In certain time intervals after your server starts, there are different bosses appearing on the map and your whole server is fighting them and you will get rewards for each of your individual attack and also when defeating the Primal Lord altogether.
Alpha Bear
The second Primal Lord and unlike the Primal Wolf, teams here are more important to survive the damage he puts out constantly on your team – and a dead team can’t deal damage.
Here are two team recommendations that work well without having to have crazy heroes:
This is the best team in terms of damage and keeping your team up against Alpha Bear and although some heroes are not high on the list for many players you should have them asceded with the copies you get.
And here is the exact way to set up the formation and what artifact spell you should use:
Thoran will tank and take the focus and at the same time debuff Alpha Bear. Smokey and Meerky is your healer here that keeps your team up with some other traits for your team and helps getting the faction Mauler bonus for your team that make him the best option here. Odie is your main damage dealer here and the higher you ascended him the better. Korin deals damage but also shields and ideally you want him at Mythic+ to do that double role perfectly but even lower he does his job. Koko is incredible helpful against Alpha Bear with Life Drain and Damage Reduction and if you have her at Mythic+ even with shield and helps your team to stay up. Awakening Artifact will keep your team alive here but can also be swapped against something that will deal damage.
Alternatively, if you have pulled VAla to a high ascension and a copy of Reinier, this setup here can also work well for you
And here is the exact way to set up the formation and what artifact spell you should use:
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Thoran will tank and take the focus and at the same time debuff Alpha Bear. Smokey and Meerky is your healer here that keeps your team up with some other traits for your team and helps getting the faction Mauler bonus for your team that make him the best option here. Vala at a high ascension level can output a lot of single-target damage, espciecially when you invested well in her EX and Focus. Reinier is a great enabler and support for any boss and works even at the lowest ascension but, obviously, the higher the better. Korin can shield and deal damage which helps a lot in survivability but also damage. Awakening Artifact will keep your team alive here but can also be swapped against something that will deal damage.
Alpha Wolf
This is the first Primal Lord appearing in your server.
In this guide I want to shed some light into the teams and reward structure as I believe that many players go for quite a misconception here – and I am about to make the bold statement that teams won’t really matter that much and I am willing to die on this hill. Yes, please hear me out:
- Unless you are one of the Top 100 players of your server, the main reward you will get from attacking the Primal Lord will be the 20x Chests reward. Just getting to the 21x Chest will take a couple of millions and not change too much in rewards. Do your daily attacks for the 20x Chest Rewards
- The boss has 450 BILLION HP, pulling a few extra millions with your daily attacks won’t make any difference how fast your server will defeat the boss. It won’t. Not even 0.1% faster.
- Your main goal is to do the daily attacks and get the 20x Chests
To do that you only need to make sure (really) to survive the full 90 seconds of battle. Nothing else. So use a team with strong healers (Smokey, Hewyn and Rowan work well) and tank that can stay up (Thoran with revive or Brutus with the invincibility are great). On top of that use your top ascended damage dealer, no matter of AoE or single. This is getting you the 20x Chests and you already get 95% of the rewards.
On the other note, rather focus where teams really make a difference in rewards, which are the Dream Realm bosses and I just have updated the guide with several teams that do perform really well there – check out the guide for Skyclops here, King Croaker here, Snow Stomer here and Necrodragon here.