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Kontiolomat Oy menawarkan akomodasi dengan WiFi gratis dan parkir pribadi gratis yang terletak di Kontioniemi, wilayah Itä-Suomen. Easy to reach location with a large parkin space. Handy code for room keys system. The rooms were actually just like in the pictures and were in good condition and spacious. The room had a stove and a dish washing machine, which was luxurious for the price. Really large bathroom and comfortable beds. The staff was always very polite and the place had a small bar/restaurant, that sold very decent pizza and Thai food from a buffet.
Ministudio - Apartments Joensuu menyediakan akomodasi dengan WiFi gratis dan parkir pribadi gratis yang berlokasi di Joensuu, wilayah Itä-Suomen.
Koli Country Club menawarkan akomodasi dengan parkir pribadi gratis yang terletak di Hattusaari, wilayah Itä-Suomen. Semua unit memiliki dapur dengan kulkas dan microwave. Aparthotel menyediakan...