-hand opinion.


Wetin we dey put out, wey dey related to di subject and nature, gats dey well sourced, based on proof, test well well and gats be for language wey dey clear and easy to understand. We want dey honest and open about wetin we no know and avoid guess work.

Where BBC News dey depend on one single source for one important part of dia coverage, we go try give credit to di source, where possible. We go always link to official reports, sets of statistics and other informate, wey fit help you judge for yourself di hidden informate wey we dey report.

When e dey necessary, we go drop links to di third-party websites wey relate to di tori and fit provide extra informate, source or correct comment.


For our work wey dey look into di mata well well, like serious strong investigations or data journalism projects, we go help you understand how we go about our work by showing break down of di informate and we go give warning or let you know if we gats take action, and any other thing we use to do am - for example, di study design; di sample size; representativeness; margins of error; how we collect di informate; geographical relevance and time periods.