Requirements for the manuscript in the "Agrochemical herald" journal
Paper version should be printed in two copies, A4 format, 12 ppt, one-and-a-half space.
Electronic version and official covering letter from scientific-research organization are also obligatory.
Review is desirable. Short preview in Russian and in English with keywords are necessary.
List of literature should contain only sources, mentioned in article.
Article should contain full information about authors (name, scientific degree, organization, position, telephone, e-mail) with signatures.
Figures should be accurate and clear.
Publication of article is possible only after receiving of all paper materials (copies of article, covering letter, confirmation of subscription) by editorial staff.
Payment for publication from PhD students is not charging.
Editorial staff is waiting for not only scientific articles, but also discussion materials, information about implementation of new technologies and preparations. Special interest to articles from specialists of State agrochemical service of Russian Federation and young scientists researches.
Articles accepted for publication on paper and electronic media.
The paper on the paper should not exceed 10 pages A4. The article should have the following structure: UDC; title; Name of authors; e-mail and place of each author; abstract and keywords in Russian and English; introduction; purpose of the study; Objects and methods of research; results; conclusions; a list of references.
The article should be signed by all authors, and must specify the contact numbers and a degree.
To the article must be accompanied by a cover letter on the letterhead of the scientific institution where the authors work or carry out their research, signed by management or scientific secretary. The cover letter should end with the phrase: "The authors agree to the transfer of published works to the Russian electronic library for posting on the Internet."
The electronic version must be typed in text editor Microsoft Word font Times New Roman (12 pt type size, single-spaced, paragraph – 1.0). Figures are presented in a format .TIF, .JPG 300-600 dpi. The text in the figures must also be recruited headset Times New Roman, type size commensurate with the size of the drawing. Captions and schemes are made separately.
The list of references should be included only those sources that are referenced in the text. The list is in order of mention, of these sources in the text. Serial numbers of references in the text should be indicated in brackets.
Illustrations, formulas, equations and footnotes found in the article should be numbered according to the order of citation in the text.
The dimension of the values used in the article must comply with the International System of Units (SI).
The received article is sent for review, and then vised member of the editorial board and is considered at a meeting of the editorial board. Return to article author for revision does not mean that it is accepted for publication, because the article can be sent for re-review.
The editors reserve the right to make editorial changes to the text.
Editor-in-chief, PhD. Ilya S. Prokhorov