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View the family crest for these names by clicking the links below:

McRae McRay McRea McReynolds McRoarie
McRoary McRoree McRorie McRory O'Raghallaigh
O'rahilly O'Regan O'Reillie O'Reilly O'Riley
O'Riordan O'Roark O'Rouairc O'Rourke O'Rurk
Rabbitt Rabet Rabett Rabitt Radclife
Radcliff Radcliffe Raddley Radlee Radley
Radlie Raetz Rafertie Raferty Raffertee
Raffertie Rafferty Rafftery Rafterie Raftery
Ragee Ragi Rahilly Raiford Raiforde
Railley Rain Raina Rainbert Rainbird
Raine Rainee Rainey Rainor Raitz
Ralee Raleigh Rales Ralf Ralfe
Rall Rallee Ralley Ralls Rally
Ralph Ralphe Rals Ramadge Ramage
Rameeres Rameerez Rameres Ramerez Ramington
Ramires Ramirez Rammington Ramse Ramsee
Ramsey Ramsie Ramsy Rancourt Randal
Randall Randel Randell Randolf Randolph
Rankan Rankin Rankine Ransom Ranson
Ransone Ransum Rapson Rapsone Rapsun
Ratbone Ratclife Ratcliff Ratcliffe Rathbone
Rathboyne Ratigan Ratray Rattigan Rattray
Raven Ravens Rawle Rawlee Rawleigh
Rawlen Rawlens Rawles Rawlin Rawling
Rawlings Rawlins Rawls Rawly Rawnslee
Rawnsley Rawnslie Rawson Rawsone Rawsun
Ray Raye Rayes Rayetz Rayez
Rayforde Rayfort Raymar Raymer Raymond
Raymonde Raynbert Raynbird Raynee Rayney
Raynor Rea Reader Readman Reagan
Reahm Ream Reame Reaney Reanie
Reany Reardon Red Redan Redd
Reddan Reddie Reddington Reddish Reddy
Reder Redie Redington Redish Redishe
Redman Redmond Redmonde Reed Reeder
Reedie Reedy Reegan Reegin Reep
Reepe Reeve Reeves Regal Regan
Regato Regin Rego Regoe Reichardt
Reid-scotland Reid Reidy Reilley Reilly
Reina Reinhardt Reinhart Relehan Relihan
Relihen Rellihan Remingten Remington Remmington
Remnant Remnont Rendel Rendell Renehan
Renehen Renfrew Renfro Renfrow Renfrowe
Renie Rennie Renny Renold Renolds
Rensha Renshaw Renshawe Renso Reny
Renzo Retinger Reve Reves Rexrode
Rey Reyes Reyez Reymond Reymonde
Reyna Reyney Reynie Reynold Reynolds
Reynor Reyny Reyynore Rhatigan Rhea
Rhoades Rhodes Rian Ribtan-ireland Ribtin
Ribton-ireland Ribton Rice-germany Rice Rich
Richan Richards Richardson Richbel Richbell
Riche Richee Richey Richie Richman
Richmon Richmond Richmonde Richy Rickabee
Rickaby Rickee Rickey Rickman Ricky
Ricroft Riddel Riddinger Riddle Ridel
Rider Riders Ridg Ridge Ridger
Ridgeway Ridinger Ridlee Ridley Ridlie
Riecroft Rigbe Rigbee Rigbie Rigby
Rigeway Righter-ireland Righter Riglee Rigley
Riglie Rigne Rignee Rigney Rigny
Riley Rimer Rimmer Rinald Rinaldee
Rinaldi Rind Rinder Rindor Ring
Ringe Ringrose Rings Rinn Rinns
Rins Riordan Rislee Risley Risly
Ritchan Ritchardson Ritchart Ritchbel Ritchbell
Ritche Ritchee Ritchey Ritchie Ritchmond
Ritchmonde Ritchy Riter-ireland Riter Ritschhart
Ritshhart River Rivers Ro Roach
Roache Roaches Roachs Roadie Roads
Roan Roane Roans Roantree Roark
Roarke Roartie Roarty Rob Robb
Robbenson Robbert-ireland Robbert Robberts-ireland Robberts
Robbertson Robbin Robbins Robbinson Robbs
Robbyn Robbyns Robenson Robert-ireland Robert-wales
Robert Roberts-ireland Roberts-wales Roberts Robertson
Robie Robilard Robilarde Robillard Robillarde
Robin Robins Robinson Robinsun Roble
Robles Robotham Robotom Robottom Robs
Roby Robyn Robyns Rocha Roche
Roches Rochford Rock Rocke Rockes
Rocket Rockete Rockett Rockette Rocks
Roddenberg Roddenburg Roddick Roddicke Roddicks
Roddie Roddock Roddy Rodenberg Rodenburg
Rodger Rodgers Rodick Rodicke Rodicks
Rodie Rodock Rodreegez Rodregez Rodriguez
Roe Rogan Rogane Roganes Rogans
Roger Rogers Rogersan Rogerson Rogersson
Rohan Rohane Roland Roley Rolfe
Rolfes Rolffe Rolick Rolins Rolland
Rollfes Rollin Rollins Rollock Rolock
Rolph Rolphe Romero Romito Ronan
Ronane Ronayne Roney Ronie Ronslee
Rooann Roodolf Rook Rookes Rooks
Rooney Roonie Roop Roope Roose
Roper Ros-ireland Ros Rosavick Rosavik
Rose-ireland Rose-scotland Rosha Roshal Roshall
Rosi Rositer Ross-ireland Ross Rossavick
Rossavik Rosshal Rosshall Rossi Rossie
Rossiter Rot Rotal Rotch Rotche
Rotchford Rotel Rotenberger Rotenburger Roth
Rothal Rothe Rothel Rothman Rothmann
Rothmon Rott Rottenberger Rottenburger Rouhan
Roundtree Rountree Rourke Rouse Row
Rowan Rowans Rowat Rowatt Rowbotham
Rowbottom Rowe Rowen Rowens Rowet
Rowett Rowland Rowley Rowlie Rownan
Rownane Rowntree Rowsan Rowse Rowson
Roy Royce Roycroft Roycruft Roye
Royse Ruan Ruane Rubio Rudderford
Rudderfort Ruddick Ruddie Ruddock Ruddy
Ruderford Ruderfort Rudick Rudie Rudland
Rudock Rudolf Rudolph Rudy Ruish
Ruishe Ruiz Rumsee Rumsey Rumsie
Rumsy Runane Runian Runyan Rurk
Ruse Rusel Rusell Rush Rushe
Russel Russell Russh Rutherford Rutherfort
Ruthledge Ruthman Ruthmon Ruthvan Ruthven
Rutland Rutledge Rutleg Rutlege Rutu
Ruutu Ryan Ryans Rybton Ryce
Rych Rychan Rychards Rychardson Rychbel
Rychbell Ryche Rycroft Ryddel Ryddle
Rydel Ryder Ryders Rymer Rymmer
Rynes Ryng Ryngrose Ryngs Rynne
Rynnes Ryver Ryvers
These names are also available:

Rackard Rackstraw Ractigan Radbone Radborne Radbron Radburn Radcliff Radcliffe Radclyffe Radford Radforth Radley Radnall Radway Raeburn Raffe Rafferty Raffles Raffman Rafter Raftery Raftiss Ragg Ragge Ragget Raggett Raher Rain Rainbird Raine Raines Rainey Rainey Rainford Rainforth Rainnie Rainscroft Rainy Raistrick Rait Raitt Raleigh Ralley Ralph Ralston Ram Ramadge Ramage Rambart Rambert Ramm Ramornie Rampton Ramsay Ramsbotham Ramsbottom Ramsbotton Ramsden Ramsey Ramshire Ranacre Ranald Ranaldson Rance Rand Randal Randall Randell Randelston Randle Randolph Rands Randson Ranigar Ranison Rankeillor Ranken Rankill Rankin Rankine Rankinson Ransley Ransom Ransome Ranson Rant Raper Raperlaw Rapson Rascal Rashleigh Rassleigh Rastall Rastrick Rat Ratcliff Ratcliffe Rate Rathbone Rathbourne Rathmell Ratican Ratigan Ratter Rattican Rattigan Rattray Raven Ravenhill Ravenscroft Ravenshaw Ravenshear Raw Rawbon Rawbone Rawe Rawkins Rawle Rawlence Rawles Rawley Rawlin Rawling Rawlings Rawlins Rawlinson Rawnsley Raws Rawson Rawsthorne Rawstion Rawstorne Rawstron Ray Ray Rayburn Raye Rayment Raymond Raynbird Rayne Rayner Raynes Raynor Rayson Rayson Rea Rea Reach Reacher Read Readdie Reade Reader Reading Readman Readman Real Reams Reaney Reany Rearden Reason Reavy Reburn Record Red Redbeard Reddan Redden Reddick Reddie Redding Reddish Reddoch Reddock Reddy Reddy Rede Redehan Redfearn Redfern Redferne Redford Redgrave Redgrove Redhead Redihalgh Redihough Redley Redmond Redpath Redshaw Redwood Ree Reece Reed Reeder Reedie Reedman Reen Rees Reese Reeson Reeve Reeves Regan Reiach Reid Reidie Reidy Reidy Reilly Remblant Remfry Remington Remnant Renaghan Renaud Renaut Rendall Rendell Render Rendle Rendles Renehan Renfrew Renison Rennard Rennarius Rennell Rennels Rennere Rennie Rennison Renny Renshall Renshaw Renshell Renton Renwick Reoch Repington Rerik Restall Restalrig Restell Reston Reuter Revell Revill Reville Rew Rewcastle Rex Rexstrew Rey Reyburn Reyes Reyner Reynold Reynolds Reynoldson Rhatigan Rhind Rhynd Riach Riall Ribble Ricard Ricards Ricart Riccalton Riccard Rice Rich Richan Richard Richards Richardson Richbell Richelot Richer Riches Richey Richie Richieson Richman Richmond Rickaby Rickard Rickards Ricker Rickerby Ricket Rickets Rickett Ricketts Rickman Ridall Riddal Riddel Riddell Riddeough Riddick Ridding Riddington Riddle Riddlesworth Ridehalgh Ridel Rideout Rider Ridge Ridgeway Ridgway Riding Ridler Ridley Ridlington Ridout Ridoutt Ridpath Ridsby Rigby Rigg Rigge Rigmaiden Rigney Rile Riley Rimbault Rimer Rimington Rimmer Rind Rinder Ring Ringbell Ringrose Rinn Rioch Riordan Ripley Ripon Rippingale Rippingall Rippington Rippon Rires Risbrough Riseborough Riseley Rishton Rishworth Rising Risley Ritchie Ritter River Rivers Rivington Rix Rixon Road Roades Roads Roanson Roantree Roarty Robb Robbins Robert Roberts Robertson Robeson Robin Robinet Robinett Robins Robinson Robison Robkin Roblet Robotham Robottom Robson Robyn Roche Rochester Rochford Rochfort Rock Rockley Rodd Roddy Rodger Rodgers Rodgerson Rodgie Rodney Rodway Rodwell Roe Roebuck Roffey Rogan Roger Rogers Rogerson Rogie Roland Rolf Rolfe Rolfes Roll Rolles Rolleston Rollin Rollings Rollins Rollinson Rollinson Rollison Rollo Rollock Rolls Rollston Rolph Rolston Rolt Romain Romaine Roman Romanes Romanis Romans Romans Rombulow Rome Romer Romney Ronaghan Ronan Ronayne Ronson Rook Rooke Rooke Rooker Rooks Rooneen Rooney Roonian Roonien Roos Root Roper Ropkins Rorieson Rorison Rosamund Roscoe Roscow Rose Roseaman Rosemond Rosewall Rosewell Roskell Roslin Rosling Rosoman Ross Rossall Rossell Rosser Rossie Rossiter Rosthern Roston Rostron Rotherham Rothney Rothnie Rothwell Rough Roughley Roughton Rouine Round Rountree Rourke Rous Rousby Rouse Rousell Routledge Row Rowan Rowand Rowat Rowatt Rowbotham Rowbottom Rowcroft Rowe Rowell Rowes Rowet Rowett Rowland Rowles Rowley Rownson Rowntree Rowse Rowsell Rowson Roxburgh Roy Royan Royce Roycraft Roycroft Royd Royds Roylance Royse Ruan Ruane Rubery Rudd Ruddick Ruddiman Ruddock Rudduck Ruddy Rudge Rudman Ruff Rufus Ruineen Ruish Ruishe Rule Rumball Rumbellow Rumbelow Rumble Rumbles Rumbol Rumbold Rumboll Rumens Rumley Rummans Rummens Rumminger Rummons Rumney Rump Rumsey Runacres Runchman Runciman Runcy Runian Ruse Rush Rushbrook Rushbrooke Rushmer Rushmere Rushmore Rushton Rushworth Rusk Ruskie Rusky Rusling Russ Russ Russel Russell Rust Ruston Rutherford Rutherglen Ruthven Rutland Rutledge Rutlidge Rutter Ruttledge Ruttlidge Ryall Ryan Ryburn Rycroft Ryder Ryding Rye Rylance Ryland Rylands Ryle Rymer Rymour Rynn Rynne

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by Michael Green
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