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"Is the Rasa experience blissful?":A critique on the theory of Rasa

1. Almost all the Rasa theorists, right from Bharata, hold the view that Rasa experience is blissful. However, there is a school which holds that Rasa is not blissful. Paṇḍitarāja Jagannātha cites this view held by a school, which he refers to as “Navya-s”. Bhagavadbhaktirasāyna also cites this view. • According to Madhusūdana Sarasvati, there are two views. Some hold that Rasa itself is blissful by nature. Others hold that it is not blissful. It produces the very next moment. • It is not known whether Jagannatha and Madhusūdana Sarasvati knew each other. Again, it is to be probed whether either of them got the idea from the other, or both draw from a common source.

“Is the Rasa experience blissful?”:A critique on the theory of Rasa N. K. Sundareswaran 1. Almost all the Rasa theorists, right from Bharata, hold the view that Rasa experience is blissful. • कः पदार्थः ? रस्यते आस्वाद्यते इतत रसः। • सौन्दयथबलाद्रसनीयत्वेनान्यानुमीयमानतवलक्षणः – श्रीशङ्कुकः। • परब्रह्मास्वादसतवधेन भोगेन परं भुज्यते – भट्टनायकः • अस्मन्मते तु संवेदनमेव आनन्दघनमास्वाद्यते तत्र का दःखशङ्का के वलं तस्यैव चित्रताकरणे रततशोकाददवासनाव्यापारस्तदद्बोधने िातभनयाददव्यापारः। (अ. भा.) • आनन्दसारता सवथरसानाम् । (अ. भा.) • तत्र सवेमी सुखप्रधानाः । स्वसंतवच्चवथणरूपस्यैकघनस्य रथकाशस्यानन्दसारत्वात् ........ आनन्दरूपता सवथरसानाम्। • काव्यानुमानं लौदककाचिद्यते। िमत्करकाररत्वात्। तेन प्रयोजनेन ध्वतनत्वोपिारः - मदिमभट्टः 2. There is a school which holds that Rasa is not blissful • Paṇḍitarāja Jagannātha cites this view held by a school, which he refers to as “Navya-s”. • According to this school, Rasa in itself is not blissful. It causes bliss in the next moment. This is their view on Rasa: “the illusory character, Rama etc. is superimposed on the spectator. And in such a spectator, the emotive state such as “rati” are produced. This again, is illusory. And this is Rasa. It produces supramundane bliss in the next moment. • This is the text of Jagannatha: • काव्ये नाट्ये ि कतवना नटेन ि प्रकाचशतेषु तवभावाददषु व्यञ्जनाव्यापारेण दष्यन्तादौ शकुन्तलाददरतौ गृिीतायामनन्तरं ि सहृदयतोल्लाचसतस्य भावनातवशेषरूपस्य दोषस्य मदिम्ना कल्पपतदष्यन्तत्वावच्छाददते 1 स्वात्मतन अज्ञानावच्च्छन्ने शचु िकाशकल इव रजतखण्डः समुत्पद्यमानोतनवथिनीयः साचक्षभास्यशकुन्तलाददतवषयकरत्याददरेव रसः। • अयञ्च कायो दोषतवशेषस्य। नाश्यश्च तन्नाशस्य। • स्वोत्तरभातवना लोकोत्तराह्लादेन भेदाग्रिात्सुखपदव्यपदेश्यो भवतत। स्वपूवोपच्स्र्तेन रत्याददना तदग्रिात् तद्रततत्वेनाध्यवसानाद्वा व्यङ्ग्यो वणथनीयश्चोच्यते। 3. Bhagavadbhaktirasāyna also cite this view. • According to Madhusūdana Sarasvati, there are two views. Some hold that Rasa itself is blissful by nature. Others hold that it is not blissful. However it produces (by the function of vyanjanā) bliss in the very next moment. • Both hold that Rasa is a cognition, which is predominantly sātvika, and in which all the four - viz, Vibhāva-s, anubhāva-s, vyabhicāribhāva-s and the sthāyibhāva – are the objects of equal importance. • भावतत्रतयसंसृष्टस्र्ातयभावावगादिनी। समूिालम्बनात्मैका जायते साच्त्वकी मततः।। 3. 12 • साऽनन्तरक्षणेऽवश्यं व्यनचि सुखमुत्तमम्। तद्रसः, के चिदािायाथस्तामेव तु रसं तवदः।। 3. 13 4. Madhusūdana Sarasvati differs widely in seminal concepts on the theory of rasa To cite one major point: • There are two sets of sthāyin-s. One is those of the characters (laukika). The other is located in the connoisseur (alaukika). • The laukika sthāyin-s, like any other worldly mental state, produce pain or pleasure (in the spectator), according to its nature. • But the alaukika sthāyin-s cause bliss alone. 2 • Hence the riddle, how tragic poems/dramas elicit pleasure in the spectator, does not arise at all. 5. Further research needed • The sources from which Madhusūdana Sarasvati has had drawn for formulating these concepts are to be studied further. • It is not known whether Jagannatha and Madhusūdana Sarasvati know each other. Again, it is to be probed whether either of them got the idea from the other, or both draw from a common source. _____________ 3