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AllClash PRO

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Enjoy all content on AllClash without any ads. Period. We know ads are annoying but our staff invests a lot of time in testing and writing guides for your favorite mobile games and on top of that there are also costs for servers, maintenance, security and much more to keep the website running – so we rely on ads to cover the costs. Support as directly as a PRO member and we disable the ads for you so you can enjoy our content without annoying ads getting in your way.

Benefit from our PRO Guides for many popular mobile games that we invest tons of hours and in-app purchases into. We pay and test so you don’t have to and always get the latest info, builds, strategies, layouts and more for many popular games. Save yourself a ton of time, money and frustration and stop wasting time with strategies you find on other popular platforms that are more clickbait than substance and support our project with your PRO membership. Here are only a couple of the games we are constantly writing about:

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Simply subscribe via Patreon (the biggest fan-content supporting platform worldwide with secure payments) and then log in here on our website without Patreon account. You don't need to make another account on another website and our website unlocks all your membership benefits for you. Done in a few seconds without hustle

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I pay for guides? Well, the internet is full of guides but not just because of AI tools the quality of guides have become a copy-paste style that repeat and feed each other. We do test the guides throughly and each team actually plays the games we post guides for. This gives you a reliable source and you will not waste time, resources (or worst case real money) because of guides that are simply wrong or clickbaiting. The downside of this is that this is very time-consuming and we also often have to buy a lot of in-game products for the games to actually be able to fully test characters, gear, item and setups together. We basically spend money so you don’t have to and give you guides that work so you can have the ease of mind playing. Your support here helps us to maintain this quality standard.

But why is it a subscription? One-time payments for unlocking the guides is something we though about but with each update to your games we have to start repeating tests more often than not and a monthly payment helps us maintain our testing standards and also make sure that our guides are up to date since so many games changes strategies and metas within months radically. (Update: for a short time we do offer a lifetime membership with a single payment – find more info about that here).

How can I trust you with sensitive payment info / I don’t want to have another account? We handle the payment through Patreon, the worlds biggest content creator platform that processes probably millions of subscriptions. Since many people already have a Patreon account you only have to activate the support for us there and log in here on the website with your Patreon account. Nothing else is needed. Also, no worries, we will never email you any promotional material. We are gamers and not advertisers.

Can I only subscribe for 1 month & leave? Sure. We would appreciate your support long-term but if you can’t or don’t want to spend money on us frequently that is totally fine with us. You can cancel and re-activate your monthly subscription to us on Patreon at any time.

I simply can’t / won’t spend money for mobile games or for content creators, can I still use the website? Of course. We love that you do. We still give you the best setups in our guides but the in-depth full guides are for supporters. That still means you can get a ton of information here and you have to accept that we display ads for you. But we appreciate every player that uses our website, no matter if subscriber or free user.