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bet365 Rumours?


New Member
Mar 6, 2024
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Putting this out there - complete rumour I've heard from someone who attended LAC, so caveat - no evidence for this, but want to know if anyone else has any more info or has heard things.

Rumour is, a now ex-bet365 affiliate manager has left the company after skimming a large amount of money from affiliate accounts. No word at all from bet365 - the line is that they want to keep it behind closed doors and are not taking action agains the person because then it would out in the public. Maybe they're working things out now or what, but if rumours are true then this would be a big shock for the industry if one of the most respected programs has experienced this.

Would be good to get some clarification. Don't want to ask them direct as I don't want to act like a whistleblower and the negative that might come back on me. Hopefully someone at bet365 reads this and a statement is made surrounding the disappearance of this person. What they don't realise is that this rumour is doing the rounds around a lot of people, so it would be better they clarify it now I think.

Obviously all of the above is "alledgedly" - don't want this to be seen as rumour mongering. Just curious to know the truth, or know that this is completely made up.

Anyone else know anything?


New Member
Feb 23, 2022
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TBH - i dont know how that could take place as "skimming" an account is not just a matter of moving cash from bank account to bank account. Its unlikely that their software allows inter account transfer and everything would have to be approved by Finance - i mean i guess its possible - but find it highly unlikely unless this "person" was a very senior person and then would they be doing something like that.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Interesting stuff. Funny though how we, as affiliates, just pass this off as same sh1t, different day!

Seems we're all working on the basis of earn $10, get skimmed $3, that's just the deal.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 31, 2013
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Can't take it seriously as a first post CasinoAff - although I realise that this is possibly a pseudonym. So may you're an affiliate of long standing just hiding your normal ID.

Anyway - yes you are rumour-mongering, especially if you have no direct source or proof and are just spreading (mongering) the rumour you heard. That is exactly rumour-mongering.

It might be true - it might not be.

Personally - I see two things here :

1/ the fact that someone in a position of responsibility could find a way to skim or steal commissions (possibly by adding charges or banning / striping customer off an account) is not impossible - in any system.

2/ The "hiding behind closed doors and not taking action" does NOT seem likely to me.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 10, 2013
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I have heard the story in the OP from 4 different people. However, could be the same story spread around those 4 people, but they're not exactly related people, and those people have heard it from others too

All a bit cryptic, I know! :) But I don't want to drop anyone in it here.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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I don't want to act like a whistleblower and the negative that might come back on me.

Whether this is true or not remains to be seen.

However, more troubling is the attitude. Most affiliates are too scared of speaking out against 'crooked' actions. They're petrified they'll lose their income from whistle-blowing.

Hell... I spoke out about RA/CR (with facts and proof) only to have my account closed, players and future commissions stolen.

Other than this industry, what other group of business would allow this $hit to happen? The Mafia? I'm not even sure they'd sanction this type of behaviour.

  • No One should feel they are voiceless.
  • Honesty is a commendable virtue.
  • No one should have their character attacked/drag thru the mud for being honest and speaking out.
But in the igaming industry, this is what seems to happen, time and time again.

Michael C (GPWA) should have stripped Rewards Affiliates of their sponsorship in 2011. The private membership spoke. A deafening YES was their vote. Instead, Michael; clearly hold some form of ongoing contra-deal with RA/CR, did nothing, other than speak shit and defended RA's crooked ways.

As affiliates we all need to be reminded that WE once had power. We can have that power again!

Power is a good thing, as long as it is not abused.

These forums would be ghost towns without affiliates posting. We have the power to force change. To force honesty and to force 100% transperancy in our industry.

Those who claim are on our side BUT their actions prove otherwise, should be kicked to the curb.
Interesting stuff. Funny though how we, as affiliates, just pass this off as same sh1t, different day!

Seems we're all working on the basis of earn $10, get skimmed $3, that's just the deal.

Watch enough real crime doc series and you'll hear the word GROOM/ing, spoken. That seems exactly how affiliates have been treated. We've all been "Groomed" not to speak out.

Not to rock the boat for fear of losing our income or worse, ostrocised with lies against one's character.

This goes for certain player forums too. Don't do a charge-back. I'm sorry but if someone defrauds your credit card, or like wise, then charge that fucker back.

Look at my 24 years in this industry. I spoke up against shit which shouldn't have taken place, and instead of that $hit being dealt with, my reputation was dragged thru the mud with lies and half-baked BS.

Yes, like Elton John - I'm still standing.

However, my false and manufactured reputation as a Shit-Stirrer still stands.

Instead, my reputation should be, AussieDave is one guy who can't be bought. His ass ain't for sale. He will speak out against the Evil Doers, and those in this industry who are doing players and affiliates, wrong.

Let me say, Stockholm Syndrome is very much alive and well in the online gambling industry.

Until this mindset changes and affiliates start to band together to stamp out the crooks stealing our rightful commissions, this BS of "same sh1t, different day", will continue to grow out of hand. If it hasn't already.
Last edited:


New Member
Dec 19, 2022
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Good post.

I'm not surprised. bet365 closes both player accounts and Affiliate accounts without any particular reason and the company is not trustworthy in my opinion.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
May 15, 2007
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Good post.

I'm not surprised. bet365 closes both player accounts and Affiliate accounts without any particular reason and the company is not trustworthy in my opinion.
@GoranX39 Where did you pull those “facts” from? If you make a claim you should have proof to back it up. How would you like it if I accused you of being a scammer on this forum without providing any proof?


New Member
Feb 23, 2022
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I'm not surprised. bet365 closes both player accounts and Affiliate accounts without any particular reason and the company is not trustworthy in my opinion.
You are just looking for a reaction right? Thats a laughable statement if i ever saw one.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 9, 2008
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Unless some real, solid facts emerge to back-up the OP, I have to be very doubtful. I'm not saying it's impossible to be true, just highly unlikely and I'd be surprised to find any meat on the bone.

bet365 have continued to pay me, despite the fact I'm not allowed to promote them any more - and it's been years now they've been paying me with zero-promotion.