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Call for Papers for an Open Session at the 20 th EASR Conference Vilnius University (Lithuania), 4 th -8 th: The Exhibition of Religion: Musealising the Intangible Through Materiality and Technology

DIPARTIMENTO DI STORIA, ANTROPOLOGIA, RELIGIONI, ARTE, SPETTACOLO Sapienza Research Project THE EXHIBITION OF PEACE OVER TIME PI: Prof. Alessandro Saggioro Call for Papers for an Open Session at the 20th EASR Conference Vilnius University (Lithuania), 4th – 8th September 2023 The Exhibition of Religion: Musealising the Intangible Through Materiality and Technology In recent decades, in a so-called material turn, the importance of religious media, such as objects, places and bodies, is being reevaluated (Meyer et. al 2010). In parallel, the study of religious materiality has come into contact with the processes of musealisation, which mostly emphasise an art-historical view of artifacts (Buggeln et al. 2017; Paine 2013). As a result, museal exhibitions have often involved the “de-sacralisation” of objects, followed by their new “re-symbolisation” (Störm 2019). It can therefore be asserted that: “whilst we have developed highly sophisticated theories and techniques, in respect of the object’s physical conservation, we can say that we have still not managed to conserve its significance (and its meaning) and we still do not restore the intangible” (Minucciani 2013). For these reasons, the main topic of this panel is the relationship between religions and their tangible media within museums, aimed at reflecting on issues related to the re-semantisation of the materiality of religions from both past and present cultures. Special emphasis will also be placed on the employment of new technologies in exhibition halls, asking questions about how scientific innovations can be used to convey the original religious natures of specific artifacts. In particular, abstracts may cover the following topics: - Types and classifications of tangible religious media exhibited in museums. Transformations of the meanings and agencies of religious materiality in museum settings. The relationship between virtual museums and concrete religious artifacts. The role of museums in creating peace interactions and religious dialogues. The intercourse between post-colonial studies and reconciliations in world museums. How to submit a proposal: a) If you are interested, please register on the official EASR page and propose your abstract (max 300 words) using the appropriate form: Pag 2 b) At the same time, please . send your abstract with a short bio CfP coordination: Alessandro Saggioro; Marinella Ceravolo Abstract deadline: January 31, 2023 Notification of acceptance: February 28, 2023 Please, share this Call for Papers with anyone who may be interested. For any information, please contact Marinella Ceravolo ( Bibliography G. BUGGELN et al (eds) 2017, Religion in Museums. Global and Multidisciplinary Perspectives. B. MEYER et al. 2010, The origin and mission of Material Religion (Religion 10: 207-211). V. MINUCCIANI (ed.) 2013, Religion and Museums. Immaterial and Material Heritage. C. PAINE 2013, Religious Objects in Museums: Private Lives and Public Duties. H.W. STOR ̈ M 2019, How do Museums Affect Sacredness? Three Suggested Models (ICOFOM 47: 191-205). Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” Dipartimento di Storia, Antropologia, Religioni, Arte, Spettacolo CF 80209930587 PI 02133771002 P.le Aldo Moro 5 – 00185 Roma T (+39) 06 49913705 F (+39) 0649913718 to