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Slow Steady Viscous Flow of Newtonian Fluids in Parallel-Disk Viscometer With Wall Slip Y. Leong Yeow1 Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3010 e-mail: Yee-Kwong Leong School of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Western Australia, Crawley, Western Australia, Australia 6009 Ash Khan Department of Civil and Chemical Engineering, RMIT University, Victoria, Australia 3000 The parallel-disk viscometer is a widely used instrument for measuring the rheological properties of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. The torque-rotational speed data from the viscometer are converted into viscosity and other rheological properties of the fluid under test. The classical no-slip boundary condition is usually assumed at the disk-fluid interface. This leads to a simple azimuthal flow in the disk gap with the azimuthal velocity linearly varying in the radial and normal directions of the disk surfaces. For some complex fluids, the no-slip boundary condition may not be valid. The present investigation considers the flow field when the fluid under test exhibits wall slip. The equation for slow steady azimuthal flow of Newtonian fluids in parallel-disk viscometer in the presence of wall slip is solved by the method of separation of variables. Both linear and nonlinear slip functions are considered. The solution takes the form of a Bessel series. It shows that, in general, as a result of wall slip the azimuthal velocity no longer linearly varies in the radial direction. However, under conditions pertinent to paralleldisk viscometry, it approximately remains linear in the normal direction. The implications of these observations on the processing of parallel-disk viscometry data are discussed. They indicate that the method of Yoshimura and Prud’homme (1988, “Wall Slip Corrections for Couette and Parallel-Disk Viscometers,” J. Rheol., 32(1), pp. 53–67) for the determination of the wall slip function remains valid but the simple and popular procedure for converting the measured torque into rim shear stress is likely to incur significant error as a result of the nonlinearity in the radial direction. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.2910901兴 Keywords: parallel-disk viscometer, wall slip, slow viscous flow, Navier slip law, Bessel series 1 Introduction The parallel-disk viscometer is employed by rheologists to measure the shear properties of a wide range of fluids. In a typical steady-shear measurement, the gap between the two parallel disks is filled with the fluid under test. The upper disk is rotated at a steady angular speed ␻ while the lower disk is held stationary. The torque ⌫ is recorded for a series of rotational speeds. These ⌫-␻ data are then converted into material properties of the fluid. The no-slip boundary condition is assumed at the disk-fluid boundaries. Under the normal conditions of parallel-disk viscometry, the inertia terms in the equation of motion are small and can be ignored. It is also observed that the stress-free fluid surface at the rim of the disks essentially remains flat in the vertical direction. As a consequence, the flow field inside the gap is approximately unidirectional and the cylindrical polar velocity components in the r and z directions can be ignored. The azimuthal component v␪ also takes on a particularly simple form. The v␪ that satisfies the equation of motion and the no-slip boundary condition is v␪共r,z兲 = 冉 冊 1 z + ␻r, 2 h 0 艋 r 艋 R and − h/2 艋 z 艋 h/2 共1兲 where R is the disk radius and h 共ⰆR兲 is the disk gap. In Eq. 共1兲, z = 0 is the midplane between the disks. This v␪共r , z兲 is linear in r and z. At the midplane, it is exactly half the speed of the upper disk. v␪共r , z兲 is antisymmetric about the midplane velocity. Equa1 Corresponding author. Contributed by the Applied Mechanics Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS. Manuscript received April 3, 2006; final manuscript received March 3, 2008; published online May 9, 2008. Review conducted by Bassam A. Younis. Journal of Applied Mechanics tion 共1兲 is assumed by many of the commercial software that accompany the current generation of parallel-disk viscometers for converting the measured ⌫-␻ data into rheological properties. When the shear stress at the disk surfaces is sufficiently high, some fluids may no longer adhere to the disk and begin to exhibit wall slip. When this happens, the rheological properties derived from the ⌫-␻ data becomes gap dependent and are no longer genuine properties of the fluid under test. This gap dependence is, in fact, used as an indicator of wall slip 关1兴. In fluids with suspended particles or droplets, shear-induced segregation may result in the formation of a thin layer of low viscosity fluid next to the disk surfaces. This low viscosity layer then acts as a lubricating film resulting in high velocity gradient next to the disk surfaces. While there is no genuine breakdown of the no-slip boundary condition, this shear-induced inhomogeneity will again result in gap-dependent rheological properties. This is often referred to as apparent wall slip. In either real or apparent slip, an additional material property function, the slip function S共vslip兲 is often introduced to relate the slip velocity vslip to the wall shear stress ␶w = S共vslip兲. The slip velocity is defined by vslip ⬅ vdisk − vfluid at the disk surface. Yoshimura and Prud’homme 关1兴 have developed a procedure in which two sets of ⌫-␻ data for two different gaps are used to obtain S共vslip兲. This procedure is now routinely used to obtain this additional material property function 关2–4兴. When wall slip is present, it is not immediately clear that the simple kinematics represented by Eq. 共1兲 is still valid within the disk gap. There have been a number of investigations into this issue—both for genuine and for apparent slip 关5,6兴. The general consensus is that while the analysis of Yoshimura and Prud’homme 关1兴 is not exact, it is an acceptable approximation— particularly when the h : R ratio is small. In this investigation, a series solution for v␪共r , z兲 is obtained for Newtonian fluids that Copyright © 2008 by ASME JULY 2008, Vol. 75 / 041001-1 Downloaded 15 May 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see exhibit wall slip. The solution is applicable to linear and nonlinear S共vslip兲. This series solution is used to investigate the nature of the flow field within the disk gap and to verify some of the assumptions inherent in the procedure of Yoshimura and Prud’homme 关1兴. considerations require v␪共r , z兲 to be antisymmetric. The admissible values of ␭ are determined by Eq. 共4兲. In terms of J1共␭r兲, this takes the form 2 From the relationships between Bessel functions of different orders, this boundary condition reduces to 关8兴 Equation of Motion For a Newtonian fluid under the normal conditions of paralleldisk viscometery, the azimuthal equation of motion reduces to 关7兴 ⳵ 2v ␪ 1 ⳵ v ␪ v ␪ ⳵ 2v ␪ − + + =0 ⳵r2 r ⳵r r2 ⳵z2 共2兲 The inertia term has been ignored and the flow is assumed to be axisymmetric so that the azimuthal velocity is a function of r and z only, i.e., v␪共r , z兲. It is further assumed that wall slip occurs to the same extent at the upper and lower disks and consequently v␪共r , z兲 remains antisymmetric about the midplane. This more general form of v␪共r , z兲 replaces that given by Eq. 共1兲. At the disk surfaces, the no-slip boundary condition is replaced by d共J1共␭r兲/r兲 =0 dr J2共␭R兲 = 0 ⬁ v␪共r,z兲 = ␻r/2 + ␣0rz + These expressions equate the viscous shear stress ␶w generated by the steady shear of the fluid next to the disk surfaces with that generated by slippage. In addition to Eq. 共3兲, v␪共r , z兲 also has to satisfy the stress-free condition at the rim of the disk, i.e., ␶r␪ = 0. In terms of v␪共r , z兲, this takes the form 关7兴 4 To cope with wall slip, instead of Eq. 共1兲, v␪共r , z兲 will be assumed to be of the form 共5兲 where ␣0 is a constant and V共r , z兲 is a function to be determined. The first two terms in this representation of v␪共r , z兲 automatically satisfy Eq. 共2兲. Equation 共5兲 reduces to Eq. 共1兲, i.e., ␣0 → ␻ / h and V共r , z兲 → 0, when the no-slip boundary condition applies. In the solution scheme to be developed, it is further assumed that the r and z in V共r , z兲 are separable so that V共r , z兲 = F共r兲G共z兲. Substituting Eq. 共5兲 into Eq. 共2兲 leads to 冋 2 册 再 冎 冋 ⬁ d2G共z兲 = ␭2G共z兲 dz2 共7b兲 where −␭2 is the separation constant and ␭ is taken to be real and positive. Equation 共7a兲 is a first order Bessel equation and its solution is J1共␭r兲—Bessel function of the first kind of order 1. The other linearly independent solution is the corresponding Bessel function of the second kind Y 1共␭r兲. Since Y 1共␭r兲 is singular at r = 0, it is discarded. The solution to Eq. 共7b兲 is sinh共␭r兲. The second solution is cosh共␭r兲. This second solution also has to be discarded as it is symmetric about the midplane while physical i 1 i i=1 From Eq. 共3兲, ␶w at the upper disk is 冉 ⬁ ␶w = S ␻r/2 − ␣0rh/2 − 兺 ␣ J 共␭ r兲sinh共␭ h/2兲 i 1 i i i=1 册 冊 共11兲 Because of the anti-symmetric nature of Eq. 共9兲, Eq. 共11兲 also applies at the lower disk. At the upper disk, for a Newtonian fluid with viscosity ␩, ␶w is also given by ␶w = ␩ 冏 ⳵v␪共r,z兲 ⳵z 冏 ⬁ = ␩ ␣ 0r + ␩ h/2 兺 ␭ ␣ J 共␭ r兲cosh 共␭ h/2兲 i i 1 i i i=1 共12兲 Again this expression also applies at the lower disk. Equating the two expressions for ␶w gives ⬁ ␩ ␣ 0r + ␩ 兺 ␭ ␣ J 共␭ r兲cosh 共␭ h/2兲 i i 1 i i i=1 冉 = S ␻r/2 − ␣0rh/2 − 共7a兲 兺 ␣ J 共␭ r兲sinh共␭h/2兲 共10兲 2 1 d2F共r兲 1 dF共r兲 + ␭2 − 2 F共r兲 = 0 2 + dr r dr r 041001-2 / Vol. 75, JULY 2008 共9兲 i Matching Slip Boundary Condition vslip共r,h/2兲 = ␻r − ␻r/2 + ␣0rh/2 + 1 d G共z兲 1 d F共r兲 1 dF共r兲 F共r兲 + = − ␭2 共6兲 − 2 =− F共r兲 dr2 r dr r G共z兲 dz2 or i In terms of Eq. 共9兲, the slip velocity at the upper disk is Separable Solution ␻r ␻r + ␣0rz + V共r,z兲 = + ␣0rz + F共r兲G共z兲 v␪共r,z兲 = 2 2 i 1 where ␣0 , ␣1 , ␣2 , ␣3 , . . . are the coefficients yet to be determined. 共4兲 The method of separation of variables will be used to construct a solution for Eq. 共2兲 subject to Eqs. 共3兲 and 共4兲. 3 兺 ␣ J 共␭ r兲sinh共␭ z兲 i=1 共3兲 at r = R 共8b兲 This equation has infinitely many solutions. The first ten of these are ␭R = 兵5.13562, 8.41724, 11.6198, 14.796, 17.9598, 21.117, 24.2701, 27.4206, 30.5692, 33.7165其. These were obtained by numerically solving Eq. 共8b兲. The ␣0rz term in Eq. 共5兲 can be regarded as the solution associated with ␭R = 0. This term together with the J1共␭ir兲 terms forms an orthogonal basis that can be used to construct a generalized Fourier series to represent most well behaved functions 关8兴. The series solution for v␪共r , z兲 can thus be written as ␶w共r,h/2兲 = ␶w共r,− h/2兲 = S共␻r − v␪共r,h/2兲兲 = S共v␪共r,− h/2兲兲 ⳵共v␪/r兲 =0 ⳵r 共8a兲 at r = R ⬁ 兺 ␣ J 共␭ r兲sinh共␭ h/2兲 i 1 i=1 i i 冊 共13兲 The coefficients ␣0 , ␣1 , ␣2 , ␣3 , . . . are determined so that this condition is met for 0 艋 r 艋 R or approximately satisfied at a large number of collocation points for r in this range. The values of ␣0 , ␣1 , ␣2 , ␣3. . . and the way they are obtained depend on the form of S共vslip兲, as will be demonstrated in the next section. 5 Results 5.1 Linear Slip Law. In the boundary condition proposed by Navier in 1823, the wall shear stress is assumed to be a linear function of the slip velocity, i.e., ␶w = k1vslip 关9兴. Substituting this into Eq. 共13兲 leads to Transactions of the ASME Downloaded 15 May 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see ⬁ ␩ ␣ 0r + ␩ 兺 ␭ ␣ J 共␭ r兲cosh 共␭ h/2兲 i i 1 i i i=1 冋 ⬁ = k1 ␻r/2 − ␣0rh/2 − 兺 ␣ J 共␭ r兲sinh共␭ h/2兲 i 1 i i i=1 册 0艋r艋R , 共14兲 Linearity of the slip function means that all the coefficients of the Bessel series are identically zero and the unknown ␣0 is given by R␣0 =1 ␻ 冒冉 2␩ h + k 1R R 冊 共15兲 Equation 共15兲 gives the dimensionless parameter R␣0 / ␻ in terms of the dimensionless group ␩ / k1R and the gap ratio h / R. ␩ / k1R is a measure of the relative importance of the viscous shear stress and the slippage shear stress. h / R is the key geometric parameter of the viscometer. The resulting v␪共r , z兲 is 冉 冊 冉 冊冉 冊 冒 冉 r v␪共r,z兲 1 r + = 2 R ␻R R z R 2␩ h + k 1R R 冊 (a) 共16兲 Equation 共16兲 clearly shows that, in the presence of linear slip, the velocity remains linear in r and in z. When k1 Ⰷ ␩ / h, corresponding to negligible wall slip, Eq. 共16兲 reduces to Eq. 共1兲. Based on Eq. 共16兲, the wall shear stress is given by 冉 冊冒冋 ␶w r = ␩␻ R 2␩ h + k 1R R 册 共17兲 Thus, for a Newtonian fluid that follows the linear slip law, the wall shear stress remains a linear function of r as is observed when the no-slip boundary condition applies. The shear stress within the disk gap is independent of z—a condition observed for all fluids when the no-slip boundary condition applies 关1兴. Typical v␪共r , z兲 profiles for the linear slip law are shown in Fig. 1. These results are for k1R / ␩ = 5 and h / R = 0.15. U, M, and L in Fig. 1共a兲 refer to the upper disk, the midplane, and the lower disk, respectively. These curves reveal very significant wall slip. For example, at the rim of the disks, vslip is as high as 36.4% of the rim speed of the upper disk. Figure 1共b兲 shows the velocity profiles across the gap at different radial positions. Wall slip has greatly reduced the slope of these curves. The maximum shear rate is only 共100− 2 ⫻ 36.4兲 = 27.2% of that given by Eq. 共1兲 when there is no slip. The linear relationship between shear stress and r, as described by Eq. 共17兲, is shown in Fig. 2 by the straight line “ln.” This stress is independent of z. The line “ns” on the same plot is the corresponding stress for a Newtonian fluid with the same viscosity but does not exhibit wall slip. Because of wall slip, the stress on ln is only 27.2% of that on ns. For ease of comparison, the stress curves for all the S共vslip兲 subsequently investigated are summarized in Fig. 2. (b) Fig. 1 Linear slip law. „a… Variation of azimuthal velocity with radius at the upper disk „U…, midplane „M…, and lower disk „L…. „b… Variation of azimuthal velocity with axial coordinate at different radial positions. coefficients ␣0 , ␣1 , ␣2 , ␣3 , . . .. Instead, they are determined by least-squares minimization of the difference between the left hand side 共LHS兲 and right hand side 共RHS兲 of Eq. 共18兲 at a set of preselected collocation points. Typically, 150–200 collocation points uniformly spaced between 0.02艋 r / R 艋 1 are included in the minimization process. The region 0 艋 r / R 艋 0.02 has been arbitrarily excluded as v␪共r , z兲 and ␶w there are too small to be accurately evaluated. In the least-squares minimization process, the series representation of v␪共r , z兲 is terminated after N terms, typically N = 10– 20. N is adjusted so that the average difference 5.2 Square Dependence on Slip Velocity. The linear slip function considered in Sec. 5.1 does not test the numerical performance of the Bessel series solution. In this example, the linear slip 2 . Substituting this into law of Navier is generalized to ␶w = k2vslip Eq. 共13兲 yields ⬁ ␩ ␣ 0r + ␩ 兺 ␭ ␣ J 共␭ r兲cosh 共␭ h/2兲 i i 1 i i i=1 冋 = k2 ␻r/2 − ␣0rh/2 − ⬁ 兺 i=1 0艋r艋R ␣iJ1共␭ir兲sinh共␭ih/2兲 册 2 , 共18兲 The nonlinear nature of Eq. 共18兲 does not permit the exploitation of the orthogonal properties of J1共␭ir兲 to determine the unknown Journal of Applied Mechanics Fig. 2 Radial variation of shear stress for no slip „ns…, linear slip „ln…, square dependence „sq…, square-root dependence „rt…, and linear slip with critical wall shear stress „cr…. The darker curves are for the stress at the disk surfaces and the lighter curves are for the stress at the midplane. JULY 2008, Vol. 75 / 041001-3 Downloaded 15 May 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see between the LHS and RHS of Eq. 共18兲 is less than about 1%. As expected in the neighborhood of r = 0, the difference can be as large as 10–15%. However, this does not appear to have a great influence on the behavior of v␪共r , z兲. The search of the ␣0 , ␣1 , ␣2 , . . ., ␣N that minimize the leastsquares difference was performed using the commercial software ® MATHEMATICA 关10兴. The computation starts with a relatively small N, typically N = 5 – 6, and this is progressively increased using the previously obtained coefficients as the starting point. To avoid being trapped by local minima, the minimization computation was repeated with slightly modified starting values of the coefficients and also by using different minimization strategies provided by the commercial software. No numerical difficulties were encountered in this and in the subsequent examples. 2 Results for the slip law ␶w = k2vslip with k2␻R2 / ␩ = 5 and h / R = 0.15 are summarized in Figure 3. Figure 3共a兲 shows that, except at the midplane, v␪共r , z兲 is clearly no longer linear in r. The three velocity profiles are also much closer to one another compared to that in Fig. 1共a兲, indicating increased wall slip. For example, the velocity of the fluid at the rim of the upper disk is only 56.8% of the rim speed giving a vslip of 43.2%. With this vslip, the maximum shear rate attained is only 共100− 2 ⫻ 43.2兲 % = 13.6% of that given by Eq. 共1兲 when the no-slip boundary condition applies. The velocity profiles in Fig. 3共b兲 show that v␪共r , z兲 approximately remains linear in z for all r. The slight deviation from linearity can only be observed by plotting 共⳵v␪ / ⳵z兲r against z at different radial positions, see Fig. 3共c兲. In general, for a fixed r, 共⳵v␪ / ⳵z兲r varied by less than 3.5% for −1 / 2 ⬍ z / h 艋 1 / 2. The two curves marked “sq” in Fig. 2 show the nonlinear variation of the shear stress with r as a consequence of the square dependence on vslip. The shear stress at the disk surfaces ␶w 共darker curve兲 and that at the midplane ␶m 共lighter curve兲 are very close together, reflecting the small variation of shear rate with z. These curves also show the very significant reduction in shear stress brought about by wall slip. (a) (b) 5.3 Square-Root Dependence on Slip Velocity. The compu1/2 as an example where tation in Sec. 5.2 is repeated for ␶w = k1/2vslip the wall shear stress increases less than linearly with vslip. Substituting this into Eq. 共13兲 resulted in ⬁ ␩ ␣ 0r + ␩ 兺 ␭ ␣ J 共␭ r兲cosh 共␭ h/2兲 i i 1 i i i=1 冋 = k1/2 ␻r/2 − ␣0rzw − ⬁ 兺 ␣iJ1共␭ir兲sinh共␭ih/2兲 i=1 0艋r艋R 册 1/2 (c) , 共19兲 Least-squares minimization is again used to determine ␣0 , ␣2 , . . ., ␣N. The same set of collocation points in Sec. 5.2 was used. It was found that, for this slip law, a slightly larger number of terms, 25⬍ N ⬍ 30, of the Bessel series was required to keep the average difference between the LHS and RHS of Eq. 共19兲 to around 1%. Plots of the variation of v␪共r , z兲 with r for this slip law, for k1/2共R / ␻兲1/2 / ␩ = 5 and h / R = 0.15, are shown in Fig. 4共a兲. v␪共r , z兲, for z ⫽ 0, is now even more nonlinear in r. This may explain the increase in N required to represent v␪共r , z兲 to the same degree of accuracy as before. A reduction in wall slip, compared to the linear slip law, is observed. The maximum vslip is reduced from 36.4% to 29.3% of the rim speed, see Fig. 4共a兲. Consequently, the maximum shear rate experienced by the Newtonian fluid is now about 41.4% of that when there is no slip. As in the previous examples, Fig. 4共b兲 shows that v␪共r , z兲 approximately remains linear in z. The slight deviation from linearity is shown in the plots of 共⳵v␪ / ⳵z兲r against z in Fig. 4共c兲. The maximum variation, at r / R = 1, is about 2.0%. The general lowering of vslip, compared to Secs. 5.1 and 5.2, for 041001-4 / Vol. 75, JULY 2008 Fig. 3 Square dependence wall slip. „a… Variation of azimuthal velocity with radius at the upper disk „U…, mid plane „M…, and lower disk „L…. „b… Variation of azimuthal velocity with axial coordinate at different radial positions. „c… Variation of shear rate with axial coordinate at different radial positions. the square-root dependent S共vslip兲 means that the shear stress is correspondingly higher. This can be observed from the stress curves “rt” in Fig. 2. The stress at the disk surfaces 共darker curve兲 and that for the midplane 共lighter curve兲 are again very close together confirming that the variation of shear rate with z can be ignored. The shear stress is again nonlinear in r. 5.4 Fluid With Critical Wall Shear Stress. Materials, such as polymer melts, do not exhibit wall slip at low wall shear stress. Wall slip often only becomes noticeable when ␶w has exceeded some threshold value. To model this observation, the linear slip law is modified to vslip = 0 for ␶w 艋 ␶wcrit Transactions of the ASME Downloaded 15 May 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see ⬁ ␩ ␣ 0r + ␩ 兺 ␭ ␣ J 共␭ r兲cosh 共␭ h/2兲 i i 1 i=1 冋 i i ⬁ = ␶wcrit + kY ␻r/2 − ␣0rh/2 − 兺 ␣ J 共␭ r兲sinh共␭ h/2兲 i 1 i=1 i i 册 共21b兲 for ␶w ⬎ ␶wcrit Because of the antisymmetric nature of v␪共r , z兲, Eqs. 共21a兲 and 共21b兲 ensure that Eq. 共20兲 is automatically met at the stationary disk. As in the last two examples, the coefficients ␣0 , ␣1 , ␣2 , . . ., ␣N are determined by least-squares minimization of the difference between the LHS and RHS of Eqs. 共21a兲 and 共21b兲 over a set of regularly spaced collocation points. In computing the leastsquares deviation, Eq. 共21a兲 applies for 0 ⬍ r 艋 rcrit and Eq. 共21b兲 for rcrit ⬍ r 艋 R, where rcrit is the radial position for the onset of wall slip. For a Newtonian fluid with viscosity ␩, it is given by (a) rcrit = ␶wcrith/共␩␻兲 (b) (c) Fig. 4 Square-root dependence wall slip. „a… Variation of azimuthal velocity with radius at the upper disk „U…, midplane „M…, and lower disk „L…. „b… Variation of azimuthal velocity with axial coordinate at different radial positions. „c… Variation of shear rate with axial coordinate at different radial positions. 共22兲 This expression is based on the assumption that the no-slip boundary condition for r 艋 rcrit is sufficient to ensure that the velocity is linear in z and hence the wall shear stress is given by ␩␻r / h. If the velocity profiles given by the Bessel series indicate significant deviation from linearity, then an iterative procedure will have to be adopted to evaluate rcrit. In the least-squares minimization process, typically, the span 0 ⬍ r 艋 rcrit is divided into 100–150 collocation points and that for rcrit ⬍ r 艋 R into 200–300 points. Typical results for a Newtonian fluid with ␶wcrit are shown in Fig. 5. These results are for ␶wcrit / ␩␻ = 2, kY R / ␩ = 5 and h / R = 0.15. The corresponding rcrit / R = 0.3. Figure 5共a兲 shows the distinct change in the slope of the v␪共r , z兲 curves at r = rcrit as the fluid begins to slip at the disk surfaces. As expected, at the lower disk, v␪共r , −h / 2兲 = 0 for r 艋 rcrit. The v␪共r , −h / 2兲 given by the series solution shows small fluctuations about 0 for r 艋 rcrit but these fluctuations do not show up in the scales of Fig. 5共a兲. As in the previous examples, v␪共r , z兲 again appears to be approximately linear in z, see Fig. 5共b兲. The 共⳵v␪ / ⳵z兲r plots in Fig. 5共c兲 reveal the small deviation from linearity in z and, in particular, they show that the most significant deviation is in the neighborhood of r = rcrit. There the maximum difference in 共⳵v␪ / ⳵z兲r is around 7.65%. At r = R, the maximum difference is reduced to 2.34% 共in the opposite direction兲. These were not considered as sufficiently large to warrant the iterative recalculation of rcrit. The ␶wcrit has imparted a very distinctive shape on the shear stress versus r plots. See the “cr” curves for ␶w 共darker curve兲 and ␶m 共lighter curve兲 in Fig. 2. These curves are highly nonlinear. As expected, they closely follow the no-slip line ns for r ⬍ rcrit. As wall slip sets in at r = rcrit, these curves sharply change slope. As in the previous examples, the close proximity of the ␶w and ␶m curves confirms that the variation of shear rate with z can be ignored. Discussion ␶w = ␶wcrit + kY vslip for ␶w ⬎ ␶wcrit 共20兲 where ␶wcrit is the critical wall shear stress below which the classical no-slip boundary condition is observed. kY plays the same role as k1 in Sec. 5.1. For this generalized S共vslip兲, the matching of boundary condition at the rotating disk takes the form ⬁ ␻r/2 + ␣0rh/2 + 兺 ␣ J 共␭ r兲sinh共␭ h/2兲 = ␻r i 1 i i for ␶w 艋 ␶wcrit i=1 共21a兲 Journal of Applied Mechanics For the S共vslip兲 investigated, the numerical performance of the Bessel series representation of v␪共r , z兲 appears to be satisfactory. The method of separation of variables adopted here can, in principle, be extended to even more general slip behaviors. For example, if the slip behavior of a real fluid can be approximated by a low order polynomial of the form 2 3 + ␤3vslip ␶w = ␤1vslip + ␤2vslip 共23兲 where ␤1 , ␤2. . . are known empirical coefficients, then the procedure described above can be applied to obtain the series representation of v␪共r , z兲. Similarly, the treatment of S共vslip兲 with a ␶wcrit can be extended to a more general form of the slip function. However, for such materials, it is probably more convenient to inverse the relationship between vslip and ␶w and to express it in the form JULY 2008, Vol. 75 / 041001-5 Downloaded 15 May 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see gation is nonlinear and the standard method of separation of variables becomes inapplicable. For this class of more general problems, it is more efficient to resort to finite element computation. This is currently under progress. The Newtonian results reported here can then be used as a special case in the validation of the finite element method 共FEM兲 results. As mentioned above, the method of Yoshimura and Prud’homme 关1兴 is now widely used in the determination of S共vslip兲. One of the key assumptions in this method is that the shear rate in the gap is function of r only and is independent of z. The shear rate plots in Figs. 3共c兲, 4共c兲, and 5共c兲 show that, for the S共vslip兲 investigated, the shear rate is not exactly independent of z. However, as the variation is generally less than 10%, this small variation can most probably be ignored. Similarly, only small variations in shear rate were observed for h : R as large as 0.2 共not shown兲. Since in most parallel-disk viscometry measurements h : R ⬍ 0.2, one is therefore justified to apply the method of Yoshimura and Prud’homme to determine wall slip. For the case of linear wall slip, the shear stress remains linear in r as is expected of a Newtonian fluid. From the shear stress plots in Fig. 2, it is clear that, even for a Newtonian fluid, this stress is no longer linear in r for a general S共vslip兲. This has an important practical implication on the processing of the ⌫-␻ data of paralleldisk viscometry. The measured torque ⌫ is often converted into shear stress ␶R at the rim of the disks using the simple expression (a) ␶R = 2⌫/共␲R3兲 共25兲 This is the expression implemented in many of the software that accompany the current generation of parallel-disk viscometers. Equation 共25兲 is an approximation and is strictly valid only when the shear stress is linear in r as is in the case of a Newtonian fluid that does not exhibit wall slip. The exact expression relating ␶R to ⌫ is 关7兴 (b) ␶R = 冋 d loge ⌫ ⌫ 3+ 2␲R3 d loge ␥˙ R 册 共26兲 where ␥˙ R = ␻R / h is the shear rate at the rim of the disks. The main reason for adopting the approximate equation 共25兲 instead of the exact equation 共26兲 is that the evaluation of the derivative term on the RHS of Eq. 共26兲 is difficult and is likely to amplify the noise in the ⌫-␻ data. For Newtonian fluid with nonlinear wall slip and certainly for non-Newtonian fluids with or without wall slip, the use of Eq. 共25兲 is likely to lead to significant error and is therefore not recommended 关11兴. (c) Conclusion Fig. 5 Linear slip with critical wall shear stress. „a… Variation of azimuthal velocity with radius at the upper disk „U…, midplane „M…, and lower disk „L…. „b… Variation of azimuthal velocity with axial coordinate at different radial positions. „c… Variation of shear rate with axial coordinate at different radial positions. vslip = 0 vslip = T共␶w兲 for ␶w 艋 ␶wcrit for ␶w ⬎ ␶wcrit 共24兲 where T共␶w兲 is a general function of the wall shear stress. For this type of slip function, a boundary velocity matching condition, similar to the stress matching condition in Eq. 共13兲, can be developed. The main issue here is the numerical performance of this new matching condition. This has not been investigated. The present investigation only dealt with Newtonian fluids exhibiting wall slip. Most real fluids that exhibit wall slip are likely to simultaneously exhibit one or more non-Newtonian behaviors. It is therefore of practical interest to extend this slip investigation to non-Newtonian fluids. Unfortunately, the non-Newtonian equivalent of Eq. 共2兲 that forms the starting point of this investi041001-6 / Vol. 75, JULY 2008 The method of separation of variables gave a reliable series representation of the azimuthal velocity for Newtonian fluids in steady parallel-disk flow in the presence of wall slip. The solution shows that the azimuthal velocity approximately remains linear in z and hence justifies the use of the procedure of Yoshimura and Prud’homme for the determination of the wall slip function. As a consequence of wall slip, the wall shear stress, even for a Newtonian fluid, is no longer linear in r. This is not consistent with the key assumption of the simple but very popular method for converting the measured torque into rim shear stress. References 关1兴 Yoshimura, A., and Prud’homme, R. K., 1988, “Wall Slip Corrections for Couette and Parallel-Disk Viscometers,” J. 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