This small goby is a free swimming species, in contrast to most of the other gobies. Maximum length is about 4-5 cm. Territorial males become bright yellow and also develope larger fins with dark bands. Females are much paler in coloration and have translucent fins. The species is restrictet to Sulawesi and even on that […]
25. Perchlike fishes (884)
Uaru amphiacanthoides
The triangle cichlids (Uaru) are a small genus of cichlids in terms of the number of species, with only two scientifically accepted species: U. amphiacanthoides from the Amazon basin and upper Orinoco (Brazil and Colombia) and U. fernandezyepezi from the Rio Atabapo (Venezuela). Both species reach a total length of 20-30 cm and are therefore […]
Geophagus pyrocephalus ( = Tapajós Red Head)
Since the end of the 1980s, a beautifully colored Geophagus from the closer relationship of G. altifrons and G. surinamensis has been known, which differs from almost all other Geophagus species by an orange or red forehead. This characteristic affects both sexes from the onset of sexual maturity, which is the case at around 8-10 […]
Lentipes ikeae
The goby subfamily Sicydiinae currently comprises nine genera with 121 species. They are all current-loving animals that occur in nature mainly in clear streams and feed on growth and small animals. Larval development takes place in the sea. Some neon gobies of the genus Stiphodon are particularly popular, representatives of other genera are rarely found […]
Pterophyllum “Rio Nanay Type3”
The systematics of the angelfish (Pterophyllum) is poorly understood. Only three species are generally recognized, namely P. altum, P. leopoldi and P. scalare, but there are undoubtedly many more. The “field-forest-and-meadow” scalar of the aquarium hobby in its countless breeding forms is a hybrid for which it makes no sense to give it a scientific […]
Apistogramma cacatuoides Yellow wild
The Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid is one of the most popular members of the genus Apistogramma and found in petshops all over the World. Almost exclusively bred specimens of very colourful sports are traded. These do not appear in the wild. However, “the” wild form of A. cacatuoides does not exist at all. Like so many […]
Cichlasoma pusillum
Cichlids identified as Aequidens portalegrensis have been kept and bred in the aquarium since 1913. The German common name was “Streifenbuntbarsch” ( = striped cichlid) because the fish can show numerous vertical stripes in the rear half of the body. As there is a very nice photo by Paul Unger from the 1930s of a […]
Vieja fenestrata White & Marbled
The Central American large cichlids of the genus Vieja (synonym: Paratheraps) were, like so many others, previously classified as Cichlasoma. In the 1980s and 1990s, these fish enjoyed relatively great popularity among cichlid enthusiasts who traveled to their Central American habitats and brought back many new findings (and a few little fish). The species Vieja […]
Mugilogobius adeia
This strikingly beautiful dwarf goby, which is endemic to Lake Matano on Sulawesi (formerly Celebes), was only scientifically described in 1992, although this lake has long been known as the focus of independent evolution and has been the subject of much research. The earliest findings probably date back to 1989, when Arthur Werner and Maurice […]
Ivanacara adoketa ( = Nannacara a.)
This cichlid, which only occurs in a narrowly defined area on the middle Rio Negro and was only scientifically described as Nannacara adoketa in 1993, was for a long time one of the absolute dream fish of cichlid enthusiasts. The initially very few imported fish were mostly exported to Japan and insane prices were demanded […]
Apistogramma cacatuoides Double Red
Of course this beautiful breeding form of the cockatoo dwarf cichlid is not a novelty, but such beautiful specimens, as those, which we just received from a German breeder, are a rarity! For our customers: the animals have code 617803 on our stocklist. Please note that we only supply wholesalers. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Biotoecus dicentrarchus
The dwarf cichlids of the genus Biotoecus were shrouded in mystery for decades. The first species, B. opercularis, was scientifically described as early as 1875. It originated from the Amazon River basin in Brazil, a well-collected area for aquaristic purposes, and yet the first import was not accomplished until the mid-1980s and early 1990s. The […]
Pelvicachromis sacrimontis ( = P. pulcher RED wild)
The kribensis cichlid (Pelvicachromis pulcher), also known as the king cichlid, is the most popular dwarf cichlid from Central Africa. In the wild, it colonizes large areas in the Niger River basin. It is mainly bred in the hobby. Like so many dwarf cichlids, P. pulcher is also polychromatic, i.e. it occurs in different color […]
Apistogramma gephyra Santa Isabel
Since its scientific description in 1980, this dwarf cichlid has been the subject of heated debate among enthusiasts. Some consider it to be another color variant of Apistogramma agassizii, while others are certain that it is a separate species. Both parties are probably right; there is no doubt that Apistogramma gephyra and A. agassizii are […]
Cichla mirianae FOGO
The Peacock basses of the genus Cichla are among the most popular food fish in South America. The animals grow large (30-60 cm, some even up to 100 cm) and have firm, tasty meat with few bones. They are also highly sought after as game fish and anglers travel long distances to catch certain tucunaré […]
Macropodus “Blue Tiger“
It is only very recently that we have begun to realize that the diversity of species of paradise fish (Macropodus) is much greater than we thought possible. Basically, three main groups can be distinguished in this genus, whose representatives are at home in China, Vietnam and Korea: Round-tailed paradise fish (M. ocellatus and related species), […]
Trichogaster leerii WILD JAMBI
Wild-caught pearl gourami (Trichogaster leerii or Trichopodus leerii) are hardly ever available on the market. In fact, the exact distribution of this gourami species, which is present in the hobby since 1933 and has never disappeared since then, is more anecdotal than scientifically known. It is certain that this species is found on the Malay […]
Pelvicachromis subocellatus “Moulondo”
The dwarf cichlids of the Pelvicachromis genus, in the form of P. pulcher, are the most popular cichlids from Africa. They are colorful, relatively peaceful, adaptable and have a very interesting family life. Pelvicachromis have a mother-father family in which the more colorful female is responsible for caring for the spawn laid in a cave […]
Chindongo elongatus (formerly Pseudotropheus elongatus)
The former large genus Pseudotropheus is currently divided into four genera: Pseudotropheus, Maylandia, Tropheops and Chindongo. The type species of the genus Chindongo, C. bellicosus, which was described together with the genus in 2016, is one of the most combative mbuna of all. The species name “bellicosus” means “belligerent”! Chindongo includes the species C. ater, […]
Nandopsis haitiensis (2)
A few weeks ago we introduced you to the cichlid Nandopsis haitiensis, which is very rarely on sale. Unfortunately, we were only able to illustrate this post with pictures of the somewhat inconspicuously colored juveniles ( However, we have set a few animals aside and they have now developed so well that they are already […]
Maylandia callainos Blue/Blue
The zebra cichlids of Lake Malawi (genus Maylandia, synonym: Metriaclima) are still very popular due to their bright colors. In nature, many species are polychromatic. This means “multi-colored” and means that highly differently colored individuals can occur within a population. In M. callainos, the males are cobalt blue (“cobalt zebra”) and develop an intense, brilliant […]
Mesoheros festae (formerly: Cichlasoma festae)
The magnificent, large (males up to 35 cm, females up to 30 cm) tiger cichlid (Mesoheros festae) used to be a fairly frequent guest in the aquarium. Together with Andinoacara rivulatus (formerly: Aequidens rivulatus), it was one of the top exports from the Pacific side of Ecuador. M. festae was called “Red Terror”, A. rivulatus […]
Helostoma temmickii GREEN
The kissing gourami (Helostoma temmickii) is a very popular ornamental fish for larger aquaria due to its unusual “kissing” behavior. Almost exclusively the pink-colored breeding form is available in the trade (see, as this variant is bred in huge quantities as an edible fish. The pink form is much easier to see than the […]
Apistogramma bitaeniata “Putumayo”
Apistogramma bitaeniata is already one of the most beautiful Apistogramma species of all, but the local variant from the Rio Putumayo in Peru goes one better. The males with their huge fins are truly breathtaking. The females look almost underdeveloped in comparison. And yet all this splendor serves only to impress the delicate sex… The […]
Rubricatochromis exsul ( = Hemichromis exsul)
The red jewel cichlids (Rubricatochromis, formerly classified as Hemichromis) are without doubt among the most beautiful fish in the world, at least some of them. If they weren’t such excellent parents, who regard every other fish in the aquarium as an enemy of their young and beat them up as a precautionary measure during the […]
Maylandia emmiltos
The very first Lake Malawi cichlids came from the group of rock-dwelling cichlids, called Mbuna after a local name, in the late 1950s and early 1960s, including a fish identified as Pseudotropheus zebra in 1964. Today we know dozens of species from this zebra complex, which are often only distributed very locally, but sometimes also […]
Trichogaster microlepis ( = Trichopodus microlepis)
Fish for romantics – does that exist? Occasionally! One of them is certainly the moonshine gourami, Trichogaster microlepis. Its popular name says it all. Although the animal is only silvery-white, its tiny scales give it a very peculiar appearance, as if wrapped in silk. Color always means: communication with conspecifics and bright colors are very […]
Apistogrammoides pucallpaensis
The dwarf among the little ones: Apistogrammoides pucallpaensis from the upper Amazon in Colombia and the Rio Ucayali in Peru is one of the smallest cichlid species of all. We obtain our animals from Peru. In the literature, the maximum sizes given are 5 cm for males and 4 cm for females. However, these must […]
Nannacara anomala
Here’s another animal from the “been in the aquarium forever but still beautiful” department! Nannacara anomala, the Golden Dwarf Cichlid from Guyana, has already delighted our grandfathers. We currently have exorbitantly colored animals in stock, which we call “Red”. They come from a breeder who has really put a lot of love and ambition into […]
Channa pleurophthalma
We regularly have perhaps the most beautiful snakehead fish in stock: Channa pleurophthalma. This species, which is found on the Greater Sunda Islands of Sumatra and Borneo and inhabits lakes and rivers there, grows to around 40 cm in length. In contrast to most other snakeheads, they like to swim a lot in open water. […]
Glossamia wichmanni
The mouthbrooding freshwater cardinalfish (Glossamia) are particularly rich in species on New Guinea. Of the total of 11-12 currently accepted species, 10-11 occur on New Guinea, 9-10 even only exist there. Only one species is known exclusively from Australia and another occurs on New Guinea and in Australia, namely G. aprion (see Probably the […]
Ptychochromis oligacanthus
The Red List of endangered animal and plant species is getting longer and longer. The cause is almost invariably the destruction of the natural habitat. In the case of freshwater fish, species with a small distribution area are always particularly endangered. In addition to factors such as environmental pollution, deforestation and water extraction for agriculture, […]
Teleocichla preta
The cichlids of the genus Teleocichla are very closely related to Crenicichla. They remain relatively small, the T. preta discussed here is one of the largest species with a maximum length of 15 cm. The swim bladder is greatly reduced in Teleocichla. Without active swimming movements, they cannot stay afloat. Ecologically, the Teleocichla could be […]
Nandopsis haitiensis
Although the current classification of the cichlids from Central America, formerly grouped together under Cichlasoma, has been around for a few years now, many genus names have been slow to catch on in the hobby. The main reason for this is, of course, that the large cichlids of Central America are currently only kept and […]
Schismatogobius risdawatiae
The dragonet gobies (Schismatogobius) are small species of freshwater gobies, that reach between 3 and 5 cm length. They live in small rivulets near the coast but above the tide on sandy bottoms. Here they burry themselves very fast if necessary. The larvae devolop – as far as this known – in the sea. The […]
Chindongo socolofi “Albino” ( = Pseudotropheus socolofi)
The question of whether an ornamental fish species is particularly popular can often be answered with “yes” if breeding forms exist. Breeding forms, whose characteristics either do not occur at all in nature or only occur extremely rarely in individual specimens, usually only arise when the natural form is bred on a large scale. The […]
Parambassia lala
The Indian glass perch (Parambassia lala, often placed in the monotypic genus Pseudambassis) is actually an old acquaintance (first introduction: 1905), but an incredible amount of nonsense has been and still is spread about it. For example, the rumor persists that the species is a brackish water fish. But it is not, it is only […]
Geophagus sp. Alto Sinu
In 2016, French aquarists in Colombia discovered a new eartheater, which they named after the place where it was found in the Rio Cauca inlet – a Rio Sinu. However, this Rio Sinu is not identical to the much larger Rio Sinu of the same name in Colombia! For the exact locality see the article […]
Betta unimaculata
Modern labyrinth fish science began in the 1980s. At that time, enthusiastic labyrinth fish enthusiasts joined together to form international associations. The world opened up to travelers and areas in Southeast Asia could be visited that had previously only been known from maps. One of the first Betta species to enter the hobby at that […]
Apistogramma norberti
The 1990s were a decade in which many new dwarf cichlid species were discovered and scientifically described. This was made possible by the combination of good travel opportunities and tolerant export policies, the emerging Internet and the resulting considerably simplified global communication. Apistogramma noberti, a species from Peru that was scientifically described in 1991, was […]
Heros sp. Turquoise Lago Juá
The genus Heros is in urgent need of scientific revision. The current five generally recognized species only represent a small part of the populations now known. It is often almost impossible to choose a reliable species name, which is why in many cases it is now simply omitted. They are called Heros sp. and an […]
Pterophyllum “Zebra”
We do not know exactly when and where the zebra scalar was bred. In his monograph on angelfish, completed in 1977 but not printed until 1979, Paepke states that he was unable to find any sources. At this time, there were already several breeding lines of the zebra scalar, whose characteristic breed feature is the […]
Amatitlania (formerly Cichlasoma) nigrofasciata Marble
The Convict cichlid Amatitlania (formerly Cichlasoma) nigrofasciata is no longer a novelty: it has been kept and bred in aquaria since 1939. The first aquarium specimens of this fish, which is widely distributed in Central America, came from Lakes Atitlan and Amatitlan in Guatemala. The genus to which the greenfin cichlid currently belongs was named […]
Vieja zonata
We mistakenly received a Central American cichlid species from South East Asia under the name “Cichlasoma cyanoguttata”. After the 5-6 cm long fish had swum in a little, we went about identifying them and came to the conclusion that they were probably a Vieja species, most likely V. zonata. In such cases, however, it is […]
Pterophyllum “Platinum”
White animals exert a special attraction on many people. In myths and fairy tales, it is often white individuals of a wild animal species that have magical properties. This explains why white rabbits, white pigeons, white mice etc. also have a special status among pets, and ornamental fish are no exception. The loss of color […]
Andinoacara pulcher “Neon Blue”
Exactly 10 years ago, a new star appeared in the ornamental fish sky. A beautiful sky-blue (to stay in the picture) cichlid conquered the world. It was first offered to us in February 2014 under the name “Nannacara Neon Blue” from Singapore. However, it was clear from the outset that it was not a representative […]
Pseudosphromenus cupanus
What are the reasons for choosing this or that fish for your home aquarium? In the beginning, it’s probably basically the colors. Over time, you develop a feeling for the wealth of shapes in the realm of fish, then swimming behavior and body shape are added to the selection criteria. And finally, you delve deeper […]
Astronotus Red, Albino Red and Red Chili
Oscars (Astronotus) are naturally very variable in color. In addition to wild-colored animals, cultivated forms have also enjoyed great popularity for decades. Why is the Oscar called Oscar? To be honest, we don’t really know. But it is certain that the name originated in the USA. In 1936, an article by E. W. Clarke on […]
Pterophyllum “California”
The freshwater angelfish (Pterophyllum) is one of the most popular ornamental fish of all. The species name Pterophyllum scalare is usually chosen for the cultivated forms, although this does not describe the situation correctly from a scientific point of view. The cultivated forms, which were mainly created in the 1940s to 1960s, are partly based […]
Geophagus taeniopareius
In 1981, the first report appeared on a Geophagus species imported as by-catch, which the author, Rainer Stawikowski, initially referred to as the “Yellow Cheek-Stripe Eartheater“. The relatively slender species is very much out of the usual range of Geophagus, both physically and in terms of brood care behavior. Nevertheless, it took until 1992 for […]
Pterophyllum sp. “Rio Nanay” bred
Like so many cichlids, angelfish also develop different-looking forms within their large distribution area. Whether these forms are classified as independent species, as subspecies or as color variants is ultimately a matter of taste and a philosophical issue. There are also individual differences within each population; in the case of the angelfish of the Rio […]
Macropodus spechti “Royal Blue”
We have again received a nice number of beautiful domestic offspring of this extraordinarily beautiful black paradise fish (Macropodus spechti “Royal Blue”). For the history of this variant see In the meantime, the fish have been further developed in terms of breeding and are preferably bred with animals that – very similar to Belontia […]
Discus Special (3): Brown/blue Discus
Small wild-caught fish Discus cichlids, like all cichlids, only develop their full coloration when they are largely mature (i.e. approx. 15 cm long in the case of discus). This is generally known and one of the reasons for the popularity of Asian color breeds, as they already show their full color at lengths of 7-9 […]
Discus Special (2): Discus Green 7-9 cm
Small wild-caught fish Discus cichlids, like all cichlids, only develop their full coloration when they are largely mature (i.e. approx. 15 cm long in the case of discus). This is generally known and one of the reasons for the popularity of Asian color breeds, as they already show their full color at lengths of 7-9 […]
Discus Special (1): Discus Heckel Rio Negro 7-9 cm
Small wild-caught fish Discus cichlids, like all cichlids, only develop their full coloration when they are largely mature (i.e. approx. 15 cm long in the case of discus). This is generally known and one of the reasons for the popularity of Asian color breeds, as they already show their full color at lengths of 7-9 […]
The scientific species name of discus cichlids: an open question
The question of which scientific species names should be given to the various discus cichlids is a controversial one. There is agreement that all Symphysodon populations are relatively closely related to each other and that preserved specimens cannot be identified with certainty without color and location; the only exception is the Heckel discus (Symphysodon discus), […]
Apistogramma sp. Nanay
The species characteristics of this dwarf cichlid from Peru are: distinct underbelly stripes, an orange “axillary spot” (the attachment point of the pectoral fin is intensely orange in color), a more or less distinct orange zone on the belly and a tail fin that is tipped at the top and bottom in old, fully developed […]
Mugilogobius myxodermus
Small freshwater gobies have recently attracted the attention of more and more scientists and, as a result, new species are constantly being discovered and old, almost forgotten species rediscovered. The genus Mugilogobius currently comprises around 30 species. It is not possible to be more precise because individual species are placed in different genera by different […]
Channa pulchra
Sometimes supposedly small details are decisive, for example when it comes to species differences. There are two species of snakehead (Channa) that occur geographically close to each other in Burma (Rakhine State): Channa pulchra and Channa ornatipinnis. Both look quite similar and grow to a similar size (20-25 cm), but they differ considerably in their […]
Pseudetroplus maculatus (formerly: Etroplus maculatus)
The orange chromide, Pseudetroplus maculatus, is a well-known aquarium fish and has not disappeared from the tanks of enthusiasts since it was first introduced. Recent studies indicate that the three species of cichlids from India (Pseudetroplus and Etroplus) are not so closely related to the cichlids (Cichlidae), but rather to the damselfishes (Pomacentridae). However, this […]
Cleithracara maronii KOUROU
The Keyhole cichlid (Cleithracara maronii, formerly Aequidens maronii) is a well-known aquarium fish that has only rarely been imported to Europe as a wild catch since its first import in 1936. The demand is covered by captive breeding. Although the species has no striking colors – the very varied pattern consists of brown, grey, beige […]
Rhinogobius zhoui
This freshwater goby, which attains a maximum length of 4-5 cm, is one of the most attractive discoveries of ornamental fish of the last years. However, in the beginning the fish were extremely expensive. Currently we can offer them for a comparably moderate price. Rhinogobius zhoui originates from China. In the natural habitat – brooks […]
Parambassis siamensis
Formerly this species of glass perch was the most common found in the trade. It has a very wide distribution through Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. However, Parambassis siamensis was most often mis-identified and traded under the name “Chanda wolffii”. P. siamensis is very similar to the Indian species P. ranga. Both are distinguished by […]
Rubricatochromis sp. Neon
If aquaristics were exclusively about colors, there would hardly be any need for species other than Rubricatochromis. The “Neon” is probably a breeding form created by crossing and selection, in which the blue iridescent spots, which most red jewel cichlids have, are combined to form larger areas. In terms of body shape, Hemichromis sp. Neon […]
Boesemania microlepis
The drums (Sciaenidae), to which Boesemania microlepis belongs, are mainly known from the sea. Only a few of the approximately 300 species live permanently or occasionally in freshwater. These fish are known as “drums” because they make a very audible sound. Larger schools of these fish have already triggered submarine alarms because they cast a […]
Rhinogobius shennongensis (2)
The brook gobies (Rhinogobius) are as adult fishes pure freshwater inhabitants, which are found at most once in the brackish water of the lower reaches of running waters; but even this is the exception, not the rule. With 140 described species, 72 of which are generally considered valid, there is still a wide open field […]
Pseudocrenilabrus sp. Ruaha
The small mouthbrooders of the genus Pseudocrenilabrus have been kept and bred in the aquarium since the beginning of modern aquaristics – in the 1880s. The species P. multicolor was once so popular that it was simply called “the mouthbrooder“, although it was already known at the time that there were hundreds of species of […]
Periophthalmodon septemradiatus
Within the true mudskippers – these are the species that actively leave the water and search for food on land, etc. – there are two genera: Periophthalmus (19 species) and Periophthalmodon (3 species). They do not differ externally, only in the structure of their teeth. We have now received Periophthalmodon septemradiatus from India, a beautiful […]
Cichla kelberi “Spider”
Just a few decades ago, the Peacock Basses from South America (genus: Cichla) were considered almost unsustainable for aquaria, but nowadays they are bred regularly and in large numbers. The latest craze is Cichla kelberi “Spider”, a breeding form whose origin is not yet known. The photos show our current stock, 16-18 cm long specimens, […]
Trichogaster trichopterus ( = Trichopodus t.)
The spotted gourami is one of the most important ornamental fish of all and is one of the top 100 worldwide. The species is extremely widespread in Southeast Asia. Despite its relatively small size (usually 8-10, rarely up to 15 cm), this gourami is used as a food fish and can survive for a long […]
Dicrossus warzeli Bred
The rarest of all checkerboard cichlids in the aquarium is Dicrossus warzeli, which was known as Dicrossus or Crenicara sp. Tapajós before its scientific description. In 1992 the very characteristically marked dwarf cichlid was discovered in an unnamed tributary (Igarapé) of the great Rio Tapajós in Brazil by the traveling aquarist Frank Warzel and brought […]
Elassoma evergladei
The Pygmy Sunfish, Elassoma evergladei, is a classic dwarf fish and has been maintained and bred for many generations of aquarists. The species is best housed in a small species aquarium that does not require heating. The cute fish, growing only 2-3 cm, are completely peaceful, however the males defend an individual area against conspecifics. […]
Gobioides broussonnetii
Only rarely we can offer the dragon fish, Gobioides broussonnetii, which actually is a species of goby. Now we received once again from Colombia this strange bottom dweller. The maximum length of the species is said to be about 40 cm. They are absolutely peaceful plankton eaters, which should be offered fine sandy substrate in […]
Macropodus opercularis: squeaky red!
Solid red paradise fishes (Macropodus opercularis) have been known since the 1990s. However, they could not really establish themselves in the market, because the animals, which were also traded under the fancy name “Macropodus rex”, turned out to be very susceptible to diseases. Apparently the problem has been solved and we have now received really […]
Channa brunnea
The Rainbow Snakehead (Channa bleheri) is without doubt one of the most beautiful and colorful snakeheads and with usually 12-15 cm total length (sometimes a bit more) it stays quite small. It originates from the north of India and belongs to the few Channa species without ventral fins. Since 2007 a very similar, also colorful […]
Laetacara curviceps
Long before the Apistogramma species became popular, another dwarf cichlid from Brazil captured the hearts of aquarists: Laetacara curviceps, the Flag acara. At that time it was still called Aequidens curviceps. For some time it has unfortunately become quiet around him. Now we have once again received beautiful offspring of this small, peaceful and beautiful […]
Osphronemus laticlavius
Once again we received the rare red-finned giant gourami (Osphronemus laticlavius). Like the common giant gourami this species grows around 60 cm long. The home of the fish is on Borneo, where it probably occurs naturally only in Sabah, i.e. in the very north of the island in the Malayan part. Since about 1985 this […]
Pelvicachromis pulcher wild yellow
The yellow color variety of the species P. pulcher comes from southwestern Nigeria, where it is collected west of the Niger Delta in the Ethiop River area. The additional color designations yellow, red and green refer to the gill covers in P. pulcher, they all get red bellies. In all Pelvicachromis, females are considerably more […]
Hephaestus habbemai
New fish, new questions. This is how we could characterize our import of the grunter Hephaestus habbemai. These beautiful fish come to us from Indonesia and originate from the island of New Guinea. Originally (1910) they were described from the south of the island, from the Lorentz River. The species is a pure freshwater inhabitant; […]
Gymnogeophagus balzanii
The hump of the male of G. balzanii is comparable to the feather tail of a peacock: it is simply the expression of manhood! The Paraguay Eartheater originates from the southern parts of South America and is imported now and then from Paraguay as wild collected stock, but the species is also bred on a […]
Datnioides campbelli
Among lovers of large, predatory fish, the species of the genus Datnioides (formerly: Coius) enjoy great popularity. They are calm, expressive fish that, after a sometimes somewhat tough acclimation period in which they are shy and skittish, become very attached to the keeper and provide decades of enjoyment. All Datnioides species grow to 30-40 cm […]
Stiphodon atropurpureus
The neon gobies of the genus Stiphodon are all beautiful fish. None of the 37 currently known species grows longer than 5-7 cm, usually they remain much smaller. Although adult Stiphodon live exclusively in pure freshwater, the larvae can only develop in the sea. Therefore, neon gobies live in streams near the coast. They spawn […]
Gymnochanda ploegi
We have received this dwarf glass perch from Indonesia, which was named in honour of Alex Ploeg, who was in the passenger plane shot over the Ukraine on 17 July 2014. Gymnochanda ploegi is known so far only from West Kalimantan, the part of Borneo belonging to Indonesia. It is a pure freshwater species that […]
Wallaciia compressiceps (= Crenicichla c.).
The dwarf spezies among the pike cichlids have recently been separated as an independent genus Wallaciia (see They include W. compressiceps, which occurs only in the Tocantins and Araguaia rivers in Brazil. It is one of the smallest, the prettiest and the most aggressive pike cichlid species. Although it only grows to a maximum […]
Apistogramma allpahuayo (2)
From Peru a beautiful dwarf cichlid regularly comes to us, which is called “Apistogramma juruensis” on the exporter´s lists. The animals are very similar to A. cacatuoides and to A. juruensis, but can usually be easily distinguished from both by one coloration feature: a black chin spot, which was decisive for the common trade name […]
Heroina isonycterina
It does not always have to be bright colors that make a fish interesting. Rather, it appeals to nature lovers to study the life history of the animals they keep and this often leaves a deeper impression in the long run than the colorful appearance. By cichlid standards Heroina isonyterina is a gray mouse. However, […]
Ptychochromis oligacanthus
Of the cichlids endemic to Madagascar, Ptychochromis oligacanthus is also quite well known aquaristically by name. However, the understanding of what is meant by this species has changed thoroughly only a few years ago (2006). Previously it was believed that the species was widespread and divided into four different colored races. Today these races are […]
Dario dario
The Dwarf Badis, also called Scarlet, has transformed itself from the highly paid sensation of the year 2000 to the always available classic in aquaristics. It originates from northern India (North Bengal), where it inhabits clear, moderately flowing waters with sandy bottoms and rich underwater plant growth at the foot of the Himalayas. In terms […]
Osphronemus goramy gold and albino
Labyrinth fishes are among the most important ornamental fishes in the world. Their often bright colors and varied behavior make their care very rewarding. Most species also remain small, only very rarely exceeding the 10 centimeter mark. The exception are the giant gouramis (Osphronemus), of which there are four accepted species. They are not only […]
Brachygobius sabanus Vietnam
From Vietnam we received this very nice bumble bee goby. The identification of bumble bee gobies is still in many cases a very tricky matter and often succeeds only with many question marks. Brachygobius sabanus was originally described from Borneo (Sabah), but our animals originate from Vietnam. However, the figure attached to the first description […]
Lentipes argenteus
Once again we can announce a first import, but unfortunately a completely unspectacular one. Lentipes argenteus, a neon goby from West Sumatra, is – as they say – a dream in gray. We are quite sure that this will be our only import, because such fish are only interesting for specialists. For all of you […]
The Crenicichla have been reclassified
With 93 accepted species, the pike cichlids (Crenicichla) are the most species-rich genus of cichlids anywhere. Closely related to Crenicichla are the Teleocichla cichlids. The relationship is so close that the independence of Teleocichla has been doubted several times. In a recent study in which 74 species of the complex could be considered (65 Crenicichla […]
Maylandia lombardoi
Who remembers art class in school? Among the first things you learn are color temperatures, right? According to this, red, yellow and orange are warm colors, while blue, green and purple are cool colors. In Lake Malawi’s rock cichlids, the mbuna, the territory-owning males usually shine in cool colors (usually blue), and the females exhibit […]
Uaru fernandezyepezi
In the Rio Atabapo in Venezuela, from which Uaru fernandezyepezi originates, it is already some weeks closed season, i.e. no fish may be caught there. The beautiful Uaru fernandezyepezi, which we can offer at the moment, are therefore the last specimens of the current season. There was a time when people hardly dared to import […]
Pterophyllum Blue Angelfish 2023
Solid blue-green angelfish are apparently the dream of many angelfish breeders. The body base color blue, a mutation, has been known in angelfish since World War 2, but it was very difficult to establish it in large-scale breeding. It was not until the end of the 1990s that this was achieved. Since then, a wide […]
Coptodon gutturosus
Cichlids form new species comparatively quickly when placed in geographic isolation. For them, the speciation process often takes only a few decades or centuries, whereas other groups often need millennia. Lake Bermin in Cameroon is a comparatively tiny crater lake with a surface area of only 0.6-0.7 km2. The lake is located in a former […]
Chromidotilapia kingsleyae
The wonderful West African cichlids have been somewhat forgotten in recent decades. In the 1970s and 1980s, on the other hand, they experienced a real boom and a great many new species were discovered at that time because ornamental fish collectors were only too happy to fulfill the aquarists’ desire for previously unseen cichlids. Many […]
Placidochromis milomo
Lake Malawi in the heart of Africa is home to an enormous variety of cichlids. Often it is difficult to decide whether in individual cases they are different species or local variants. Extremely popular in aquaristics are the rock cichlids (Mbuna). But also among the non-Mbuna, which in their habitat are not so dependent on […]
Bostrychus zonatus
Bostrychus zonatus is a sleeper goby and becomes about 15 cm long. They are predatory fish, which should therefore only be kept together with species that have at least half the body length of the gobies, larger is safer. The beautiful animal is widespread in fresh and brackish water in New Guinea and northern Australia. […]
Butis gymnopomus
Sleeper gobies the genus Butis (there are 6 recognized species) belong to the most original members of their kind. They swim around in the aquarium in every imaginable posture, especially often with the belly up, but also upside down or with the snout up. Thereby they imitate a floating piece of wood and are not […]
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