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  1. V

    Ranking Checker - SERPS - What do you use?

    Wow. Sensitive much? This is not about you. I am not an evangelist or a zealot nor am I trying to convince you or anyone else to do things the same way I do them. If I say "I prefer to drive a grey car because it doesn't show the dirt so much" that does not mean I think you should too. You can...
  2. V

    Ranking Checker - SERPS - What do you use?

    I think my assumptions were fair based on the example given. When you get to the stage of creating 3 different sites aiming for the same keywords with the same subject and content (no doubt re-written so it is unique enough for the engines not to notice) and split testing them, I think its a...
  3. V

    Ranking Checker - SERPS - What do you use?

    Ultimately irrelevant for me because I don't do "SEO campaigns". I have a site, I work on it, people like it and they come back for more. Ultimately my aim is to reduce the ratio of search to non search traffic, while growing the overall traffic. If I could get the same level of traffic and...
  4. V

    Ranking Checker - SERPS - What do you use?

    Hey no problem, I wasn't having a go at you, just commenting on the different focus. There are many different ways to skin a cat - some people go for 100s of thin content websites, others focus on one or two high quality sites, some do forums, some don't etc. Same with SEO. Thats all I meant. To...
  5. V

    Ranking Checker - SERPS - What do you use?

    You have an interesting difference in focus from me. I am not "serious about SEO". I am serious about making a great website that people want to bookmark and revisit. Perhaps that is why I rarely ever check ranks at all. I used to do it daily and found it a waste of time and a constant game of...
  6. V

    CDN yes or no?

    Ditch Cloudflare folks. They refuse to close the account of the verifiedcasinos hackers even though I pointed out that their illegal hacking was clearly in breach of the Cloudflare T&Cs. They are actively working with criminals that are competing against you and are regarded as a favourite...
  7. V

    Fortune Affiliates - Rogued

    I thought it was a succinct summary of exactly what has happened and why. You might think it negative but it is the truth.
  8. V

    commission 365 owe us $10k

    If going into bat for players against crooked casinos and affiliates who care for nothing except themselves is criteria for being an "asshole" then fine, guilty as charged and I would not want it any other way.
  9. V

    Fortune Affiliates - Rogued

    And that, in a nutshell, confirms what I have been saying about why this keeps happening. The casinos are the winners out of all this. They can accept a blast of traffic from the criminals, delay a few weeks while they "investigate", then shut down the account, say they are refusing to pay the...
  10. V

    The place of Keyword research in optimizing your website

    Obvious attempt by spammer to get his post count up is obvious.
  11. V

    commission 365 owe us $10k

    Here you go - read about the slow pays, also its on the blacklist for the progressive jackpot instalment policy - look at all the complaints in the comments...
  12. V

    commission 365 owe us $10k

    The "beat down" is thoroughly deserved because if he shown the slightest bit of care he would have read up on the casinos he is pushing on players. He has already said he is not interested in gambling and has no clue about it. So a bit of basic research might be in order, don't you think? Then...
  13. V

    commission 365 owe us $10k

    Ari seeing as you know nothing about playing at casinos, yet you continue to market them for the cash, I highly recommend that you go and search at Casinomeister, and go search a few of the other reputable review sites. There aren't very many so it should not take you long. Acquaint yourself...
  14. V

    commission 365 owe us $10k

    What do you expect? Sympathy? Now you know how they treat the players that you refer to them that have a win and try to withdraw. This has been known for a couple of years yet now you ignored it and worked with them anyway.
  15. V

    Star Partner Affiliates working with hackers

    What makes you think that the hackers choose any site they hack? They are running bots and crawlers that will hack any blog with a vulnerability that they find.
  16. V

    Ranking Checker - SERPS - What do you use?

    I used to use RankTracker but don't bother checking ranks any more these days.
  17. V

    Converting to responsive - worth the effort?

    Without knowing exactly what you do when you redesign your site or put in a new theme, but assuming all else remains the same - i.e. you have the same text on the page in the same order, then it won't make a bit of difference to Google what theme you use or how you change your CSS. Search...
  18. V

    Be honest, be brutal....

    You can include images in a CSS file by encoding them as base64 text. This means the browser doesn't have to initiate a separate round trip download for each image. Its actually a cool little trick and unlikely to be a sign of hacking as the base64-encoded attack code is almost always found on...