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Risco para infecção de sítio cirúrgico em pacientes submetidos a cirurgias ortopédicas

View metadata, citation and similar papers at brought to you by CORE provided by Cadernos Espinosanos (E-Journal) Original Article Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2011 Nov.-Dec.;19(6):1362-8 Risk of surgical site infection in patients undergoing orthopedic surgery Flávia Falci Ercole1 Lúcia Maciel Castro Franco2 Tamara Gonçalves Rezende Macieira3 Luísa Cristina Crespo Wenceslau3 Helena Isabel Nascimento de Resende3 Tânia Couto Machado Chianca4 This study aimed to identify risk factors associated with surgical site infections in orthopedic surgical patients at a public hospital in Minas Gerais, Brazil, between 2005 and 2007. A historical cohort of 3,543 patients submitted to orthopedic surgical procedures. A descriptive analysis was conducted and surgical site infection incidence rates were estimated. To verify the association between infection and risk factors, the Chi-square Test was used. The strength of association of the event with the independent variables was estimated using Relative Risk, with a 95% confidence interval and p<0.05. The incidence of surgical site infection was 1.8%. Potential surgical wound contamination, clinical conditions, time and type of surgical procedure were statistically associated with infection. Identifying the association between surgical site infection and these risk factors is important and contributes to nurses’ clinical practice. Descriptors: Surgical Wound Infection; Risk Factors; Nursing; Orthopedics. 1 RN, Ph.D. in Sciences, Adjunct Professor, Escola de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. E-mail: 2 RN, Master’s Student in Nursing, Escola de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. Hospital Governador 3 Undergraduate students in Nursing, Escola de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. E-mail: Tamara 4 RN, Ph.D. in Nursing, Associate Professor, Escola de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. E-mail: Israel Pinheiro, Instituto de Previdência dos Servidores de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. E-mail: –, Luísa -, Helena – Corresponding Author: Flávia Falci Ercole Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Escola de Enfermagem Av. Prof. Alfredo Balena, 190, Sala 220 Bairro: Santa Efigênia CEP: 30130-100, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil E-mail: 1363 Risco para infecção de sítio cirúrgico em pacientes submetidos a cirurgias ortopédicas Objetivou-se, neste estudo, identificar fatores de risco associados às infecções de sítio cirúrgico, em pacientes cirúrgicos ortopédicos, de um hospital público de Minas Gerais, Brasil, entre 2005 e 2007. Como método usou-se coorte histórica em 3.543 pacientes submetidos a cirurgias ortopédicas. Análise descritiva e taxa de incidência de infecção foram estimadas. Para verificar a associação entre a infecção e os fatores de risco usouse o teste qui-quadrado. A força da associação do evento com as variáveis independentes foi estimada pelo risco relativo, intervalo de confiança de 95% e p<0,05. A incidência de infecção de sítio cirúrgico foi de 1,8%. Potencial de contaminação da ferida cirúrgica, condições clínicas do paciente, tempo cirúrgico e tipo de procedimento ortopédico foram estatisticamente associados à infecção. A identificação de associação de infecção de sítio cirúrgico aos fatores de risco mencionados é importante e contribui para a prática clínica do enfermeiro. Descritores: Infecção da Ferida Operatória; Fatores de Risco; Enfermagem; Ortopedia. Riesgo para infección de sitio quirúrgico en pacientes sometidos a cirugías ortopédicas Estudio para identificar factores de riesgo asociados a infecciones de sitio quirúrgico en pacientes quirúrgicos ortopédicos de un hospital público de Minas Gerais, Brasil, entre 2005 y 2007. Cohorte histórica de 3.543 pacientes sometidos a cirugías ortopédicas. Un análisis descriptivo fue realizado y la tasa de incidencia de infección fue estimada. Para verificar la asociación entre la infección y los factores de riesgo se usó el test chicuadrado. La fuerza de la asociación del evento con las variables independientes fue estimada por el Riesgo Relativo, con un intervalo de confianza de 95% y p <0,05. La incidencia de infección de sitio quirúrgico fue 1,8%. Fueron estadísticamente asociados a la infección el potencial de contaminación de la herida quirúrgica, las condiciones clínicas del paciente, el tiempo quirúrgico y el tipo de procedimiento ortopédico. La identificación de asociación de infección de sitio quirúrgico con los factores de riesgo mencionados es importante y contribuye para la práctica clínica del enfermero. Descriptores: Infección de Herida Operatoria; Factores de Riesgo; Enfermería; Ortopedia. Introduction are considered severe. During these surgeries, in general, considered severe complications and represent a serious Healthcare-associated infections (HAI) implantation materials are used, which increases the threat to hospitalized patients’ safety . They increase risk of infection, a complication that can bring about the morbidity-mortality rates, hospitalization costs due to loss of the operated limb and even death(3,6). In Brazil, the extended hospital stay and spending on diagnostic SSI ranks third among all healthcare infections and is and therapeutic procedures, besides neglecting patient’s responsible for 14% to 16% of infections in hospitalized distancing from their work and family patients, with an 11% incidence rate(7). Some Brazilian (1-2) . (3-4) Among the main HAI sites, surgical site infection studies evidenced orthopedic SSI rates ranging between (SSI) can derive from a surgical act. It is defined as 1.4 and 40.3%(8-9). any infection involving tissue, the incised organ and Extrinsic and intrinsic risk factors associated the cavity manipulated during a surgical procedure . with orthopedic infection include the patient’s clinical Among SSIs, those related to orthopedic procedures are conditions, prolonged preoperative hospitalization time, (5) 1364 Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2011 Nov.-Dec.;19(6):1362-8. surgery length, skin preparation, surgeon and team’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC- hand degerming technique, environmental conditions Atlanta) National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance of operating room, number of people inside the room, System-NNISS, surgeon’s technique and skills, use of implants, among discharge happen on different calendar days, with a sole others(8-12). operating room entry and where the surgeon made at To control surgical infections and as patients whose admission and establish least one skin or mucous membrane incision, including prevention measures, infection risk factors need to be laparoscopic methods, besides closing the incision identified, which are normally related with the host, before the patient leaves the operating room(5). microorganism, environment and type of implanted Surgical site infection was analyzed in orthopedic material. Knowing these factors is important for nursing surgical procedures, as well as their possible risk factors. action planning and practice, such as environmental SSI categorization was based on the absence and control, presence of infection, and can be superficial incisional, bathing, perioperative infection control, medication control and incision site care(2,8,11,13). deep incisional and organ space(5). Risk factors for More solid evidence-based research is required to SSI were considered as independent variables, i.e. identify risk factors related to surgical site infection, as those variables whose presence is associated with a these can directly influence nursing practice, considering greater probability than an infection will develop(5,11): that a surgical wound increased infection risks due to gender; NNIS Surgical Infection Risk Index (scores 0, the ruptured skin barrier, handling of organs and spaces 1, 2 and 3); surgical wound contamination potential and presence of implantable devices. Preventing the (clean, potentially contaminated, contaminated and problem based on the monitoring of risk factors and infected); general anesthesia (no and yes); patients’ putting in practice actions to minimize SSI should be preoperative clinical conditions, analyzed using ASA taken into account. I,II,III,IV and V, the criterion proposed by the American In view of the above, and considering that nurses Society of Anesthesiologists(5,13,15); emergency (no identify most situations representing SSI risks, this study and yes); orthopedic implant (no and yes); type of is justified by its repercussion for nurses’ clinical practice surgical procedure (AMP=amputation; FUS=fusion and and its possible contribution to the future proposal of arthrodesis; FX=open fracture reduction; OMS=other a new nursing diagnosis to NANDA International(14), musculoskeletal system procedures; nervous appropriate system procedures; PROS-Q=hip prosthesis; Other for those situations that demand its prevention, specifically among surgical patients. Aims General: To identify the risk factors associated with SSI in orthopedic surgical patients at a large general public hospital in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, between 2005 and 2007, based on the determination of infection rates. Specific: To estimate the global incidence level of SSI for the study period; to identify, among the variables the Hospital Control Service regularly collects, those variables that represent risk factors for SSI in orthopedic patients. prosthesis like elbow and shoulder); surgery length (<120 and >120 min) and preoperative hospitalization time (<04 days and >04 days)(11,13). To describe and characterize the orthopedic surgery patients, descriptive analysis with simple frequency distribution, central trend measures (mean and median) and variability measures like standard deviation (SD) and quartiles were used. A global SSI incidence level was estimated. Univariate analysis was applied to check the association between SSI and risk factors, using Mantel–Haenszel’s (c2) Chi-square with Yates’ correction, Fisher’s exact test and the Chi-square test for Trend. The strength of the event’s association with the independent variables was estimated through the Relative Risk (RR), Methods with a 95% confidence interval and p<0.05(16). It should be highlighted that, at the study hospital, This is a historical cohort of 3,543 patients submitted to orthopedic surgical procedures, registered no monitoring for SSI takes place after hospital discharge. in a HRI database of a large general public hospital in Belo Approval for the study was obtained from the Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, between January/2005 institution and the Institutional Review Board of the and December/2007. The surgical patients included in Instituto de Previdência dos Servidores do Estado de the study complied with the criteria established in the Minas Gerais (IPSEMG), protocol 384/2010. 1365 Ercole FF, Franco LMC, Macieira TGR, Wenceslau LCC, Resende HIN, Chianca TCM. infections were detected, 41 (65%) of which occurred Results between the 1st and 69th postoperative day and 22 Characterization of study subjects’ socio- demographic and clinical variables diagnosed until the 21st day after the surgery. Thus, the Among the 3,543 patients submitted to orthopedic surgical procedures, the mean age, preoperative hospitalization time and surgery length corresponded to 54 years (SD=19.8), three days (SD=9) and 80.5 minutes (SD=41.9), respectively. (35%) after 90 days. Out of 63 SSI, 31 (49%) were The mean time interval between the surgery data and infection event was 95.8 days (SD=115). global infection incidence level corresponded to 1.8% for the study period. The most frequent infections were deep surgical site infections (43%) and osteomyelitis (33%), totaling 76% of infections. Among all notified SSIs, 55.6% involved surgical procedures with orthopedic implants. Risk factors for SSI in orthopedic patients The orthopedic surgical procedures involved 57.7% of female patients. Among all procedures performed, Some patient and surgical act characteristics can in 28.6%, general anesthesia was used. Emergency influence the risk of developing SSI(2,8-11). In this study, surgeries were responsible for 0.4% of cases, and a statistically significant association was found between implants were placed in 41% of procedures. The the SSI and some variables (Table 1): surgery length orthopedic surgeries were ranked as clean wounds (p=0.01); the contamination potential of the surgical in 91%, with a 4.6 times smaller risk of infection wound with p=0.03 (3.6% of SSIs involved surgeries development when compared with other classifications. classified as potentially contaminated, contaminated It was observed that 52.7% of patients were classified and infected); the patient’s clinical condition – ASA, as ASA II, with a moderate systematic disease. Most with <0.00 (SSI risk tended to increase with the patients (79%) were classified under score zero (absence patient’s clinical severity); the emergency nature of of risk factor for infection) of the NNIS Surgical Infection the surgery (p=0.03) and the presence of orthopedic Risk Index, followed by score one (18.8%). implants (p=0.02). No statistically significant difference was found between the SSI and gender (p=0.07); Incidence of surgical site infection NNIS risk index (p=0.18); age (p=0.1); preoperative In the group of 3,543 patients submitted to orthopedic surgical procedures, 63 surgical site hospitalization time (p=0.3) and general anesthesia use (RR=1.00; 95% CI=1.01-1.03; p=0.00). Table 1 – Univariate analysis of surgical site infection and independent variables - Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, 2005 - 2007 SSI Variable Yes (n=63) No (n=3480) n % n % Female 29 46.0 2017 57.9 Male 34 53.9 1463 42.0 Score 0 39 70.9 2710 79.1 Grouped score (1, 2 and 3) 16 29.0 713 20.8 Clean 52 82.5 3174 91.2 Others (PC, C, I)† 11 17.5 306 8.7 No 33 52.3 2495 71.6 Yes 30 47.6 985 28.3 ASA I 11 17.5 1293 37.1 Grouped ASA (II, III , IV and V) 52 82.5 2187 62.8 No 61 96.8 3467 99.6 Yes 2 3.2 13 0.4 RR [95% CI] p-value Gender 1.0 [1.0-1.02] p=0.07 0.60 [0.36-1.15] p=0.18 0.46 [0.24-0.88] p=0.03 1.00 [1.01-1.03] p=0.00 0.36 [0.19-0.69] p=0.00 1.13 [0.93-1.38] p=0.03 Surgical Site Infection Risk Index* Surgical wound contamination potential General anesthesia Patient’s clinical conditions (ASA) Emergency (continue...) 1366 Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2011 Nov.-Dec.;19(6):1362-8. Table 1 – (continuation) SSI Variable Yes (n=63) No (n=3480) n % n % No 28 44 2092 60.1 Yes 35 56 1416 40.6 AMP 2 3.2 23 FUS 3 4.7 81 FX 9 14.3 OMS 29 46 RR [95% CI] p-value Orthopedic implant 1.01 [1.0-1.02] p=0.02 0.6 4.61 [1.19-17.8] p=0.07 2.3 2.06 [0.66-6.43] p=0.19 662 19.0 0.71 [0.35-1.44] p=0.43 2072 59.5 0.58 [0.36-0.95] p=0.04 Surgical procedure type ONS 3 4.7 156 4.5 1.06 [0.34-3.36] p=0.54 PROS-Q 14 22.2 289 8.3 3.06 [1.71-5.47] p=0.00 Other prostheses (elbow and shoulder) 3 4.7 197 5.7 0.84 [0.26-2.64] p=0.52 < 120 50 79.4 3069 88.2 0.52 [0.29-0.95] p=0.01 > 120 13 20.6 411 11.8 < 04 days 47 74.6 1755 50.4 0.71 [0.41-1.25] p=0.30 > 04 days 16 25.4 725 20.8 Surgery length (min) Preoperative hospitalization time (days) *n= 55/3423 † potentially contaminated, contaminated, infected by the fact that, in more than 40% of the procedures Discussion performed, prostheses were implanted, when infections In this study, the incidence rate of orthopedic SSI can appear in a late phase, after the patient’s discharge was low (1.8%). This infection rate is inferior to the from hospital. Although the CDC recommends surgical parameters found in some studies about orthopedic patient monitoring for up to 30 days(5,13), some authors . A study involving describe in their research that most surgical site orthopedic surgery patient information registered in a infections appear within 21 postoperative days, but can database found a rate under 1.5%, suggesting data take up to one year in case of implants(17-18). SSI, ranging from 5.7 to 22.7% (6,10,12) under-notification . (8) The most frequent infections were deep surgical The mean age of the orthopedic surgery patients was 54 years. Other studies involved younger site infection (46%) and osteomyelitis (33%), totaling populations, with mean ages of 33 to 35 years(8-9). The 79%. Superficial incisional infections contributed were patient’s mean length of preoperative stay was three responsible for 21%. Studies describe that superficial days and the maximum 361 days. The preoperative incisional infection is the most common surgical site length of stay did not reveal any association with the infection(4,12,17-18). In this study, deep infections were SSI. According to some authors, the preoperative more frequent. stay is frequently associated with increased SSI(12-13). It should be highlighted that infection notifications Minimizing the hospitalization period before the surgery were based on an intra-hospital search. At the study seems to be an important prevention measure, as long hospital, no control of patients discharged after surgery hospitalization periods enhance skin colonization by exists yet. The fact is that patients with severe infections hospital microbiota(13). Patients who are ill and suffer tend to be readmitted for a new treatment. The large from comorbidities should be previously treated, before majority of superficial infections are normally treated in the surgical procedure(3,11,13). the outpatient context and the surgeon does not notify Surgery length is directly connected with SSI them. Thus, the epidemiological surveillance service at events. Surgery length of more than 120 minutes is the institution does not consider them in its calculations, a risk factor for infection(6,19-20). Longer surgery length which can entail under-notification of this event. means increased tissue exposure time and team Fifty-one percent (32) of the infections were notified after the 21st postoperative day. This may be explained fatigue, enhancing technical errors and decreasing the organism’s systemic defenses(13). 1367 Ercole FF, Franco LMC, Macieira TGR, Wenceslau LCC, Resende HIN, Chianca TCM. In this study, patients classified as ASA II were predominant. A study involving SSI in (p=0.10) and preoperative hospitalization time (p=0.30). patients The variables length of surgery, preoperative clinical submitted to hip surgery also found the same patient conditions of patient assessed using ASA>2, type of percentage classified as ASA II . Patients with systemic surgical procedure OMS (p=0.04) and PROS-Q (p=0.00), diseases show a higher incidence rate of SSI, showing surgical wound contamination potential (contaminated a direct relation between clinical severity and infection and infected surgeries) showed to be associated with events(4,9-10,12). It can be inferred that healthy patients SSI. In a study of orthopedic infections, the type are at lesser risk of evolving to an SSI in comparison of surgical procedure variable showed no statistical with patients suffering from some kind of disease(12). It is association with SSI(8). Studies have demonstrated known that weakening chronic conditions can represent disagreement as to the association between these risk risk factors for surgical wound infections, due to the factors and SSI development(4,6,8-10,12). host’s low resistance level (12) As mentioned, this research identified four SSI . (13) Most orthopedic surgeries were classified as clean risk factors related with SSI development, which nurses surgeries (91%), in line with studies that identified should know about in advance with a view to infection clean orthopedic surgery percentages ranging between monitoring and the establishment of early prevention 82.3% and 99%(10,20). A prospective study of orthopedic measures. Nurses should also take into account other surgeries increases risk factors identified in literature for infection prevention proportionately to the wound contamination degree(8). in orthopedic surgeries, such as the use of implantation A Serbian study of orthopedic surgeries found an SSI material and the length of preoperative hospitalization. found that the infection risk incidence rate of 13.5% in patients whose surgery was In turn, it is considered that the identification of SSI classified as clean, increasing by 70% when the surgery risk factors can support the proposal of a new nursing was classified as infected(10). diagnosis for clinical nursing practice in the surgical In this study, in turn, no statistically significant area, which covers patients’ extrinsic and intrinsic association was found between general anesthesia use vulnerability to infections by pathogenic microorganisms in patients submitted to orthopedic surgery and SSI, in in surgical sites. line with another Brazilian study(8). It was identified that most surgical procedures Conclusions were elective, without any association between this variable and the infection. Other authors support this The SSI incidence rate was 1.8%, below the rate finding, defining that emergency surgeries do not seem considered acceptable and described in literature. This to constitute a risk factor for SSI(8,10). A study about data might indicate under-notification of the event infection shows that SSI incidence levels seem to be under analysis. The most frequent infections were deep higher after emergency surgeries due to the severity surgical site infection and osteomyelitis. of surgical patients, greater difficulty involving the Surgical wound contamination potential, patient’s surgical technique and lack of preoperative patient clinical conditions (ASA), type of surgical procedure and preparation surgery length were variables statistically associated The . (13) use of orthopedic implants showed no with SSI and behaved as risk factors. association with the SSI. This finding differs from a Nurses’ knowledge on surgical site infection is Brazilian study involving orthopedic surgeries(8). The fundamental to monitor and put in practice pre, peri presence of an implant is acknowledged for its ability and postoperative nursing care for surgical patients and to enhance an infection and develop immune system can influence clinical practice, as nursing care should resistance to microbial agents. Also, the type of material be planned for infection control purposes. It can be used to make the prosthesis and its design can determine affirmed that infection rates associated with care are the bacterial colonization of its surfaces important patient care quality assessment parameters. . 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