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16. UBAK, 11 - 12 March 2023, Ankara Presentation ID / Sunum No:66 ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7883-6604 1 1 1 *Corresponding author: Anahtar Kelimeler: E the 1972 Project Competition ABSTRACT: Contests, which are one of the methods of obtaining projects for managers or investors, and which are considered as a job opportunity for architects, continue to be up-to-date today. Although there is a lot of discussion about the categories, juries, results and periodic specification changes of architectural competitions, many buildings that have survived to the present day have been obtained as a result of competition projects. Many as a -person Laboratory of Laboratories and Medical Technicians, and the Faculty of Dentistry design competition was made. In this analysis, the first project of the competition was discussed in terms of architectural planning and spatial features, and the architectural features of today's faculty, structural interventions, and the transformations that took place within it were evaluated in comparison with the first construction project. In this way, the competitions that have an important place in the world of architecture and the changes that the productions produced as a result from the past to the present have been revealed. The positive and negative reflections of these changes are discussed in the context of society and architectural productions. Keywords: 16. UBAK, 11 - 12 March 2023, Ankara 1. INTRODUCTION Within the scope of the study, it is aimed to deal with the functional and structural changes and transformations of the structures produced as a result of architectural design/project competitions t, in terms of standardization and alienation from the architectural society. Among these competitions, the Faculty of Dentistry, which was announced by the Ministry of Public Works in 1972, was discussed in detail. Starting from the first design stage of this faculty building, the application processes, current situation and the last additions, removals and spatial transformations were examined. As a result of these, it is aimed to read these changes through standardization and to reveal their effects in terms of the relationship between the society and the architectural environment and their alienation from each other. In this way, the competitions that have an important place in the world of architecture and the changes that the productions produced as a result from the past to the present have been revealed. The positive and negative reflections of these changes are discussed in the context of society and architectural productions. While the history of architectural competitions dates back to 1800 (Sudjac, 2006) in the world 1, it goes back to the first years of the Republic nationally2 architectural project competition, which has an important place among the project competitions that gained momentum in the Republican period, was announced by the Ministry of Public Works in 1972. members, while honorable mentions at the end of the comp According to the jury report; Less storey arrangement of the faculty design by utilizing topography (using slopes), Creating a volume in accordance with the characteristics of the faculty and laboratory units and placing them on the topography, The main function spaces are clearly differentiated from the others and internal relations are established with the side programs, Considering the climatic characteristics of the city, which is the subject of the design, it is protected from the prevailing wind at the entrances, Its success in scaled architecture and system detail, Low initial investment, maintenance and implementation costs of the project, It has an easy-to-build and applicable structure, Its negative aspects can be easily converted and updated, For this reason, it was seen more positive than other projects and won the first place. 1 The architectural competition opened for the reconstruction of the Palace of Westminster after the British Parliament was destroyed by fire in the fire in 1832 is the first competition in Europe. 2 Mustafa Cezar states that the first architectural competition held in Turkey was the summer residence of the British Embassy in Tarabya in 1867. Due to the unfavorable conditions of Turkey, the competition was held in England. However, there is no -German friendship foundation competition was organized in 1916. It is known that Architect Vedat Gentleman and Architect Kemalettin Gentleman from Turkey were also jury members for this competition. The names of Paul Bonatz, Martin Elsaesser, Theodor Fischer, Hans Poelzig and Bruno Taut can be found among the participants of the competition. According to Afife Batur, the first competition of the Republican era was the Ankara City Plan limited project competition held in 1927. This competition is the first competition for foreign architects to participate. 16. UBAK, 11 - 12 March 2023, Ankara 2.COMPETITION ARCHITECTURE APPROACH OF THE PERIOD (1970 1980) As of the year the Faculty of Dentistry building was built (1972), with the effect of the Cold War (19501980) in which it was located, the structures designed in an international style, which increased in the world after the Second World War, started to become widespread in Turkey as of the 1950s. In this period, modern designs began to be applied by gaining diversity. In the competition specifications and jury reports3 of the period, instead of the cost reduction demanded in the past, the value-added status of the project started to be demanded. In addition, being sensitive to the environmental scale and historical texture of the projects is among the subjects requested in the building designs in the competitions. As a result of the emergence of the idea of realizing environmental awareness and design approaches considering the environment since the 1970s, it is seen that motor vehicle and pedestrian transportation are also integrated into the projects. ssification in his article published in the November December issue of Architecture Magazine, evaluated the period between 1960 and 1973 as the periods when Turkish architecture started to focus on social problems. When we look at the application part in the period when scientificity increased in terms of architectural thought, we can talk about a period in which university buildings were at the forefront. Although the form effects between the years 1960-73 were not very different from the previous period, it can be said that in addition to examples such as inflatable structures and geodesic domes in countries with high technological development levels, a form understanding suitable for the economic level in Turkey was effective in the architectural environment. The "brutalism" (architectural style in which building materials and construction are used grossly and without concealment) can be given as an example of this discourse in practice. Depending on the general industrialization, the building tools and materials industry also started to develop in this period. 3.INFORMATION ON THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS During the foundation years of the faculty, Numune Hospit but when it was difficult to meet the student and training needs over time, the faculty was moved to the first floor of the eastern bloc of the Chest Diseases Hospital in 1974. Picture 1. Faculty of Dentistry project mockup (journal of architecture, 1972, issue 102) 3 Picture 2. Faculty of Dentistry site plan (2022, google earth) This conclusion was reached as a re examined between 1930-2010. The specified reports and specifications cover the documents between 1950-80. 16. UBAK, 11 - 12 March 2023, Ankara The Faculty of Dentistry, whose competition project was opened a year after its establishment, continued to provide education in different polyclinics and hospitals between 1971 and 1975, while the foundation faculty moved to its own building on the university campus on November 5, 1979. Picture 3. View of Faculty of Dentistry annex building (First built in 1999) chive) In order to meet the increasing demands for health services over time, to create spaces suitable for the needs of the departments that have undergone restructuring, and to make transformations that can meet the needs of the increasing number of students such as all kinds of education, social facilities, technical infrastructure, laboratory and application areas, the building marked in Picture 2 was added next to the existing building in 1999. The appearance of this building in 2016 is as in Picture 3. Annex; It consists of five floors: basement, ground floor, four normal floor plans and attic. 4.INFORMATION ON THE IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS OF THE BUILDING The construction of the project, which was selected first as a result of the competition in 1972, started in 1975 by laying the groundwork. The project was completed and delivered in 1979 at the end of 4 years and the faculty in the Chest Diseases Hospital was moved to the university campus. Due to the lack of resources for the period between 1979-1999, it is not known whether a spatial or structural application was made in the building. However, when the first stage competition project and the additional building plans made in 1999 were examined only on a structural basis (based on the external contours of the building)4, some changes were made. In the 1972 competition project plan, the building - diagnosis polyclinic - central x-ray - pathology laboratory - patient entrance and reception section consisting of large and small waiting areas, - patient care unit - operating room - surgery clinic room - offices - associate professor and professor rooms surgery units The department was formed by combining four different units, namely - classrooms multi-purpose hall - library - educational and social facilities with parts and the dean's office with units belonging to the dean's office (Figure 1). 4 Plan changes in the last 10-15 years have been observed since 1975, the first year of construction, and since the source of the old constructions could not be reached, only possible structural changes were interpreted on the basis of the outer and inner wall contours of the building. 16. UBAK, 11 - 12 March 2023, Ankara Figure 1. Faculty of Dentistry ground floor plan (1972, journal of architecture, Issue 102, visualized by the author) In its first construction, the operating room, patient care units and clinical halls in the surgery section were converted into staff rooms in the plan. The other branch of the same surgical department was enlarged by separating the canteen and other staff rooms and an amphitheater was added. 5.CONTEMPORARY STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL CONDITION OF THE BUILDING After the competition opened in 1972, the Faculty of Dentistry and Laboratory Technician School project, the first construction of which was started in 1975, continues its current function under the name "Faculty of Dentistry". The Laboratory and Technician School part named after it has been removed and continues to be used. Although there is no change in its function, unlike the competition project, which is the first design in planning, the use of space varies. In addition, the additional building added for necessity is one of the first additions to the design on the building scale. The building block, which belongs to the first design project above the part where the annex building is located, and which includes the patient entrance, admission and diagnosis polyclinics, as well as the waiting rooms, has not survived. In the existing building, these functions are placed in the plan on the upper level (see 1st floor plan) and are located in the section of the first construction project reserved for education and social facilities. In addition, a passage corridor connecting the two blocks with staff rooms on the ground floor was added to the building later. 6.CHANGES AND TRANSFORMATIONS OCCURING IN THE FACULTY OF DENTISTRY Structural and spatial transformations that have occurred in the Faculty of Dentistry over the years have been revealed by analyzing the plans. The determination of these changes and transformations, the additions (insufficient spaces) needed for the faculty from the past to the present, the spatial additions needed due to the increase in the number of scientific studies and students, the additions of the windbreakers made to keep up with the winter conditions, the addition of the cafeteria to meet the social needs on site. added additions. In this way, the necessary changes over the years and the spatial transformations that emerged as a result of the needs were determined. 16. UBAK, 11 - 12 March 2023, Ankara 6.1.Spatial Transformations While the spatial functions of the building were clearly defined with mass separations (educational and social facilities are a block, a dean's office, a patient entrance and reception block and the surgery department clinics and operating rooms connected to it), today the additions made in different periods or subtractions are also prominent. Although there are no clear mass differences in these changes, it has been observed that the function transitions between the spaces are very sharp at some points. A clear boundary and transition cannot be drawn for functions. Figure 2. Faculty of Dentistry main building ground floor plan, 2021, current plan (visualized by the author) In today's main building ground floor plan in Figure 2, academic and administrative staff rooms, which were located in the surgical department mass in the previous planning, are scattered over different masses. In the faculty, which has different masses and transitions, it is observed that personnel rooms suitable for the units located in different branches of the mass are placed in those parts. While the floor halls continue to exist, a transition corridor has been created between the main building, which houses the laboratory, x-ray, tomography and some staff rooms, and the other building, which also includes other staff rooms and auxiliary units such as canteen, lecture hall, photocopy room, archive (Figure 2 Part 1). The corridor, which is considered as a single floor, provides the connection between the two buildings and strengthens the relationship between the defined functions (Picture 4). Picture 4. Passage corridor connecting the main building of the Faculty of Dentistry and the building containing the auxiliary units (personal archive, 2021) 16. UBAK, 11 - 12 March 2023, Ankara Men's and women's toilets have been added to the parts indicated with number 2 in Figure 2, to the east and west of the mass where the auxiliary units are located. To the parts between the toilets and the mass, two windbreaks were added to the floor hall on both sides of the mass (Picture 5). Picture 5. Two-sided windshield addition to the floor hall of the faculty of dentistry (personal archive, 2021) The marked part 3, which is indicated on the ground floor plan of the main building in Figure 2, is one of the additional constructions, which is connected to the floor hall of the main mass with a corridor and contains the meeting room and laboratories. The 'L' shaped mass (Picture 6) continues over three floors. The mass used as a laboratory on the first floor is used as a student and lecturer cafeteria on the second floor. It was observed that the dining hall was not included in the initial construction planning. In this sense, when compared with the past planning, the spatial transformation arising after the need for a cafeteria is also revealed. Picture 6. The laboratory mass in the form of 'L' added to the right part of the first construction project of the Faculty of Dentistry (Figure 2, the part marked with number 1) 16. UBAK, 11 - 12 March 2023, Ankara The classrooms of the faculty are located on the first floor and there are only five classrooms here (Figure 3 Part 1). Later, one of these classrooms was converted into a library. The reason why the number of classrooms is so low when compared to other faculties based on the number and density of students can be explained as the use of laboratories is less than the use of normal classrooms due to the fact that the applied courses are more intense. These classrooms are generally used for theoretical lessons. The corridor leading out of the classrooms opens into a gallery space that overlooks the floor hall leading to the staff rooms on the ground floor. In this way, functional relations established horizontally on the ground floor and vertical relations on the first floor were desired. Picture 7. The classrooms of the Faculty of Dentistry and the gallery space overlooking the ground floor (personal archive, 2021) After the classrooms section indicated with number 1 in Figure 3, this block does not go to the upper floor. The other block continues one more floor. In the other block, on the first floor (see Figure 3), there are three separate blocks and cascading transitions between the blocks. In each of these masses, there are clinics with different capacities, such as laboratory clinic, lectern clinic and general clinic (Figure 3 For part 2 and images, see Figure 8). Figure 3. Faculty of Dentistry main building first floor plan, 2021, current plan (visualized by the author) 16. UBAK, 11 - 12 March 2023, Ankara On the second-floor plan of the main building, only the clinic and the laboratories continue (Figure 4). The clinics on the first floor have maintained their continuity on the upper floor as well. However, the clinics on this floor are differentiated as orthodontic clinic, surgical assistant clinic, student clinic and technician clinic (Figure 4 Part 1). The laboratory units formed by the 'L' shaped structure on the lower floors are transformed into student and teaching staff dining halls on the second floor (Figure 4 For part 2 and interior visuals, see Figure 9). There are also seven-room dormitory units on this floor. As on the other floors, the staff rooms do not have a clear space limit on this floor, and they are located in places that are considered necessary among other spaces. Picture 8. The status of the clinics in the first-floor plan of the main building of the Faculty of Dentistry Figure 4. Faculty of Dentistry main building second floor plan, 2021, current plan (visualized by the author) 16. UBAK, 11 - 12 March 2023, Ankara Picture 9. Faculty of Dentistry cafeteria turnstile section and food distribution area, 2016 Picture 10. Faculty of Dentistry inpatient units, operating room and orthodontic clinic 6.2.Structural Transformations The annex building, which was built in the western part of the building in 1999, maintains its existence today, despite the spatial changes. In addition, unlike the first construction of the building, a laboratory addition was made to the eastern part (the parts indicated with number 1 in Figure 5) (For the visual, see Figure 6). In the same way, the changes made both structurally and spatially from the first construction to the present are observed in the section numbered 2. Figure 5. Structural changes from the first construction of the Faculty of Dentistry to the present (periodical supplements were added by the author on the 1972 competition model and visualized.) 16. UBAK, 11 - 12 March 2023, Ankara The block located on the upper part of the annex building was demolished before the construction of the annex (it is not known exactly in what year). The blue colored blocks in Figure 5 show the mass positioning in the first construction of the faculty. The cream-colored parts on it clearly reveal the structural changes that have occurred since its first construction. In 1999, an additional building was built on the axis of the collapsed mass. The present location of this building is also marked on the site plan (Figure 5). 7.CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION Standardization in architecture can be defined as the understanding of construction that incorporates minimum architectural standards and is built in a way that can appeal to any user in any location by breaking the Especially after the industrial revolution, as a result of the increase in mass production and mass consumption, the building productions in the architectural world started to change in this direction. The construction of structures that are disconnected from their context, the product and repetition of a series, has increased. When we evaluate this concept of standardization through the Faculty of Dentistry, whose spatial and structural differences we consider periodically; In the structural transformations, the first construction planning was not followed, even if the planning was not followed, due to the relations of the spaces with each other and the different architectural language of the structural integrity, different periodic additions began to form disconnected and monotonous spaces, Non-integrated, unrelated spaces occur as a result of spatial transformations by including partial applications without considering all spaces, Considering the demolished structure, the reconstruction of a similar block with almost the same square meter on the same axis, a few meters away from the demolished structure, causes both new economic expenditures and the formation of standard spaces that are spatially incompatible with the old, The relations between the spaces are broken by additions, subtractions and spatial changes, disrupting the integrity within itself and leading to standardization by causing the building to lose its originality, results have been reached. While the monotony, loss of originality and reproduction of spaces lead to standardization, changes in architecture or social structure also cause mutual alienation in architecture and society. In this sense, the changes that occur in the spaces and the periodical differentiations that occur in the architectural structures in general lead to the differentiation of the society and the alienation process from the spaces and architecture. As a result, it prepares the environment for the monotony of living spaces, the emergence of living spaces detached from function, and the making of regulations contrary to human behavior and ergonomics. While it can be interpreted that the old construction building, which is used as a laboratory mass today, is consistent with other buildings in terms of floor height and facade approach, it is observed that the additional building built in 1999 has been standardized both in terms of floor height and facade approach and tries to keep up with the period. The floor height, which can be claimed to have arisen out of necessity, disrupts the consistency within itself and alienates other buildings when other buildings are considered as a whole building block. In this sense, all kinds of additions, changes and transformations to be made by considering the original construction conditions in their own context while the spaces are being designed will make the spaces and the society related and harmonious within themselves. Any interventions other than this will disrupt the structural, spatial and functional functioning, standardize the society and structures, and alienate spaces and society from each other. 16. UBAK, 11 - 12 March 2023, Ankara REFERENCES 25, verindeki Evrimi. (11-12), 12- BATUR, A. (1984). CEZAR, M. (1991). DEYAN, S. (2006). Competitions for Public Projects. Princeton University. Planlama, 1(26), 20-31. (102), 31-36, Art Sanat(10), 168-195. 1930 - 1(2), 177-210. - Archives obtained from this archive). version of architectural plans has been Official Archive of the Faculty of Dentistry Dean's Office (Changes in visuals and building plans were determined based on these data).