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Shipping Policy
- Delivery will be initiated within 24 hours if your requested items are available in stock and the transit time is approximately 2-3 business days.
- In the event items are out of stock, we will arrange replenishment within 24 hours and we will keep you informed of the delivery status via email or phone.
- The shipping and handling fee is 35 USD for Fedex Overnight / Fedex International service.
- Packages and products should be inspected immediately upon receipt. Notification of damage, shortage or defects should be sent to us immediately by e-mail or fax.
Overnight Delivery
- Purchase orders should be sent to us by 2:30 p.m. (US central time) for customers who require overnight delivery.
- The overnight delivery is subject to the stock status. We appreciate your kind understanding in this matter.
Free Delivery
Free delivery is guaranteed when the total value of your order exceeds 500 USD